Mark McGwire admits to using steroids in 1998

Did you guys hear Big Mac's answer to when he started juicing? and how much stuttering and ummming and stammering he did

this guy is such a liar.
Did you hear how much stammering Sosa and Bonds did when they admitted?

Me either.

Partial admission is still admission. We all know A-Rod and Mac aren't being completely forthright, but they're going further than other superstar'roiders have gone.
I would have rather him stayed silent than give the quotes he did yesterday

We all knew he did it, so i dont wana hear

- it was the 'eras' fault

- it didnt help him hit a baseball

- he wouldn't have been in this position if there was testing

- it was the hardest day of his life.
The sad thing is, I think he is almost naive enough that he doesn't actually think it helped him. Whatever, this is common knowledge, just like it iscommon knowledge that Bonds and Sosa were juiced up even though they haven't admitted it yet (Bonds is a tougher case since it could result in jail time).Just another reason for me to be disconnected to baseball
Originally Posted by Moderate Gatsby

No surprise at all...

An interesting scenario I heard on the radio, though, was that Tony Larussa said that McGwire would be be taking some cuts himself, and possibly even be apinch hitter. By being an active MLB player, he'd take his name off of the HOF ballot, for however many years, and when he finally retired, he'd be putpack on the ballot. Maybe by then, this whole thing would be an afterthought....... Just a thought, hopefully that's not what he was thinking when hefinally admitted.
Did you hear how much stammering Sosa and Bonds did when they admitted?

Me either.

Partial admission is still admission. We all know A-Rod and Mac aren't being completely forthright, but they're going further than other superstar 'roiders have gone.

I somewhat agree. But how much "credit" does one deserve? Is it akin to two bank robbers and one of them gets more credit cause he only stole 500bucks and the other guy stole 50 grand?

Bonds and Sosa (two of the main players left) we know will not say a word until they have something to gain from it or they are boxed in a corner with no wayout. Big Mac fell into that category. He wanted to take a job with the Cards therefor this is why he is now speaking. He had no choice. And he would likely notbe sitting here if not for the job offer. Mac is still not that far off from Bonds or Sosa in my mind. But I agree, for fans something is better than nothing.

However for me I can break down WHAT McGwire has said this week and almost everything reeks. So what exactly is he being applauded for? Being boxed in with nochoice? Taking serious allegations and admissions and reducing them as minimally as possible? And if we do agree something is better than nothing how muchreally better is it? That's the question. And that's up to the fan.

I'm like everyone else I'm tired of this stuff too. But I'm absolutely fascinated each time it comes up because we can pick apart the hole in everysingle sit town interview with these dudes. These guys lie and lie and lie and the sad thing is in Mac and also Roger's case I think they partially believeit.

Here's one last thing for people to chew on:

One of Mark's main things has been that he's been dying to get this off his chest essentially since that day in front of congress.

Fact: McGwire and others had a statute window to be prosecuted for anything he said (that's not to say they would be but rather the simple possibility).That statute, as reported by T.J. Quinn this week, ran out in 2006. He no longer could have the possibility of being in trouble with the law. Anytime sincethen he could have come clean and not only was that not done he also refused to speak to George Mitchell when asked numerous times.

Mark and his lawyers also have known from Day 1 not one athlete has ever been prosecuted for simply doing PEDs.

This sham interview campaign is strictly going on so he can personally gain (sound familiar?) from it and get back into coaching.
My man Canseco in his interview where he death stares into the camera and says "we all know you're being taken care of Mark, you know it, I knowit" is he talkin about Mark gettin a job within MLB whereas Canseco is basically a pariah to MLB? Or is there more to that?

Jose lookin cleaner and cleaner each time one of these fools speaks. Jose don't studder and stammer like everyone else does. And he sinks to whateverlevel means he can talk freely.
Jose is a snake CP and has always been one. Yes he has been right about every player he is outed, but he is very salty that he will never step foot in an MLBclub again. Don't get it twisted, Jose would sell his soul to be part of some organization.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Jose is a snake CP and has always been one. Yes he has been right about every player he is outed, but he is very salty that he will never step foot in an MLB club again. Don't get it twisted, Jose would sell his soul to be part of some organization.

He is as deserving as any other player who is guilty. I'd rather have a guy who drops the dirty news all at once and doesn't try to insult me withhalf-truths and denials. It is the guilty players who are salty and are circling the wagons to protect reputations that they sadly don't realize areworthless. Canseco has been a man. What other player can say that? Insulting all of us with fake confessions, make-believe steroid-pusher friends, and weepyeyes.
All I'm going to say is, "it about time." Everybody knew this.

I would still not vote for the dude to go to the HOF.

As for the other player that were accused, eventually the truth will come out.

The pass 2 decades deserve an *
Originally Posted by Beermann2

All I'm going to say is, "it about time." Everybody knew this.

I would still not vote for the dude to go to the HOF.

As for the other player that were accused, eventually the truth will come out.

The pass 2 decades deserve an *
Find me one decade where you can't put asterisk on, where is the pure decade of baseball.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Did you hear how much stammering Sosa and Bonds did when they admitted?

Me either.

Partial admission is still admission. We all know A-Rod and Mac aren't being completely forthright, but they're going further than other superstar 'roiders have gone.
Partial admission is not admission when you flat-out lie about basically every aspect of what you'resupposed to be admitting to and when your admission comes due to purely selfish reasons. McGwire gets no credit from me...
But he admitted he used steroids.

That's all I was asking. Stop lying to me and telling me you never used, or treating me like I'm stupid with responses like 'I'm here to talkabout the future, not the past.'

Jut admit what you did. Man up.

Same for Bonds, Sosa, and the rest of the crew. All of 'em.

"*sigh* I did use steroids. Blah, blah, blah, caving in, yadda, yadda, yadda, pressure, yakkity, schmakity, I'm a victim."

I don't really care what else they say; I just want to see who's man enough to at least admit using.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

I would have rather him stayed silent than give the quotes he did yesterday

We all knew he did it, so i dont wana hear

- it was the 'eras' fault

- it didnt help him hit a baseball

- he wouldn't have been in this position if there was testing

- it was the hardest day of his life.

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