Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

i don't even know what to say anymore. kids out here getting shot up at school and trump supporters are out here waving american flags
I agree.. conservatives with their pro gun stance isn't helping especially when the only solutions they have are 'prayers' and the 'this isn't the time to talk about that' bull. However.. mass shootings will never end in America.. I have accepted that. The only solutions are either to End the 2nd Amendment, ban all firearms, abolish the NRA, and use gun laws proven to work in other countries or put a ton more law enforcement with M-16s at these soft target areas. That's where America is heading to in regards to security. Yes more armed security works... officer stopped a shooter yesterday at Dixon High School and today the resource officer was the one that helped stop the shooter from inflicting more carnage.
Problem is a large amount of people in this country are too dumb and motivated by fear to accept either of these solutions
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos just issued a statement on the shooting at Santa Fe High School.

My heart is heavy from watching the horrific events that unfolded at Santa Fe High School today. My prayers are with each student, parent, educator and first responder impacted. Our schools must be safe and nurturing environments for learning. No student should have to experience the trauma suffered by so many today and in similar events prior. We simply cannot allow this trend to continue.
Every day, the Federal Commission on School Safety is working to identify proven ways to prevent violence and keep our students safe at school. Our work remains urgent. Our nation must come together and address the underlying issues that lead to such tragic and senseless loss of life.
This won’t stop happening until white people start being held accountable for their actions and not being labeled a “victim” or “mentally ill” when they do some crazy ****.

I’m legit sick and tired of this ******** fam.

America is sick because we’re addicted to our own poison.
Seen them interview a student and he said the coaches would make of the kid detained and he’d just stay quiet
At this point, they might as well go all in and put glock 17's and colt AR's on the school supply list, and let the kids handle it. Semi serious.

I certainly would not mind seeing individual localities set up some type of volunteer armed guard. Volunteers go through mandated training, gov clearance style background check, and are allowed to to have a long gun and pistol in a designated school. They aren't out and about in the halls with a slung rifle and plates, but are in a central location in case anything pops off. They work with principal/vice principal to arrange scheduling. Volunteers that successfully pass training and are certified as having met their obligation receive some sort of local tax credit/deduction to cover training and equipment costs.
I was wondering how he killed 10 people and injured dozens with shotgun. Didn't make sense. Now I know why.

What the......

Right before summer vacation and this happens. It's disgusting to know that shootings have become a norm in America and these people in power are too coward to address the problem.

It's a plague, man.
Can we just have an Official Mass Shooting thread?
this ish is just way to common now,
and after Trumps speech the other day about having no intention on doing anything about gun control, this is only going to continue to get worse.
I mean we have a damn TV series/Documentary (Active Shooter) about it for christ sake, that alone should tell you how normal this is now a days.
We just have to learn how to get accustomed to this nonsense and deal with it.
He had a semi-auto, so that post is moot. Had it been a shotgun only, less would have been hit.

If you want to kill a bunch of people in a small space a pump action shotgun is the most deadly.

The reason people who know about guns get frustrated is because AR-15s and semi autos are instadeath ray guns.

The only way to stop this for American society to stop throwing pills at mental health.

Shooter is going to be white and previously prescribed an antidepressant.
Definitely desensitized at this point. Keeps happening in red areas so I'm not surprised, and quite frankly don't care, this is there doing.
They keep yelling “what about Chicago” then keep it pushing when their local schools gets shot up
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