Man Found Guilty Commits Suicide in the Courtroom .. Vid ......

cap1229 wrote:
ElCatfisho wrote:
Got to feel bad for the rest of the family dealing with his legacy. 

Yup. He had no honor.
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

^ And I say AGAIN: Where did I give my OPINION on whether what he did was RIGHT OR WRONG?
You still don't get it do you? How can I spell it out for you?

You inferred wrongness.
You held a visibly negative opinion of what he did.

3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion

to infer, think, or hold as an opinion

Your examples ^

Factoring #6 of the commandments, and how the Most High views death from the hands of men,  yeaaahhh.. also, factor the entire situation: Rich man, fraud, I sense some vanity too.. Yikes

Your words ^
To infer means to CONCLUDE. Once again, you're misusing a word.
My context of "yeaaaahhh" is just in reference to the sentence before it. The Most High doesn't tolerate that.. am I wrong for stating it? 

Me sensing vanity is meaningless in his conviction of whether what he did was right or wrong.

Yikes... where is the OPINION (conclusion) of right or wrong? 

The circumstances of this entire situation are POOR, but Romans 9:15 also says the Most High will have mercy on who he will. Therefore, I cannot form an opinion on this situation.

We could've used this time more productively.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by CashBanks

Originally Posted by ESyDC

You're the type to believe but don't study the word at all though. You wouldn't have to doubt if you did your part to study and understand scripture, listen to testimonies really dive in. At least you believe though so there's hope for you yet...unlike these folks who just laugh off any and all such notion off heaven, hell, God etc.
great answer so in other words you have no %%!#$!+ idea what happens to dude when he died?

...and study what word? The word of another man, you mean that word?

testimonies from who people in hell? c'mon G   

You said you believe in a "God" a few replies back.. Where does your concept of this "God" come from? And what's the name behind that spirit?
I dont even know what the @$@! you're asking me chief

but my concept of God comes from my belief that this isnt just all one big coincidence that there is a higher power at work

I dont however believe in adhering to the rules and regulations of a book written by a man some thousdands of years ago

simple enough?

Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

I love how people so easily judge without knowing the man or what he went through.
Ok? So what's your judgment? Or you don't have an opinion at all over a man who leaves behind a family because he got convicted of a crime? 
I've heard many unfortunate stories for people, but suicide as an act will never apologize for his actions. He will be remembered as someone who lived large and died in a very public manner.
Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

I love how people so easily judge without knowing the man or what he went through.
C'mon sons. Dudley probably had a whole lot more to die for. Suicide ain't that easy. If it was I wouldn't be typing this.
To the religious people, what's hell to a person who feels they're living in it already?
Originally Posted by solegit08til

Originally Posted by Bombbiggidyphil

I love how people so easily judge without knowing the man or what he went through.
C'mon sons. Dudley probably had a whole lot more to die for. Suicide ain't that easy. If it was I wouldn't be typing this.
To the religious people, what's hell to a person who feels they're living in it already?

It's not entirely religious if not at all, it's mindset. Someone could live in poverty with wealthy intentions of life, same could be said for a rich person in negative mental circumstances, vice versa.
Life is hard enough but the business world is cutthroat

Crawling up the corporate ladder and gaining it all and losing it all in a second is something most of us will never fathom
To win big you take big risks. That's a part of the game but there is a flip side to can lose big as well and fast. You didn't take the risk on the bet you would lose you took it on the belief that you win and dude lost. It happens. If you can do it once it can be recreated as long as you have the formula. If yo mind ain't right for the risk...leave the game early but prepare to come back to it. He can never come back
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

^ And I say AGAIN: Where did I give my OPINION on whether what he did was RIGHT OR WRONG?
You still don't get it do you? How can I spell it out for you?

You inferred wrongness.
You held a visibly negative opinion of what he did.

3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion

to infer, think, or hold as an opinion

Your examples ^

Factoring #6 of the commandments, and how the Most High views death from the hands of men,  yeaaahhh.. also, factor the entire situation: Rich man, fraud, I sense some vanity too.. Yikes

Your words ^

Me sensing vanity is meaningless in his conviction of whether what he did was right or wrong.
By you saying you sense vanity aren't you implying wrongness? or are you just saying you sense vanity and that's open to opinion on whether or not it's right or wrong? It really sounded like you were stating things "rich man, fraud," and then what you sensed as to reasons to back up the previous statement and condemning all those things.
Originally Posted by ESyDC

BET dude regretted it as soon as he woke up in Hell. What a dummy man...sad story.

 you must live a rough life constantly thinking that any misstep will end up with you facing an eternity in a fiery pit in the ground. free your mind and body and enjoy these short lives we have. 

as for dude, who knows what was really going on in his life. i feel bad for the kids though. 
Originally Posted by Nowitzness41

Originally Posted by Dropten

This may sound like a stereotype, but why do so many white people kill themselves, families over the dumbest %%+# like losing their jobs and cant pay the mortgage. Is the realization of failure that bad?. Dudes living that harakirI lifestyle

Well.... if were gonna take it there- why do so many black people have no regard for human life and kill each other over the dumbest %&^#^$*-a pound of herb or a couple hundred dollars. I'd prefer miserable people just off themselves than kill others and rot in prison on my dime. Maybe its not for you to understand, just dont be part of the problem and you're doing your part

Not talking about that. And the answer to that is obvious. But really, why do white males kill themselves and families cause they cant pay the mortgage?
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

You inferred wrongness.
You held a visibly negative opinion of what he did.

