Make a List of Things that make you feel old

- I want a simple, clean car as opposed to previously wanting OD rims and an outrageous system. I just don't get impressed by it anymore.
- Childhood stores around the way shut down. KB Toy Store just went bankrupt.

- I literally watched the internet and technology develop.
- Cell phones used to be luxury items. Now, kids have them. I felt like THE man just because I had a pager that showed scores, news, and the weather.
- I was a freshman in HS visiting NT and carrying around a binder with exclusive Jordan pics in it. I'm a semester away from graduating college now.

- I've seen NBA and NFL players come into the league, watch them decline, and eventually retire.
- I had an Atari when I was younger followed by a Nintendo followed by a Sega followed by a N64 followed by a Playstation followed by an XBox followed by anXBox 360. I remember when the old NBA Lives dropped on Sega and being geeked about how everything was so real...all because they gave people like Horace Grantgoggles and Patrick Ewing kneepads.
-my sister's a freshman in high school and she's like 5'8"
-my brother's voice is the deepest thing in the world and he's gotta be like 5'10" (both these kids are sooo tall)
-i actually have to buy my family christmas presents/ i dont really get presents anymore
-the new recruiting class for my vball team was born in 1990-1991
-i'm graduating in about a year and have to get an actual job (NOOOOO!)
Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

I'm 20 and already feel old

1. My favorite childhood shoes Being Retroed
2. Not understanding some of these trends that H.S. kids are following
3. Having to pay rent and bills
4. Having to worry about money more in general
5. Seeing shoes and clothes I like, but don't have the urge to buy like I used to
6. Halle Berry being 42 years old makes me feel old
7. Seeing friends be able to buy alcohol legally and some being able to purchase nice cars with their own money
not being able to flip anymore, hell, i struggle doin cartwheels
rather spend a weekend at home and relax rather than go out
seeing people you grew up with having kids or getting married
little cousins off to college
playing ball and not able to hang with the younger folk, the mind is capable, but the body isn't
watching sports and half the guys are younger than you
paying bills and worrying about money
looking for wifey rather than a chickenhead, lol
facial hair
being a senior in hs, i still remember 6th grade
lil wayne, and remembering the old cash money days
Originally Posted by Ghenges

--When 10 years ago doesn't seem that long ago. That's probably the biggest difference to me. When you're 18 and you think back 5 years, you think that 13 was such a long time ago. When you are 25 and you think back at 20, it feels like just yesterday.

--I grew up watching Jordan, Barkley, Ewing, Stockton, Malone, Kemp, D.Robinson, Hakeem, Pippen - who have all been retired for several years now.



^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You aint lying
- I'm only a 1st year in college. I went to a high school party the other night (just came home from college for the break) and I told myself this is notfor me.
- Telling my lil sis to do good in high school to make it to a good college, only realizing I will be done by the time she goes to college.
- Having 3 different gameboys lie in your drawer
- Knowing you beat Ocarina of Time like 6 years ago and playing it again finally.
- Remembering the first episode of WWE(F) Smackdown and the last time you watched was like in 2002.
- Actually having worries now, and taking care of things myself.
The fact that every time I watch tv I tell whoever's around that cartoons, movies and sitcoms were better
when I was a kid
A girl told me I dress like Im in high school and i was offended
My lil brother is 21 (Im 23 btw)
Pun has been dead for almost a decade now, I still remember the day it happened
I hate any place where a large amount of teenagers are
Every girl I meet talks about how "grown and sexy" they are and how they want to go places
with a "mature'' crowd
I keep saying "I like their old stuff better" when ever I talk about music
the thought of me not being a "teen" any more.. still 19 but feel like im 17.. 20 is a useless age to me anyway, id rather just skip to 21
Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

I'm 20 and already feel old

3. Having to pay rent and bills
4. Having to worry about money more in general
7. Seeing friends be able to buy alcohol legally and some being able to purchase nice cars with their own money
i feel you man.
When i like food i didnt like when i was younger
Actually liking R and B music
Thinking about high schol days
Not being able to stay awake past 1 am anymore, and thats on a good night.

Body aching after playing soccer for 45 minutes

Remembering when Shaq was in Blue Chips, and now he's in his 12+ season.

I'm 22 btw.
Just thinking how a couple a months ago u was in high school.

working a 40 hour job and being mad tired when gettin home

goin to college

thinkin about the future and how everythin is so much complicated


havin to worry about car insurance and gas

wishing u was still in high school and how care free it was

having less friends
when i see my nephews play with power rangers and ninja turtles and to think how much it has changed over the years
Remembering the whistle trick in Super Mario World 3 & seeing how athletes these days are either younger or the same age as me.

I remember back when Jeter was like 26 & I was like damn Jeter's young still he bout to win like 10 championships. -_-

SMH 88' baby here BTW.
Oh and money is the only thing that's on my mind.

Before it was ussy & jordans. Now its all about that cheddy.....
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