Mass Shooting Thread: Waiting on the next one.

I want to be near all my joints if something pops off. If I get shot I dont want to be the last one getting shot..
I want to be near all my joints if something pops off. If I get shot I dont want to be the last one getting shot..
like i said, im strapped cuz God forbid I'm backed into a corner and theres no way out, im not about to try to just outrun his aim. having a concealed weapon doesnt mean u gotta be rambo, it doesn't mean you gotta be john mcclane. if you CHOOSE to, you can. if you get a good angle or opportunity, you can. but if you just get the f out while the getting is good.... thats fine.

i keep it and hope i dont have to use it. simple as that. some people really dont get that though. for some people, they think that automatically makes u a NRA praising gun nut.
like i said, im strapped cuz God forbid I'm backed into a corner and theres no way out, im not about to try to just outrun his aim. having a concealed weapon doesnt mean u gotta be rambo, it doesn't mean you gotta be john mcclane. if you CHOOSE to, you can. if you get a good angle or opportunity, you can. but if you just get the f out while the getting is good.... thats fine.

i keep it and hope i dont have to use it. simple as that. some people really dont get that though. for some people, they think that automatically makes u a NRA praising gun nut.
I have never had a reason to use mine and hope I never do. I'd give it up willingly if everyone else did but until then I'm keeping them.
I have never had a reason to use mine and hope I never do. I'd give it up willingly if everyone else did but until then I'm keeping them.

facts. and even in a give em up situation im uneasy cuz i know the only ones with guns are now the criminals who basically just got a green light, and the police officers who are too busy giving out tickets or parading blacks by leash thru the streets to help in time. i dont have much faith in the police to protect me, my family and friends, or the people around me AT ALL.
Those of you who are armed in case of the worst, are you also trained/consistently training preparing for those moments?
When you say wasp, do you literally mean white Anglo-saxon Protestant, or is that your reference to all white people? Just wondering since im catholic and expectations for me were to be violent, have an alcohol probem, and become religious on christmas and easter then sin the rest of the year. I personally think i live up to all of those expectations.
Irish, Polish, or Italian?

The use of WASP in my comment should be understood in the context of the history of the racial and social structure of the US, especially with respect to white supremacist ideology.

I'm aware of the evolution of whiteness in the US, just as I'm aware that in other countries with WS movements, "white" doesn't necessarily include all people of European ancestry (in the run up to the Brexit vote, for example, there were instances of Eastern Europeans in the UK being assaulted by UKIP folks).
Those of you who are armed in case of the worst, are you also trained/consistently training preparing for those moments?

This. Too much this.

Training is the most important.

Anybody can hold and fire a gun. Are you guys training in tactics and how to use it properly? Imagine if the assailant IS trained and takes the gun from you. Could get uglier real fast.
This. Too much this.

Training is the most important.

Anybody can hold and fire a gun. Are you guys training in tactics and how to use it properly? Imagine if the assailant IS trained and takes the gun from you. Could get uglier real fast.
Self defense begins with the mind. Reading some of the comments here, I can tell that many are not prepared for what may come back at them if they miss.
If you start shooting at an active shooter you run the risk of being mistaken for the initial shooter.

dead ***, from a distance, they both look the same. Then you'll see reports of multiple shooters...once you get identified by cnn...your life is over baaabyyyyyy.
I just picture chaos when I think about citizens shooting it out with assailants. Strays everywhere.

Which is why I ask are they training cause even in the military you have people who are trained for combat freeze up during real life testing

And the thought of plain clothes citizens being able to identify the actual plain clothes threat from the other plain clothes good guy with a gun is a laughable scary thought
Those of you who are armed in case of the worst, are you also trained/consistently training preparing for those moments?

This. Too much this.

Training is the most important.

Anybody can hold and fire a gun. Are you guys training in tactics and how to use it properly? Imagine if the assailant IS trained and takes the gun from you. Could get uglier real fast.

:lol: yall think this is a movie. "tactics" training. how to use it properly. preparing for those moments? you think we about to go to store and start taking cover behind things pretending theres a shooting and trying to get good angles? tactics? like what, pincer attacks with other armed people in the building im in? this isnt the military. assailant is trained and TAKES the gun from you? who is shooting, Ra's Al Ghul?

train with your weapon so you can hit a target reliably. train with it so you are safe with it beyond a doubt, know it inside out. learn safety rules like not firing into crowds or thinking about whats behind your target before shooting. thats all u can do. nothing prepares you for a shootout breaking out in front of you. but if one does, and you CANT escape, youd wish you had yours on you.

imagine hiding from a shooter in an active situation with some people....a guy pulls his gun out to protect himself and you guys, and you ask "do you train with that regularly? have you prepared for this moment?" :rofl: yea. as much as you train for a car wreck.
Which is why I ask are they training cause even in the military you have people who are trained for combat freeze up during real life testing

And the thought of plain clothes citizens being able to identify the actual plain clothes threat from the other plain clothes good guy with a gun is a laughable scary thought

hold on. so we are advocating just hope the shooter doesnt kill you instead of even fighting back if you have the means to, cuz you might get mistaken by media? wtf are yall smoking? pass that. its a GUN. a rifle most of the time. maybe yall have never been around one when it goes off, but there is NO MISTAKING it when it does. you feel it in your chest. the bang is deafening. it aint hard to know a shooter is letting loose near you.

