Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

This is so senseless!! 😞😞😞 And look where it happened, Texas. I'm shocked that sniveling little imp Ted Cruz didn't do his customary copy and paste Twitter reply of "Thoughts and Prayers" ********! If he hasn't yet, he will soon. What a POS!

This will NEVER end! We're the only society in the world where this is a constant problem! So sad! 😢😢
This is so senseless!! 😞😞😞 And look where it happened, Texas. I'm shocked that sniveling little imp Ted Cruz didn't do his customary copy and paste Twitter reply of "Thoughts and Prayers" bull****! If he hasn't yet, he will soon. What a POS!

This will NEVER end! We're the only society in the world where this is a constant problem! So sad! 😢😢
I don't even give an F*** anymore. as long as majority of them keep on voting for Abbott and Cruz, this will keep on happening. you reap what you sow. the voters are no different from the MAGA crowd.

This happened near me. If I went out yesterday, I could've been one of them :smh: ...I was actually gonna go grocery shopping but then I put it off...then I hear this.... Crazy
I don't even give an F*** anymore. as long as majority of them keep on voting for Abbott and Cruz, this will keep on happening. you reap what you sow. the voters are no different from the MAGA crowd.

I just feel sorry for the families of the victims. That's why Texas will always be a cesspool of toxic ********. Shows the people running the state doesn't give a rats *** about them. When is the trial of Paxton? I want to see him go down in flames. As he is part of the problem! I thank goodness I never have to go there.
There are actually plenty of countries that are worse... but as far as developed super powers go... yeah there aint no excuse.
There are actually plenty of countries that are worse... but as far as developed super powers go... yeah there aint no excuse.
not sure how many innocent people get massacred/murdered while shopping inside a grocery store, or children/students get murdered inside the schools in Mexico like it's a common day to day occurence, but I believe that even for a first world country is extremely embarrassing regardless of the economic/social/educational/military status of the U.S.

have heard incidents like that in other countries but nothing like the U.S. in terms of frequency and motives or how were they able to pull such a crime.
In america, you can literally get shot anywhere you go. Just driving or walking somewhere, a concert, the movies, school, the mall, at work. This isn’t normal anywhere else in the world.
You forgot your own house.
There are actually plenty of countries that are worse... but as far as developed super powers go... yeah there aint no excuse.
The only countries where causing death means as little as it does in the US are countries at war. Even in poor countries at peace, people don't escalate disputes to the point where one has to die as much as we do here. Overseas, people don't get shot for stepping on their neighbor's grass.
Cartels in Mexico kill innocent people in Mexico all the time... with guns.
of course. no one is contesting that. the point being is that it's not the same as in the U.S. where the criminals are motivated by racism, religious belief, extremism,etc... and these people are "allowed" by the constitution with guns to carry out these massacres. this does not even include the fact that such massacres are now being validated as normal occurences by the GOP and an "act of god". just typing this makes me cringe considering it's true.
deeply saddened. stay safe yall. it makes me think its so common here that when a NT'er stops posting or a friend i lose touch with from one of the old cities i lived in, that maybe they were a victim. i can only hope they are alive and well. america is sick. and its gonna take a lot to correct and heal the situation.
I have so many questions

Kids these days are so ****ing weird. Something needs to change but I literally have no idea what

Remove the option of guns and punish the shh out of gun related stuff

Gun without proper license and insurance, throw the book at em and whoever’s gun it is

But we ain’t that far removed from either you was bout that action or calm the f down

I went to high school stateside, didn’t take long for people to learn I was willing to fight and leaving me alone on dumb sh
Knowing all we know about how this law system works, and the greed that is bred in this country... do ya'll seriously want to start punishing stricter gun laws? Lets say politicians do the unthinkable and pass laws barring guns... do ya'll think an industry that brings in billions upon billions of years isn't gonna promptly become a black market thing?

I hate that we are living in this current climate, but there isn't a reasonable & realistic way to stop this problem now. It has gotten entirely to big in this country
I want what is asked of people to drive cars

License and insurance, standards

I understand that, but all that is going to do is make it harder for people who legitimately want to own guns. That isn't going to solve gun violence from criminals & school shooters, I wish we lived in a utopia where we could just snap our fingers and be completely free of guns, but that isn't reality.

I just very weary of enforcing harsher rules and penalties on those who go about trying to get a gun the right way, without finding a solution to the criminals & lunatics out there getting their hands on it the wrong way.

Like yes the i fully understand the point that they are too accessible in some states, but if your the person sick enough to want to take random lives i have no doubt that they will go to the maximum heights in getting a weapon, even if jail time is an option.... because these people are mentally gone.

I live in NYC where a illegal loaded gun is 5 years automatic, i know for a fact that people will gladly take that risk everyday because they are living a lifestyle that requires them to do so. So if these type of mentalities exist out here, unfortunately i don't see stricter laws helping that because they didn't give a **** about law or jail time in the first place.
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