Cannot imagine how scared the people on the plane are right now
If they are even alive, that is 
Watching CNN and there's only one guy on here with the guts to say that it was most likely hijacked. Everybody else wants to think of some excuse and say it was unlikely
Wait so the plane didnt crash? And the people are alive?

no one knows

we dont know where the plane is, if it landed safely then whos to know what they did with the passengers, doesnt sound good if it was terrorists IMO
How long until this **** comes to light?

Considering this stuff being reported today:
Breaking News: US investigators convinced of manual intervention to #Flight370-The disappearance is not due to accident or explosion @ABC

Not- a catastrophic malfunction, failure or explosion. US team finds: #Flight370 was systematically shut down by someone @ABC
The two passengers with stolen passports have been identified, but the identities and nationalities are being shared only with intelligence agencies
Why? to prevent mass panic when the public discovers that this is just phase one of North Korea's master plan:
North Korean operatives using stolen passports board the plane with the technology to jam all of the planes communications
Jam the plane, hijack it without a distress signal
Land in one of Vietnam's many (many) abandoned airports leftover from the Vietnam War. Or possibly Cambodia, it was very close to both when it disappeared.
Hold all passengers hostage or just kill them, take on fuel
North Korea has decent-sized nuclear warheads but no reliable intercontinental delivery systems. The solution? steal an airliner, use it to carry warheads.
In a few days, or weeks, the mystery airliner (with transmissions still jammed) takes off, headed for Seoul or another huge international city
Worst terror attack in the history of the world.
Maybe it will happen on April 15, to mark the birthday of Kim Il-Sung, eternal president of Korea

Source - Reddit. Before it vanished from the site when i went to get the link
RUH ROH....this is coming to fruition...

I was saying this earlier

Some people don't understand how big the ocean is, even just a small part of it
Wait so the plane didnt crash? And the people are alive?
no one knows

we dont know where the plane is, if it landed safely then whos to know what they did with the passengers, doesnt sound good if it was terrorists IMO
crazy if the plane didn't crash 
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I'm just going to throw something out there.

Matters7 posted something from a guy on reddit about KimII-Sungs's birthday being april 15th.

April 15th is the jewish passover.

The 15th is the also 1st blood moon of the 4 blood moons happening this year.

We also get 4 blood moons next year.

It has only occured 3 other times in recent centuries, each time they were linked to significant events in the jewish nation.

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I'm just going to throw something out there.

Matters7 posted something from a guy on reddit about KimII-Sungs's birthday being april 15th.

April 15th is the jewish passover.

The 15th is the also 1st blood moon of the 4 blood moons happening this year.

We also get 4 blood moons next year.

It has only occured 3 other times in recent centuries, each time they were linked to significant events in the jewish nation.

Hmmmm i cant watch the youtube vid, stuck at work, whats it say basically? And what is a jewish passover and blood moon? Thanks
So the "communications systems" were manually shut off from the plane around the 45 min mark?

Now asking Is this a hijacking or PILOT SUICIDE?
meh, dates mean nothing. how many times have we heard it about something happening on a certain date

you think now that its all out in the open about this "date" they will continue with w/e is planned fr that date? yea probably not

i just wanna know for certain, has the plane crashed or not because from there then we can panic or w/e is gonna come from it
I'm just going to throw something out there.

Matters7 posted something from a guy on reddit about KimII-Sungs's birthday being april 15th.

April 15th is the jewish passover.

The 15th is the also 1st blood moon of the 4 blood moons happening this year.

We also get 4 blood moons next year.

It has only occured 3 other times in recent centuries, each time they were linked to significant events in the jewish nation.

Hmmmm i cant watch the youtube vid, stuck at work, whats it say basically? And what is a jewish passover and blood moon? Thanks
meh, dates mean nothing. how many times have we heard it about something happening on a certain date

you think now that its all out in the open about this "date" they will continue with w/e is planned fr that date? yea probably not

i just wanna know for certain, has the plane crashed or not because from there then we can panic or w/e is gonna come from it
crazy stuff though sometimes dates mean alot.  FROM DEC JAN FEB, WE LOST FAMILY MEMBERS ON THE 15TH OF EACH MONTH
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The shutdown of two communication systems happened separately, 14 minutes apart, two US officials have told ABC news in the US, indicating a possible deliberate act.

The unnamed investigators believe the data reporting system shut down at 1.07am and the transponder at 1.21am, calling it a “systematic shut down.”

ABC cited a source saying this disputes the theory of a single catastrophic theory.
If terrorists somehow took control of this plane and landed it somewhere. The sophistication and intelligence that terrorists organizations now have has increased to a point that we never thought possible.

I'm not buying it tho - these dudes are piss poor; mentally and fiscally.

I'd bet on a supernatural event, government conspiracy, or pilot suicide before I'd ever give that much credit to terrorists lol. And I'm the furthest from a conspiracy theorist.
If terrorists somehow took control of this plane and landed it somewhere. The sophistication and intelligence that terrorists organizations now have has increased to a point that we never thought possible.

I'm not buying it tho - these dudes are piss poor; mentally and fiscally.

I'd bet on a supernatural event, government conspiracy, or pilot suicide before I'd ever give that much credit to terrorists lol. And I'm the furthest from a conspiracy theorist.

Well I mean as more information comes out, it seems more and more likely that in fact, it was a sophisticated hijacking. It's more likely now that it was a Hijacking. And that's dangerous as hell man, to think that U.S. sources are pointing to this whole ordeal not being over.
I say hijacking and the plane crashed into water

Could be. However, in my opinion I don't think they hijack a plane in this manner to just throw it in the ocean, killing 239 people. If one were to hijack a plane in this manner, it has to be for a more grandiose reason I would believe.
If terrorists somehow took control of this plane and landed it somewhere. The sophistication and intelligence that terrorists organizations now have has increased to a point that we never thought possible.
Or the incompetence on the other side of the coin.
Governmenty staged this all too distract from something else, or too create a reason too do something. Thats my conclusion i keep going back too
Well I mean as more information comes out, it seems more and more likely that in fact, it was a sophisticated hijacking. It's more likely now that it was a Hijacking. And that's dangerous as hell man, to think that U.S. sources are pointing to this whole ordeal not being over.

Yea, well if terrorists hijacked the plane and crashed it - I could believe that.

But landing it somewhere for future use? Nah, not buying that. That takes way too much money, too many connections, and a ****eload of luck to not be detected by any other country.
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