Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

I find it remarkable that people would rather give up and accept a massive social problem as a fact of life without even making an effort. Like it's okay to be unsuccessful, as long as the greater good is the motivation. An effort should be made though.
You pay for a class once a year run by non existent instructors or what? They take your guns?

And I'm the one who hasn't thought this out?

Man for 20 years the laws have been gettin more strict and it's been happening more. Can we agree upon that at least?
You pay for a class once a year run by non existent instructors or what? They take your guns?

And I'm the one who hasn't thought this out?

Man for 20 years the laws have been gettin more strict and it's been happening more. Can we agree upon that at least?

What are some solutions you've come up with?

The shooter purchased his rifle from Big Mike's Guns and Ammo in Fallon, Nevada, the business said on Facebook.

"I did not know this individual. He ordered the rifle off my internet page. When I did see him, he was acting happy and showed no reasons for concern. I would never ever sell any firearm to anyone who acted wrong or looks associated with any bad group like white power," the post said.

:stoneface: :stoneface: you just did and nothing gave you pause because “he was acting happy”

I’m very much for regulation/restriction but sadly none of that helps with people like this idiot selling them and the monsters handling them.
You pay for a class once a year run by non existent instructors or what? They take your guns?

And I'm the one who hasn't thought this out?

Man for 20 years the laws have been gettin more strict and it's been happening more. Can we agree upon that at least?

The instructors are typically LEO, they aren’t non existent. My concealment class was booked through the local courthouse and a state LEO was the instructor.

Take the class or lose your ability to possess. And yes I believe licensing should be mandatory for possession.

I do agree with your last point though and I understand that this is a very complex issue in the United States. I just hope level headed people prevail in this somehow. Extremism on both ends of the spectrum are scary realities.
The logic I can’t understand is: If you can’t stop gun violence 100% then why do anything at all? That won’t work cause it will still happen.

Like why wouldn’t you want to minimize future potential gun violence?

If y’all can’t stop 100% of gun violence y’all don’t want to reduce it 1%? 10%? 50%? 75%? 90%?
You pay for a class once a year run by non existent instructors or what? They take your guns?

And I'm the one who hasn't thought this out?

Man for 20 years the laws have been gettin more strict and it's been happening more. Can we agree upon that at least?

No one has really thought it out. This is a casual conversation on a sneaker forum :lol:

We're not legislators and criminologists with decades of empirical data at arm's reach.

It's pretty much brainstorming.
80% people convicted of weapons crimes are Brown or Black.

51% are Black.

Given the systematic racism embedded within the criminal justice system in this country, how can anyone believe more stringent gun laws won't be weaponized to put more minorities in prison?
80% people convicted of weapons crimes are Brown or Black.

51% are Black.

Given the systematic racism embedded within the criminal justice system in this country, how can anyone believe more stringent gun laws won't be weaponized to put more minorities in prison?

Can you provide an example of an enhanced or common sense gun law that will adversely effect minorities? Particularly law abiding citizens able to legally purchase and carry firearms?
Can you provide an example of an enhanced or common sense gun law that will adversely effect minorities? Particularly law abiding citizens able to legally purchase and carry firearms?

What common law in the American criminal justice system hasn't been selectively enforced in areas where predominately minorities live?

You are statistically more likely find drugs in a white persons car than a Black person car in most major metropolitan areas yet what demographic gets pulled over and charged with most drug crimes from traffic stops?

If you think more stringent gun laws are going to be enforced for all groups in this country the same way then I don't know what to tell you.
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No one has really thought it out. This is a casual conversation on a sneaker forum :lol:

We're not legislators and criminologists with decades of empirical data at arm's reach.

It's pretty much brainstorming.

I dig it. Us advocates are jus sensitive to being preached at lol
What common law in the American criminal justice system hasn't been selectively enforced in areas where predominately minorities live?

Is your determination that because common sense gun laws may adversely impact African Americans, they should not be under consideration? How do you think furthering background checks and licensing processes would effect law abiding black citizens?

Keep in mind I’m aware of the origin of “gun laws” as they relate to American politics and black gun ownership.

These are genuine questions by the way, jewseejay jewseejay I’d like your input too if you’re interested. I like reading the perspectives of other black gun owners specifically.
Please can someone give me a clear concise answer for this?

Why is it so hard for them to place restrictions on assault rifles and high magazine guns (like AK-47s). I get that Americans should all own a gun for protection but there is no reason for anyone to be able to go by an Ak-47. I dont get it.
Is your determination that because common sense gun laws may adversely impact African Americans, they should not be under consideration? How do you think furthering background checks and licensing processes would effect law abiding black citizens?

Keep in mind I’m aware of the origin of “gun laws” as they relate to American politics and black gun ownership.

These are genuine questions by the way, jewseejay jewseejay I’d like your input too if you’re interested. I like reading the perspectives of other black gun owners specifically.