3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion

to infer, think, or hold as an opinion

Your examples ^

Factoring #6 of the commandments, and how the Most High views death from the hands of men,  yeaaahhh.. also, factor the entire situation: Rich man, fraud, I sense some vanity too.. Yikes

Your words ^

Me sensing vanity is meaningless in his conviction of whether what he did was right or wrong.
By you saying you sense vanity aren't you implying wrongness? or are you just saying you sense vanity and that's open to opinion on whether or not it's right or wrong? It really sounded like you were stating things "rich man, fraud," and then what you sensed as to reasons to back up the previous statement and condemning all those things.
its obvious the guy is a rookie in the game of semantics 
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

^ And I say AGAIN: Where did I give my OPINION on whether what he did was RIGHT OR WRONG?
You still don't get it do you? How can I spell it out for you?

You inferred wrongness.
You held a visibly negative opinion of what he did.

3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion

to infer, think, or hold as an opinion

Your examples ^

Factoring #6 of the commandments, and how the Most High views death from the hands of men,  yeaaahhh.. also, factor the entire situation: Rich man, fraud, I sense some vanity too.. Yikes

Your words ^
To infer means to CONCLUDE. Once again, you're misusing a word.
[h2]in·fer[/h2][sup][/sup]; background-attachment: scroll; background-color: transparent; width: 20px; height: 19px; cursor: pointer; display: inline-block; padding-left: 3px; background-position: -619px -478px; background-repeat: repeat repeat; "> [in-fur];">; background-attachment: scroll; background-color: transparent; height: 16px; width: 16px; position: relative; top: 2px; display: inline-block; background-position: -622px -429px; background-repeat: repeat repeat; "> Show IPA verb, in·ferred, in·fer·ring.

verb (used with object)
to derive by reasoning; conclude or judge from premises orevidence: They inferred his displeasure from his cool tone ofvoice.

(of facts, circumstances, statements, etc.) to indicate orinvolve as a conclusion; lead to.

to guess; speculate; surmise.

to hint; imply; suggest.

verb (used without object)
to draw a conclusion, as by reasoning.

My context of "yeaaaahhh" is just in reference to the sentence before it. The Most High doesn't tolerate that.. am I wrong for stating it? 

Me sensing vanity is meaningless in his conviction of whether what he did was right or wrong.

Yikes... where is the OPINION (conclusion) of right or wrong? 

The circumstances of this entire situation are POOR, but Romans 9:15 also says the Most High will have mercy on who he will. Therefore, I cannot form an opinion on this situation.

We could've used this time more productively.
Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

You inferred wrongness.
You held a visibly negative opinion of what he did.

3) to be of opinion, deem, think, to be of opinion

to infer, think, or hold as an opinion

Your examples ^

Factoring #6 of the commandments, and how the Most High views death from the hands of men,  yeaaahhh.. also, factor the entire situation: Rich man, fraud, I sense some vanity too.. Yikes

Your words ^

Me sensing vanity is meaningless in his conviction of whether what he did was right or wrong.
By you saying you sense vanity aren't you implying wrongness? or are you just saying you sense vanity and that's open to opinion on whether or not it's right or wrong? It really sounded like you were stating things "rich man, fraud," and then what you sensed as to reasons to back up the previous statement and condemning all those things.
Me sensing vanity is just that, me sensing vanity. I, speaking for myself, know that's not something to place glory in, so I stated that in accordance with the other circumstances in this situation. But I didn't judge him.
Regarding "Rich man, fraud" like another poster said in this thread, you have types who believe and don't study the word. From me studying the word, I know those aren't the most sought after attributes from the Creator... is it then wrong for me to state those two things, considering they are integral in this particular case and only helped in his demise?

I never said him killing himself was right or wrong, nor did I place any conviction on this man. The elements of the entire situation, as stated before, are poor. I think I have a right (like all of you) to speak on those elements without saying whether or not he was right or wrong for what he did, and whether or not he's burning in hell.
Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Originally Posted by ATGD7154xBBxMZ

Originally Posted by Patrick Bateman

Me sensing vanity is meaningless in his conviction of whether what he did was right or wrong.
By you saying you sense vanity aren't you implying wrongness? or are you just saying you sense vanity and that's open to opinion on whether or not it's right or wrong? It really sounded like you were stating things "rich man, fraud," and then what you sensed as to reasons to back up the previous statement and condemning all those things.
Me sensing vanity is just that, me sensing vanity. I, speaking for myself, know that's not something to place glory in, so I stated that in accordance with the other circumstances in this situation. But I didn't judge him.
Regarding "Rich man, fraud" like another poster said in this thread, you have types who believe and don't study the word. From me studying the word, I know those aren't the most sought after attributes from the Creator... is it then wrong for me to state those two things, considering they are integral in this particular case and only helped in his demise?

I never said him killing himself was right or wrong, nor did I place any conviction on this man. The elements of the entire situation, as stated before, are poor. I think I have a right (like all of you) to speak on those elements without saying whether or not he was right or wrong for what he did, and whether or not he's burning in hell.

You openly state the a person's attributes that you believe are against God's will.... but you are not inferring/implying/suggesting wrongness... lol.. 
Then you try to drop the definition of the word 'judge' and get owned by your own post

Then you try to define the word 'infer' and get owned by the very site you got the other definition from.

You should post less and stick to studying the "word"
This may sound like a stereotype...
It was, and is...


Stereotypes are based on generalized truth's, we as a society are just to damn afraid or too PC conscious to admit it...


Someone actually said it's sickening that a family got away with Arson/Insurance fraud, 
.  People getting killed, rapes, etc that's sickening.  A company getting bilked by the common man and getting bent over isn't.
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