report city in here
You dudes are corny reporting dudes for no reason. No mod is going to do anything to rck for that, he's been respected around this forum. You guys sound like children.

Back to the plane. I'm really hoping we find out what happened to get this over with.
You dudes are corny reporting dudes for no reason. No mod is going to do anything to rck for that, he's been respected around this forum. You guys sound like children.

Back to the plane. I'm really hoping we find out what happened to get this over with.
so basically your saying the mods wont do anything to him because he is cool thus he have special privlages?

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I don't understand why they announce they've found potential debris and then take a day to locate it. 

Why not just locate it, determine if it is indeed MH370 debris and then announce their findings?  Obviously the wait for the family is agonizing already, but then to throw in this false hope?  Doesn't even make sense.  
I don't understand why they announce they've found potential debris and then take a day to locate it. 

Why not just locate it, determine if it is indeed MH370 debris and then announce their findings?  Obviously the wait for the family is agonizing already, but then to throw in this false hope?  Doesn't even make sense.  

they had the photos for a few days already, i think they need help locating it
who knows, it could be some freight containers and not even debris from the plane
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^ a few days???

I know we don't get news as it happens, but if these fools waited a day or two to start venturing to the alleged debris It isn't like the ocean is just a stagnant pond. That **** probably isn't even there anymore.

Obviously there are people who know better than me how to handle these searches, but logistically, this one seems so disjointed.
^ a few days???

I know we don't get news as it happens, but if these fools waited a day or two to start venturing to the alleged debris It isn't like the ocean is just a stagnant pond. That **** probably isn't even there anymore.

Obviously there are people who know better than me how to handle these searches, but logistically, this one seems so disjointed.

Apparently it is storm seasin in that particular reguin of of the ocean, and therefire it was not possiblw to immediately get a plane or ship out there. Andbit also takes shipss a while to travel.
I don't understand why they announce they've found potential debris and then take a day to locate it. 

Why not just locate it, determine if it is indeed MH370 debris and then announce their findings?  Obviously the wait for the family is agonizing already, but then to throw in this false hope?  Doesn't even make sense.  
right and there isnt any storm over there, i checked the weather maps
I don't understand why they announce they've found potential debris and then take a day to locate it. 

Why not just locate it, determine if it is indeed MH370 debris and then announce their findings?  Obviously the wait for the family is agonizing already, but then to throw in this false hope?  Doesn't even make sense.  

right and there isnt any storm over there, i checked the weather maps

Why don't you go ahead and write them a strongly worded email with an attached pdf of the weather images you found. I'm sure that as soon as you do that they'll hurry things up.
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I don't understand why they announce they've found potential debris and then take a day to locate it. 

Why not just locate it, determine if it is indeed MH370 debris and then announce their findings?  Obviously the wait for the family is agonizing already, but then to throw in this false hope?  Doesn't even make sense.  
Because it gives the media something to talk about.
Nothing updated yet besides them saying that cant find the debis. honestly i dont think they want to find it this soon
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