Quoting to come back to this when I can gave it some proper thought. Wife having surgery in the a.m.
Please can someone give me a clear concise answer for this?

Why is it so hard for them to place restrictions on assault rifles and high magazine guns (like AK-47s). I get that Americans should all own a gun for protection but there is no reason for anyone to be able to go by an Ak-47. I dont get it.

I used to want one but isn't even necessary.
Stricter background checks
Age limit changes
Red flag laws

the only plausible thing here is red flag laws. because there always seems to be red flags and everyone ignores em or theyre still allowed to legally purchase. STRICTER background checks would become redundant if red flag laws go into play. however. UNIVERSAL background checks are needed. and i know for a fact theyre not being used properly at this current time. age limit means nothing because the kids shooting up schools are using their parents guns. insurance? they dont do anything to help people in need when theyre innocent, theyre not the answer.
Please can someone give me a clear concise answer for this?

Why is it so hard for them to place restrictions on assault rifles and high magazine guns (like AK-47s). I get that Americans should all own a gun for protection but there is no reason for anyone to be able to go by an Ak-47. I dont get it.

because of capitalism and free market. dude didnt even buy an ak, he bought an ak copy. a clone/variant. take one down, another will pop up. as for high mag capacities.... only a law abiding citizen will heed those rules. people literally download the model for a high cap mag and 3d print it themselves within a couple hours. all they have to go buy is a spring from home depot. california already has ridiculous mag restrictions and every gun owner that i know in cali hates it. but theyre all law abiding so they follow it. the only ones who dont.... are the criminals.

so in short, we're past the point of banning it or stopping it. you could literally cease all sales of high cap mags in the US. you could ban sales of all AKs and ARs in the US. theyll just 3d print em, import the bodies in pieces, or clones will pop up. this needed to be stopped decades ago.

only thing u can do now is fix the mental issues leading to these shootings. white male fragility is at an all time high in the US
insurance? they dont do anything to help people in need when theyre innocent, theyre not the answer.

Why Mandatory Firearm Insurance Could Be a Hugely Powerful Gun Control Play

Just as it is an offense to not have car insurance, the same approach should be applied to the ownership of firearms. And if you don’t have insurance, you can’t buy a gun.

Under such a law, for example, a person with no previous convictions and who only uses his or her firearm to hunt in a controlled environment would pay a low premium. On the other hand, those who have a domestic violence conviction would see premiums skyrocket. Such a law would likely lead to decreased legal gun ownership, thanks to expensive barriers to entry and possibly even coverage denials—especially for the very people in whose hands guns could be most dangerous. If you shoot yourself in a hunting accident, you could claim, and if you shoot another, they or their families could make a claim. Under the current system, the families of children murdered in mass shootings have to try to make claims against schools or local districts, which are largely immune.

Premiums would be lower for those who undergo regular training sessions, attend periodic mental health assessments, or keep only certain categories of firearms. This law would also have the collateral benefit of pitting the insurance lobby against the NRA, with the former working tooth and nail to ensure it wouldn’t be forced into making payments to the families of victims of school shootings.

For example, mental health checks on the purchase of a new weapon are essential, but implementation outside of the major retailers or in the second-hand market might prove problematic. Further, a single check at the outset does not protect against those who already have a gun or later onset and progressive mental illness. Firearms insurance companies would be able to build policies with lower premiums for those willing to undergo regular mental health checks. Also, underwriters would demand enhanced oversight for those who have a history of being prescribed antidepressants and certain drugs, such as Ritalin and Adderall. There are multiple studies indicating that long-term dependency or withdrawal from both drugs can lead to delusions, anxiety, paranoia and agitation, all of which pose underwriting risk.
Please can someone give me a clear concise answer for this?

Why is it so hard for them to place restrictions on assault rifles and high magazine guns (like AK-47s). I get that Americans should all own a gun for protection but there is no reason for anyone to be able to go by an Ak-47. I dont get it.
The corporations that make those guns need people to buy them

Those corporations donate money to lobbiest, republicans, and NRA to keep gun laws loose
because of capitalism and free market. dude didnt even buy an ak, he bought an ak copy. a clone/variant. take one down, another will pop up. as for high mag capacities.... only a law abiding citizen will heed those rules. people literally download the model for a high cap mag and 3d print it themselves within a couple hours. all they have to go buy is a spring from home depot. california already has ridiculous mag restrictions and every gun owner that i know in cali hates it. but theyre all law abiding so they follow it. the only ones who dont.... are the criminals.

so in short, we're past the point of banning it or stopping it. you could literally cease all sales of high cap mags in the US. you could ban sales of all AKs and ARs in the US. theyll just 3d print em, import the bodies in pieces, or clones will pop up. this needed to be stopped decades ago.

only thing u can do now is fix the mental issues leading to these shootings. white male fragility is at an all time high in the US
But you agree SOMETHING has to be done right?

How many shootings are gonna happen before someone does something
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