Mark McGwire admits to using steroids in 1998

Hopefully this is a move to relieve himself of guilt/stress, rather than being pushed into doing so by the Cardinals' management.

Either way, I assume this would only help his odds of entering Cooperstown. And to hell with any Cardinal's fan thinking he'll go in with a Card'**** on.
"I'm not here to talk about the past..."

Ever since then I knew
Bonds will never admit to using steroids, it isn't in his interest.

His numbers before getting big are proof that he was building a Hall of Fame resume. The onus is on the Hall to reconcile any conflicted feelings and put himin. If they choose to leave him out, they'll have a situation similar to Shoeless Joe Jackson's: Blocked out the Hall, but legend will carry the nameand records.

The only responsible thing to do would be to install Bonds and the rest of the stars of the steroid era into the Hall, and let future generations decide whatwill become of their legacy.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Weren't roids legal back then anyways though?

One of the many arguments as to why it shouldnt matter that people were using roids.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Smartest thing he could do. Now he finally can move on.

ESPN about to blow up their TV programming this week like this is the most shocking breaking news of the century.

ESPN news was saying he should be fine because all he said was " im not here to talk about the past"
I know it couldn't have been to admit but why now?

"Mark McGwire received 128 votes (23.7 percent), 10 more than last year and matching the total from his first two times on the ballot. Eighth onthe career list with 583 homers, he has been stigmatized since evading questions from Congress in 2005 about steroids use."

There you have it, dude saw the hall of fame voting this year and knew that at this rate he was never getting in. You need 75% of the vote to get voted in andthis cat wasn't even in the conversation. He's banking that by coming clean it could change some people's minds
LaRussa has had his head in the sand for years on roid stuff.

He thinks because he sees guy work hard that means they are clean, aka the Clemens defense.

And why did Mac come clean now? He had to. He's finally taking a job with MLB (Cards hitting coach) and they know that then means he is available to themedia which means question after question. So him and his handlers realized the best course is to make a statement now and then he will probably have one pressconference and then it will be over.

Plus yes the HOF voting hasnt exactly gone his way. I can guarantee you it will only start to increase now. This is assuming he doesnt completely screw upstatements in the near future, or backtrack, etc.
MLB banned anabolic steroids in 2002 and HGH in 2005. I would have taken steroids myself.. This dude made millions.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

His numbers before getting big are proof that he was building a Hall of Fame resume.
You look at his numbers and before 1998 he was in.

400-400 has never been done.

Its funny how few people have this opinion when it comes to Bonds.
i forgot which player said this, but one time during a bench clearing brawl mark mcgwire was holding him back and the next day dude had bruises on his arms andwas out of the lineup do to mcgwire's grip. when your arms are like tree trunks it kind of gives it away lol

he should still be in the HOF
Like many people have said before, it's about time.

He probably came out and said this after he saw the amount of votes he received for the Hall of Fame.
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