Marijuana And Cancer: Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers

I think the stereotype around the culture still makes it hard to be accepted medically. It's evident in the fact that most people feel like marijuana is only taken via smoke. It's actually one of the least effective ways to get it in your body, but it's one of the fastest to feel the effects.

We forget that another thing society has to get over before it moves into the future is the propaganda from previous generations.
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Let them do their trails first and then I'll be happy about it. I mean there's a lot of different combination of compounds in marijuana from the thc which gets you high, the cbd which has been shown to actually help people with narcolepsy and other things, terpines, thcv like in subcool strains and it goes on and on so I have high hopes that this will result in something fruitful.

There's phoenix tears which is a concentrate hash oil made by rick simpson which CLAIMS to have cured some people of skin cancer.
This war on weed is ridiculous.

Legalize it and free up de people.

The illegality of marijuana is causing infinitely more harm than the actual herb.
^Imagine how much money could be freed up at state level of government if they weren't mandated to enforce such ridiculous policies.

How is it ok to spend more money per capita on an inmate than someones education?

Institutions have a monetary incentive to punish others.

It ain't right.
i don t mean to hijack BUT juicing Veggies several times a day has been proven to be the cure years ago...

and also cutting meat, diary, and processed food help because its been shown to be the main diet in regions of the world with the highest cancer rates...

...smoke on ...!!!
i don t mean to hijack BUT juicing Veggies several times a day has been proven to be the cure years ago...

and also cutting meat, diary, and processed food help because its been shown to be the main diet in regions of the world with the highest cancer rates...

...smoke on ...!!!
Yeah...That worked SO well for Steve Jobs. 
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Yeah...That worked SO well for Steve Jobs. 
just like chemo its not 100% BUT the wins out weigh the losses..

plus as odd as it sounds SOME people are just born to die from certain things, while other make their body more available to those diseases

and with that money do you really think that's all he had?... 

just like chemo its not 100% BUT the wins out weigh the losses..

plus as odd as it sounds SOME people are just born to die from certain things, while other make their body more available to those diseases

and with that money do you really think that's all he had?... 


Wasn't there a wikileak that said he was really suffering from aids?
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Yeah...That worked SO well for Steve Jobs. 
just like chemo its not 100% BUT the wins out weigh the losses..

plus as odd as it sounds SOME people are just born to die from certain things, while other make their body more available to those diseases

and with that money do you really think that's all he had?... 

Actually, with all the money he had, he could have saved himself.

He kept doing that alternative tea leaf drinking instead of curing a cancer that while is deadly could have been treated. He knew about it VERY early and still waited until it was too late to intervene.

Your nuts and berries don't cure cancer by drinking purees for a few months. 

He actually regretted even using all the pseudoscience he embraced in his later years.

Its entirely flawed to think that your stomach is the key to curing cancer in every part of your body. 
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I don't understand...if any other substance was even purported to have as many benefits, it would have been approved by the FDA and part of the ******g food pyramid. Hell, they push through "medicines" with half the curative claims and many times the side can criminalization of a naturally-occuring plant, especially one like this, possibly be justified?
Drug money stimulates police force. Also police jobs.

No longer illegal to sell weed? The cops who specifically were looking for dudes who sold weed are no longer needed.

Also, you can't grow alcohol and cigarettes/tobacco (you can, but it's more convenient to just buy it), and you probably don't know someone outside of retail selling those products.

You can grow mary, or just buy it from the dude you been buying from because you don't want to waste money on reggie from your local gas station or Food Lion, and you get a better price with no tax. Or even worse, major corporations get their hand on it and chemically alter it and all types of problems arise.

This is why it isn't legal. But I hope there is a study done soon that shows the jobs created through dispensaries and money from marijuana taxes and the effect it has on the economy. And also of course, the number of non-violent offenders taken out of prison.

When it is legalized, I can't wait to see the commercials
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Actually, with all the money he had, he could have saved himself.

He kept doing that alternative tea leaf drinking instead of curing a cancer that while is deadly could have been treated. He knew about it VERY early and still waited until it was too late to intervene.

Your nuts and berries don't cure cancer by drinking purees for a few months. 

He actually regretted even using all the pseudoscience he embraced in his later years.

Its entirely flawed to think that your stomach is the key to curing cancer in every part of your body. 

so are you not what you eat?

you mean to tell me that someone who has ANY illness cant treat it via diet?

Steve Jobs like i said may have been born with the likelihood to just die from cancerous cells attacking his body...

but not lets get out of control here!

do you truly think that, in no way, shape or form, diet has a HUGE part of how long you live and your body beating various illnesses?? 

dont google what doctors want you to read, think for a minute.

and if you google, google cancer stricken areas of the world and their diet as opposed to area that not only has the LEAST amount of cancer cases but ALSO live the longest...

minus less stress, whats doing it?... a more forgiving God? or......
I'm toking up on graduation day ...

Tis will be my first puff.

My anti cancer / lungs / skin is ready.
Actually, with all the money he had, he could have saved himself.

He kept doing that alternative tea leaf drinking instead of curing a cancer that while is deadly could have been treated. He knew about it VERY early and still waited until it was too late to intervene.

Your nuts and berries don't cure cancer by drinking purees for a few months. 

He actually regretted even using all the pseudoscience he embraced in his later years.

Its entirely flawed to think that your stomach is the key to curing cancer in every part of your body. 

so are you not what you eat?

you mean to tell me that someone who has ANY illness cant treat it via diet?

Steve Jobs like i said may have been born with the likelihood to just die from cancerous cells attacking his body...

but not lets get out of control here!

do you truly think that, in no way, shape or form, diet has a HUGE part of how long you live and your body beating various illnesses?? 

dont google what doctors want you to read, think for a minute.

and if you google, google cancer stricken areas of the world and their diet as opposed to area that not only has the LEAST amount of cancer cases but ALSO live the longest...

minus less stress, whats doing it?... a more forgiving God? or......
I don't deny that diet has an impact on health, but when you've got've got cancer. Period.

So lets get this straight.

Starting a regimen of leafy greens isn't going to shrink a tumor after its already there. 

Plus, do you not think that the price of said veggies wouldn't go up if we could prove your ridiculous notion?

Do you think we LIKE radiating people via chemo? Putting them within inches of their lives? 
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