Make a List of Things that make you feel old

Nov 27, 2003
I'm 20 and already feel old

1. My favorite childhood shoes Being Retroed
2. Not understanding some of these trends that H.S. kids are following
3. Having to pay rent and bills
4. Having to worry about money more in general
5. Seeing shoes and clothes I like, but don't have the urge to buy like I used to
6. Halle Berry being 42 years old makes me feel old
7. Seeing friends be able to buy alcohol legally and some being able to purchase nice cars with their own money
Drinking legally - it sucks. I miss always having to worry about avoiding things when underage.

House parties - I am broke as hell, and I rather pick up a 30 pack and some Jaeger instead of going out and paying a ton more.
MY mortgage payment
My xmas list, i want a hand free soap dispenser for the bathroom
my wardrobe, switched from hoodys to button ups
My PS3 is striclty a blue-ray player, i own 1 game and its wizards and potions and %###
I use to hit NT or FB has when i first got on the computer, now its report on business
-Don't party anymore. Actually get cranky at them if I'm not having a good time.
-Only three semesters left of college then I graduate

-My younger brother will be a college freshman next fall.
Originally Posted by NikeFlightposite

I'm 20 and already feel old

1. My favorite childhood shoes Being Retroed
2. Not understanding some of these trends that H.S. kids are following
3. Having to pay rent and bills
4. Having to worry about money more in general
5. Seeing shoes and clothes I like, but don't have the urge to buy like I used to
6. Halle Berry being 42 years old makes me feel old
7. Seeing friends be able to buy alcohol legally and some being able to purchase nice cars with their own money
All true. Im 25 BTW. When i was younger I used to go out every night , weekends, etc. Not coming home till like 4 am. Now, I catch myself rentinmovies and just chillin at home , goin to bed early on WEEKENDS.
People saying what year they were born you remember what was happening in your life that year.
NBA Rookies...It feels wierd knowing some of these kids are 19 and 20-years-old...A few years ago I use to look up to NBA rookies...Now I call'em"Kids"
Word...I agree with pretty much everyone...just having "adult responsibilities" that are never ending, takes the cake of making me feel old, plus allthe "recreational activities" I used to do I don't anymore or I do at a minimum...ex.. clubbing every Thur-Sat no more...if i am lucky once amonth, buying bottles of liquor and maybe cooking or ordering food is what me and my friends find as having a good time LOL

oh and music...smh i hear music I used to listen to from like 15 years ago...I be like daaaaamn, things have changed...oh yeah and I am 25
seeing my friend's kids getting their drivers permits

talking about jodeci and having to say that its the group k.c. and jojo used to be in.

confusing people cause they dont even know who k.c. and jojo are.

thinking about how many og jordans i've gone through in my life and having none left to show for it.
I'm 24 and I don't feel old but I know I am no longer a kid anymore.

- I can no longer play hours of basketball without icing and/or using some heat. Otherwise my major muscles, especially the lower back will be sore.

- I need coffee every morning to get going but if I drink it after noon, I know I won't be getting to sleep at any reasonable hour. I used to wake up atdawn with no caffeine and then drink a venti latte that night and sleep just fine.

- I am already past having hellish hangovers because I have been drinking for several years now and I am completely fine with having one or two beers or aglass of wine and that being it for the night.

- I have learned through personal experience that some drugs, in some respects are great and that DARE outright lied to me. I also know that some drugs, insome respects, are even worse than DARE said they would be.

- I was in high school when the N64 was the best system out there, the TI-83 was the most advanced hand held gadget and only the seniors who sold drugs hadcell phones.

- I have seen the rise and fall of a two term president all within my adult life. I was 16, old enough to know what was going on in the news, when Bush gotelected, I distinctly recall his lofty promises of unity and bipartisanship as well as his promises of fiscal discipline and a "humble" foreignpolicy and that is why I am a tad more spectacle than most of NT about Obama's lofty promises.

- I have learned that an educated person is aware of how little he knows so that is why I am not around in most threads about social and political issues. If Iknow little or nothing about something, there is no need to express an opinion on that subject.

- I find myself counselling my younger cousins with the same stuff I was told and did not take seriously a decade ago. I tell them to major in what you willenjoy, I tell them to be well rounded thinkers and not narrowly trained, I tell them that the title of your major does not limit you to that particularprofession and that while you may be gung ho now, it is best to find a balance between work and life and not do anything for money.

- The Simpsons were still good when I started high school.
- When people call me sir

- When I ask someone when they were born and they say 199-

- When people tell me they thought I was 24-26
People on myspace with the b-days in 1994 and up requesting you

Realizing that some people with the b-days in 1994 and up are teenagers

I'm starting to worry about college
at remembering when the Simpsons was still good.

-When people who were born in 1990 are in the same class as you.

-Nautica used to be on par with Lo in terms of what was not. I still #%$% with it.

-N64 and the playstation were the pinnacles of gaming.

-They used to fight in the NBA without little repercussion.

-Florida in 2000.

-Staying in on the weekends is

-Sneakers were made with good quality.
I can go on and on.
Here're a few more.

- There are now more than a couple of NBA coaches that I saw play.

- I remember Kobe when he was the teenage phenom and with him being just six years older than him, I followed his career closely. How the hell is"Young" Kobe Bryant in his 13th season.

- I remember being kinda surprised when the Bulls beat the Jazz in the 1998 Finals.

- I remember an NFL where the commissioner did not try to play God and morality police. You had to run someone over with a car or commit ethnic cleansing toget suspended.

- Ocarina of Time and Golden Eye were master pieces beyond reproache. Wait, they still are.
--When 10 years ago doesn't seem that long ago. That's probably the biggest difference to me. When you're 18 and you think back 5 years, youthink that 13 was such a long time ago. When you are 25 and you think back at 20, it feels like just yesterday.

--I grew up watching Jordan, Barkley, Ewing, Stockton, Malone, Kemp, D.Robinson, Hakeem, Pippen - who have all been retired for several years now.


- When eva I look @ my Super Nintendo
- I can no longer name every single Pokemon...

- I fell asleep on a sofa in a bar recently while there was loud music playing. What happened to the days when we could easily dance until 4am!?
- Realizing that Johnny Bravo was the best thing ever..
- Whenever I look at my Gameboy Pocket and remembering Kirby's Block Ball...
- Pogs. Who remembers them?..
- Applying to graduate school.
- Cooking.
- Staying in.
- Reading books (and not because I have to for class).
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