Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says


Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Someone show me something dumber than this. I dare you. This is a person in high office with the power to change the country in her hands and she says this?? My goodness.... mama.... there goes that man
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My point is this- blaming mass shootings on guys not getting sex is to partially blame women for not sleeping with the shooters. This **** happens all the time. Hell, even when the shooters don’t state that their actions were due to women, the media tries to make the connection. Never mind the fact that there is a reason these shooters are undateable.
No one said blame the women. Don't over-think this. It's just unfortunate that the boys are sexually repressed and have no outlet. Those frustrations build up. It's not fair but it's life. I'm not saying that's the main factor but it contributes to it.

If we had a red light district, this probably wouldn't happen. But America wouldn't want that because it's 'not godly'.
Right, no one said "blame women", but reducing the debate to "not getting enough sex" does that indirectly.
No one said blame the women. Don't over-think this. It's just unfortunate that the boys are sexually repressed and have no outlet. Those frustrations build up. It's not fair but it's life. I'm not saying that's the main factor but it contributes to it.

If we had a red light district, this probably wouldn't happen. But America wouldn't want that because it's 'not godly'.
Jordan Peterson is that you?
I get what you're saying completely. But that's not my angle at all. If anything it's the guy's fault for not being able to interact with women. The fact that they have no game is the reason they don't get sex. It's not fair but life isn't fair.

People kill themselves because they go broke. To say that doesn't condemn anyone else for not giving them money, the person just wasn't able to provide for themselves. It's not fair but it is what it is.
Someone show me something dumber than this. I dare you. This is a person in high office with the power to change the country in her hands and she says this?? My goodness.... mama.... there goes that man
I present to you exhibit A. Her constituents that voted her in.
No one said blame the women. Don't over-think this. It's just unfortunate that the boys are sexually repressed and have no outlet. Those frustrations build up. It's not fair but it's life. I'm not saying that's the main factor but it contributes to it.

If we had a red light district, this probably wouldn't happen. But America wouldn't want that because it's 'not godly'.

If you actually look at the toxicity that incels spew you’ll see that no amount of pay for p would stop them from being the ticking time bombs they are. It’s much deeper than not getting laid.
Blaming sexual repression alone doesn't work because it would assume that only American men are sexually repressed, based on the fact that we're the only country that regularly commits mass shootings.
Blaming sexual repression alone doesn't work because it would assume that only American men are sexually repressed, based on the fact that we're the only country that regularly commits mass shootings.

You would think the religious right would apply the same logic to 'terrorists' from Saudi, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. but it's that evooool religion. It's just more whitesplainin for domestic terrorists behavior.
We have some of these shooters in custody, they should be getting asked this question and a whole bunch of other ones.
incels believe in the red pill/black pill bs. its not about how repressed they are. its about how they view human life, and how they view society and their interpretation of how society views them. not all school shooters are incel but this delusion white and or male inferiority complex is at the root of it in my opinion.
Yall in here arguin about whether p is a reason for shooting

Does anyone question these police shooting black people about it

Are cops owed p too?

Can they pull over ur wife mom or sister and say run it? Its ur civic duty?
Yall in here arguin about whether p is a reason for shooting

Does anyone question these police shooting black people about it

Are cops owed p too?

Can they pull over ur wife mom or sister and say run it? Its ur civic duty?
What the hell does that have to do with mass shootings?
if p can prevent mass shootings like yall are saying

maybe it can prevent black people getting killed in the street too

thats what it has to do with it
ok then lets use an example of a mass shooter who probably fits this criteria

eliot rogers ok with u lobotomybeats lobotomybeats ?

now if he was a racist shooter cuz he didnt get p

couldnt he translate into one of any of the stories of cops shooting people in the street for maybe the same reasons?

just trying to highlight how absurd the the idea is

and getback getback thats not quite true when you have sooperhooper sooperhooper saying that they should legalize prostitution as a solution to mass shooters
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