Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Pretty much exactly how I pictured him.
Yeah. I could of drew a random dude I thought did it and it would look just like him.

Back to “guns are not the problem”. You think this little man would have the idea and the ability to kill without a gun? Lol, stop
I’m surprised someone like that even watches football. Dude looks like one of those world of Warcraft people who locks themselves away for the weekend
I don't think he actually watches football. looks pretty bummed to be meeting an NFL player. probably pretty emotionally fragile and being next to a big guy with a big $#@& who can talk to girls only made him angrier.

got that "you gave me a large? this jersey is going to look like a dress on me. I can't wear it" look on his face too.
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I see the toxic masculinity connection here


I’m open to being wrong on that and my degree wasn’t in psychology, but it just seems like our entire society builds men up in a way that certain men can’t handle whenever things don’t go their way.

There’s gotta be a reason why 1) all of this violence is via men and 2) why men are acting out in such an extreme fashion over seemingly primitive minute things
I’m surprised someone like that even watches football. Dude looks like one of those world of Warcraft people who locks themselves away for the weekend

Not like football fans have a certain look. I watched madden tournament shows on tv and the players all looked different.
Is it me or does he have the facial structure of someone that does drugs

He could pass for a cast member :lol:
if it ain’t guns

then mentally volatile people gonna use just about anything as a weapon. everyday regular normal things.

books, glass, metal pipes, chairs, sticks, utensils etc.

If they are really that deranged they will make it work to decimate someone to the point of real injury or death.

or they’ll fist fight.
I don’t know all the facts, but how did he get a gun in the venue? He just lost the championship game and pulled out and started bussin at the guy that beat him?
You really made zero point with your argument and ended it with some fear tactics. You should just stay home for the sake of everyone’s safety

Git if you dont like my stance on guns keep it moving why you gotta quote me every time a gun issue comes up?

How about you stay your scary *** in the house its better for your safety streets rough out here. >D

And if yall think guns are the problem than how do you solve the knife issue going on in the UK

So i guess knives are the issue in the UK?
i think grenades are the best deterrent. they're not a great weapon of choice for an attack because you might blow yourself up but they're a great deterrent because, if you're getting shot anyway, may as well blow up the shooter too.

it's like in goldeneye -- you think twice about shooting someone who's holding a proximity mine.

it would make everyone nicer too. you accidentally bump into someone -- you're damn well going to stop and apologize if you think they have a grenade.
i mean you dudes remember that doctor,
an actual MD shooting up the bronx hospital cause he was angry with staff in 2017? dang
serious mental/sentimental issues. even if they did him dirty, no need for violence except if people gotta protect their lives.
i think grenades are the best deterrent. they're not a great weapon of choice for an attack because you might blow yourself up but they're a great deterrent because, if you're getting shot anyway, may as well blow up the shooter too.

it's like in goldeneye -- you think twice about shooting someone who's holding a proximity mine.

it would make everyone nicer too. you accidentally bump into someone -- you're damn well going to stop and apologize if you think they have a grenade.

Are you saying you think everyone should have grenades?
Are you saying you think everyone should have grenades?


it'd be nice to issue bulletproof vests and kevlar helmets to all civilians as well.

i'm not serious. but i think giving everyone grenades would be a better deterrent than giving everyone guns, if arming everyone is our best solution
i think grenades are the best deterrent. they're not a great weapon of choice for an attack because you might blow yourself up but they're a great deterrent because, if you're getting shot anyway, may as well blow up the shooter too.

it's like in goldeneye -- you think twice about shooting someone who's holding a proximity mine.

it would make everyone nicer too. you accidentally bump into someone -- you're damn well going to stop and apologize if you think they have a grenade.

nah man

that situation would be like swat teams trying to not kill a bomb strapped terrorist holding hostages :lol:

it’s dangerous and tense but in theory it woulda made sense. or nah

crazy people prolly dgaf
vests kevlars helmets
and even shields ain’t stopping explosives
maybe bomb suits?

imagine every body carrying rpgs? :lol:
sadly there isn’t a definite answer for this.
we can remove all the items in the world.
it comes down to human nature.
Perhaps. However, Toxic or rather, "hypermasculinity" can be the result of emasculation. "Emasculation" really only exists due to the idea or conception of what it means to be masculine in the first place.

So from that perspective, you could argue that the emasculation you're referring to, the anger bitterness and envy that you alluded to, is a direct correlation to masculinity. You can't be emasculated w/o the idea of masculinity and if your response is to kill everyone when you've been emasculated, then that is directly tied to hypermasculinity.

And I agree that male aggression and violence is at this point innate. But I think we can both agree that something has to be done to tame that aggression down significantly. What that something is? Idk.

Anger, bitterness and envy are human emotions. Trust me I’ve encountered plenty of women who have displayed all 3 :lol:

The waters start to get murky though when you start to attribute all negative aspects of humanity with masculinity and fail to recognise any positives.

Like dude said earlier we are always going to need heroes in society to save us when **** hits the fan. Firemen, Soldiers, Special Forces etc. And **** will always hit the fan. We can’t pacify the entire population and expect obedience and absolute equality. That doesn’t exist in human nature. You might be able to nurture that in a tribe or small community but once the numbers start to rise you will have conflict at some level.

That being said there’s lot of cultures that need to do a better job of raising their men.

There so many factors that go into that though... Parenting, education, physical community, societal pressures, religion, existing cultural. The problem is massive.
White people will never address why a lot of their people are doing these random mass shootings. These awkward, nerdy, "my life is hard" dudes have been doing this forever and part of the reason it continues cuz white society gives it a pass.

I have a hard time to believe that his family or friends didn't see signs.

I hate how people come with the "well I get upset when I lose video games". As if shooting people while playing video games is some common occurrence. And he did it because he cared that much about a game. That's not the reason he brought a gun and shot 10+ people. If it wasn't the video game competition, it would have been a mall, a school, a movie theater.
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