Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Yall aint wrong..its not hard to get a gun..
Out of the millions of gun owners a few crackpots slip through the pipe line.
Until magneto or thanos comes and snaps it away i dont know what more they could do but wait it out for the next generation to all not want guns.
Gun owners are for sure not just giving up their guns. ESPECIALLY people who have it illegally.
It sucks but its our reality.
And not just these white whackos
Blacks hispanics asians. Everyone who out there killing people. It sucks.
getback i feel like we used to bump heads about gun control but im agreeing on everything u say lately.

also, lol to anyone who thinks gun show loopholes are a joke. and if u befriend a seller? PFFTT forget about it. even the waiting periods are easy to bypass. theyll just backdate it for you. voila. regulation MUST be tightened up. period. and no law-abiding gun owner should (and according to polls the overwhelming majority dont) have an issue with it
regulation MUST be tightened up. period. and no law-abiding gun owner should (and according to polls the overwhelming majority dont) have an issue with it
Yeah I think that's all most of us are saying, especially as someone who's not opposed to gun ownership. I can talk to my ******* lights but some folks are telling me a group of brilliant minds put together can't try and try again till something works.
As a gun owner i dont mind tightening it up.
Its the people who are saying (no one in here has said it recently) abolish guns.
Thats not happening.
Innocents dying is terrible period. It sucks . i dont condone violence in any form. I really dont even like watching fight sports as much any more.
But i believe in defense and being protected at all times

oooooh and here we go. now that he flies off the handle, here come the me toos with stories of their horrible encounters with him thru the years. you telling me you let a child sexually assault you and you chose to not say anything about it cuz ur boss told u not to? whatever, u were an adult when it happened and u shouldve protected YOURSELF like an adult and reported him. if this is true, it means he wasn't even fit for the marines to begin with but as usual his privilege granted him a pass. but i digress, thats an entire different issue by itself

unrelated.... are that boys eyes uneven? tf am i seeing here
Yall aint wrong..its not hard to get a gun..
Out of the millions of gun owners a few crackpots slip through the pipe line.
Until magneto or thanos comes and snaps it away i dont know what more they could do but wait it out for the next generation to all not want guns.
Gun owners are for sure not just giving up their guns. ESPECIALLY people who have it illegally.
It sucks but its our reality.
And not just these white whackos
Blacks hispanics asians. Everyone who out there killing people. It sucks.
Not sure why you even brought race in to your response

But since you did...everyone is not out here killing people like white people are
That wasn’t his statement at all.
his statement was ..
"everyone is not out here killing people like white people are"
by killing people like white people are, are you saying Killing in general ? because that would be false.
if you saying mass shootings, I mean of course not. we're not ignorant to the fact of these domestic terrorist doing mass shootings being from the land of Caucus.
But all races out here killing and thats just a fact. let's not set the narrative, like they the only ones out here killing folks. here today in this world.
don't give me history facts or non of that.. tell me about now and say that isn't the point.
WWI = Dates: Jul 28, 1914 – Nov 11, 1918
WWII= Dates: Sep 1, 1939 – Sep 2, 1945
Iraq/Afghanistan War= 2002 -present. Going on 16 years.
Too long to be in a War frame of mind.
Long, 28, first posted on Instagram at 11:24 p.m: "It's too bad I won't get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it," the military veteran said in the post. "Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought....(exploitive), life is boring so why not?" Long posted, according to ABC News and Buzzfeed.

Three minutes later Long posted, "I hope people call me insane (two smiley face emojiis) would that just be a big ball of irony? Yeah... I'm insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is 'hopes and prayers'...or 'keep you in my thoughts'."

He added, "Every time...and wonder why these keep happening... --(two smiley face emojis)."

Some of the stuff dude was posing on social media
Long, 28, first posted on Instagram at 11:24 p.m: "It's too bad I won't get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it," the military veteran said in the post. "Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought....(exploitive), life is boring so why not?" Long posted, according to ABC News and Buzzfeed.

Three minutes later Long posted, "I hope people call me insane (two smiley face emojiis) would that just be a big ball of irony? Yeah... I'm insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is 'hopes and prayers'...or 'keep you in my thoughts'."

He added, "Every time...and wonder why these keep happening... --(two smiley face emojis)."

Some of the stuff dude was posing on social media

killing people because you're bored. hes so dissociative that he comments on how people keep wondering why mass shootings happen, as hes preparing to do one himself. also, does he have nobody following him on social media? nobody saw him say this? dude is laughing at the fact that the media will paint him as insane knowing damn well hes just bored. dude is a sick individual, and represents exactly what many of us talk about in here. even though its taboo... theres something in the young white males water. no other demographic in this nation is bent on killing the innocent like the young white male. it is what it is.
Long, 28, first posted on Instagram at 11:24 p.m: "It's too bad I won't get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it," the military veteran said in the post. "Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought....(exploitive), life is boring so why not?" Long posted, according to ABC News and Buzzfeed.

Three minutes later Long posted, "I hope people call me insane (two smiley face emojiis) would that just be a big ball of irony? Yeah... I'm insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is 'hopes and prayers'...or 'keep you in my thoughts'."

He added, "Every time...and wonder why these keep happening... --(two smiley face emojis)."

Some of the stuff dude was posing on social media

completely validates:

Sincerely believe detachment from reality via media intake and lack of IRL socialization are driving causes in what's been happening.

add in literally half a billion guns and a general sense of dissatisfaction with society and this is what we will be dealing with.

when people aren't fulfilled within their own lives, why would they care about anyone else's?
completely validates:

add in literally half a billion guns and a general sense of dissatisfaction with society and this is what we will be dealing with.

when people aren't fulfilled within their own lives, why would they care about anyone else's?

Furthermore, considering that there isn't a society on this planet that can 100% fullfill the lives of ALL its members, is it responsible to make it so easy for those unsatisfied souls to ruin other people's lives?
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