how about this, god forbid yall ever get caught in a mass shooting and the guy is making his way over to you.... just be thankful nobody around you is armed so that way when the cops show up nobody will mistake them for the shooter. what type of nonsense :rofl:
:lol: yall think this is a movie. "tactics" training. how to use it properly. preparing for those moments? you think we about to go to store and start taking cover behind things pretending theres a shooting and trying to get good angles? tactics? like what, pincer attacks with other armed people in the building im in? this isnt the military. assailant is trained and TAKES the gun from you? who is shooting, Ra's Al Ghul?

train with your weapon so you can hit a target reliably. train with it so you are safe with it beyond a doubt, know it inside out. learn safety rules like not firing into crowds or thinking about whats behind your target before shooting. thats all u can do. nothing prepares you for a shootout breaking out in front of you. but if one does, and you CANT escape, youd wish you had yours on you.

imagine hiding from a shooter in an active situation with some people....a guy pulls his gun out to protect himself and you guys, and you ask "do you train with that regularly? have you prepared for this moment?" :rofl: yea. as much as you train for a car wreck.

Are you doing anything other than going to the shooting range?

I ask about training because there's more to protecting yourself than shooting a gun in a controlled environment. Do you have a plan of how to respond when hearing gun shots while you are out or will you just wing it? How will you identify the proper threat and separate them from a fellow armed citizen looking to protect themselves?

All those laughing emojis and jokes and sarcastic responses aren't necessary and are really telling that you might not be as ready as you think/say you are
hold on. so we are advocating just hope the shooter doesnt kill you instead of even fighting back if you have the means to, cuz you might get mistaken by media? wtf are yall smoking? pass that. its a GUN. a rifle most of the time. maybe yall have never been around one when it goes off, but there is NO MISTAKING it when it does. you feel it in your chest. the bang is deafening. it aint hard to know a shooter is letting loose near you.

how about this, god forbid yall ever get caught in a mass shooting and the guy is making his way over to you.... just be thankful nobody around you is armed so that way when the cops show up nobody will mistake them for the shooter. what type of nonsense :rofl:

You are going off on these extremes like we are attacking you personally
If 10 people are in a store, 6 of them are armed via concealed carry, and an active shooter walks in shoots 3 people
Everybody else hides and once in cover 2 of those concealed carry individuals peak out with their weapon ready to fire, how do the determine who's the active shooter or an accomplice of the active shooter and the people who are protecting themselves.

Again, you getting defensive at a genuine and simple question of are you training is telling that you prob aren't as mentally prepared for the worst case scenario as you think you are
but you don't have to prove anything to me or anybody else
and God forbid any of us have to be in these situations prepared or not
Are you doing anything other than going to the shooting range?

I ask about training because there's more to protecting yourself than shooting a gun in a controlled environment. Do you have a plan of how to respond when hearing gun shots while you are out or will you just wing it? How will you identify the proper threat and separate them from a fellow armed citizen looking to protect themselves?

All those laughing emojis and jokes and sarcastic responses aren't necessary and are really telling that you might not be as ready as you think/say you are

its like you're not reading. NOBODY is as ready as YOU think they are. you cant get ready for that. everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. the punch in this case is a big *** boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom while you're in the sports section of walmart.

the plan doesnt change whereever you go, whether you're armed or not, you should know where the exits are. thats good practice in general. separate them from a fellow armed citizen? again, this isnt a movie. its not like when some terrorist opens fire everyone is about to take cover and have a mexican standoff and now u cant tell who the bad guy is. AND all of that doesnt matter cuz the FIRST order of business is to get out. which has been stated multiple times. if a gunshot goes off and ur first thought is to seek out where it came from and identify the threat... ur trying to play hero. gun is a last resort when u have no way out, not a first.
You are going off on these extremes like we are attacking you personally
If 10 people are in a store, 6 of them are armed via concealed carry, and an active shooter walks in shoots 3 people
Everybody else hides and once in cover 2 of those concealed carry individuals peak out with their weapon ready to fire, how do the determine who's the active shooter or an accomplice of the active shooter and the people who are protecting themselves.

Again, you getting defensive at a genuine and simple question of are you training is telling that you prob aren't as mentally prepared for the worst case scenario as you think you are
but you don't have to prove anything to me or anybody else
and God forbid any of us have to be in these situations prepared or not
especially if all the individuals involved are white males
You are going off on these extremes like we are attacking you personally
If 10 people are in a store, 6 of them are armed via concealed carry, and an active shooter walks in shoots 3 people
Everybody else hides and once in cover 2 of those concealed carry individuals peak out with their weapon ready to fire, how do the determine who's the active shooter or an accomplice of the active shooter and the people who are protecting themselves.

Again, you getting defensive at a genuine and simple question of are you training is telling that you prob aren't as mentally prepared for the worst case scenario as you think you are
but you don't have to prove anything to me or anybody else
and God forbid any of us have to be in these situations prepared or not

-_- im going off extremes but in your scenario 60% of the people in a store are armed, 1 person walks in and shoots, and both people who were taking cover are now in a standoff against each guessing the shooter here shot people then took cover as well. so now nobody knows who is who. thats YOUR scenario. again, priority 1 is to get out. not to take cover and initiate a shootout.
heres some great rules of thumb ALL of us can follow:

wherever you go, know the exits. if you're in walmart thats the front doors on both sides and out thru the back employees only doors you have the loading docks you can get out of if thats closer for example

stay low to the ground. the nail that sticks out gets hammered.

try to identify the direction of the shooting QUICK. and keep things in between you and that direction whenever possible.

stay quiet. period.

if you're armed you MUST think about whats behind your target. bullets penetrate and adrenaline can make you miss. dont even fire if there are people behind and around him.

dont be a hero. save who you can, and get out.
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