LUPE @ CLUB NOKIA!! Nov 12 Anyone else going?

Im pretty sure your allowed to bring camers...just not professional ones.

They let you bring cameras into the nokia center, so I'm guessing they will at club nokia.

Concert's gonna be dope.....LUPE!!!
u going? if i got floor seats, what time should i be there? will the line start early? i wanna be up close to the stage. cant wait!!!
after seeing lupe at glow in the dark, i gotta go to his show now!
i'll be there and i'm coming from sf. i was actually gonna ask if any of you guys have been to the venue and what their policy on cameras is. should bea good show!
when i went to the GITD tour, they didn't let me bring my camera in. whaaaaack. the cameras they required people to check made this one table look like aBest Buy floor table.
Is it where the glow in the dark concert was or a venue in the same area.. im confused!
can someone post the flyer ? any body know the prices for this? i am a lupe fan he is ill ever wayy b4 food and liqour tooooooo.. holla back.
im with ^^

I was expecting a lot more considering this was the third time iv'e seen him perform.
When i saw him perform for the first time, he only had F&L.... and that concert was longer.... #$@?!?!?!?!??!?
NO COOL? NO INSTRUMENTALS? NO GOLD WATCH? NO LITTLE WEAPON? and i know im missing a whole bunchHE DID LIKE 5 SONGS FROM EACH CD.... #$@ LUPE?!!?!? lol it wasstill dope man. the dudes before him were alright too and i only listen to hiphop...

and whoever else was there, did you notice him trying to take all the credit/limelight? pushing bishop g away at the end so he can be the center of attention,then taking the mic away when bishop g was tryin to say something? idk man but lupe messed up on this one......
Put me down for disappointed too...
It was like he was trying to do a rock concert or something. I didn't like the whole vibe, it just didn't seem like him, I don't know how toexplain it. The sound was HORRIBLE, IDK maybe being a brand new venue and all, maybe the sound wasn't tweaked for this show right, but it sucked. Hedidn't do enough songs. Also, there was a lot of fluff. He could have cut out A LOT OF BS, and did like 5 more songs, and it would have been a completelydifferent show IMO (minus the sound issue). And the thing that I thought would be the worst part (the rock band opener) wasn't half as bad as I thought itwould be. I've ALWAYS dug Lupe's music (and will continue to), but I don't think I'd ever go to another one of his shows...

(nothing to do with Lupe)
Not to mention, this chick was standing behind us screaming ALL NIGHT LONG. Not like "Whoo! Lupe! Whoo!" But every couple of minutes or so, she wouldjust scream from the depths of her soul (I mean blood curdling, the killer is going to get me, I'm about to die-type screams). She was dumb drunk, HER DUDEleft her back there and went to another spot, I was LMFAO (and covering my ears and SMH). What is up with people just getting STUPID DRUNK at concerts though?The last 3 shows I went to (all in LA, now that I think of it), I've had a mishap with a drunk person...
here's a little review...

Worst setlist i've seen from Lupe BY FAR out of the 6 times i've seen him...By memory he left out The Cool, Instrumental, Streets On Fire, Coolest,Little Weapon and a few more big ones...however can't complain the show was good as usual it's hard realizing that Lupe is big more shows withmixtape tracks...however just this year at HOB Sunset he played a 2 and 1/2 hour set which had ALMOST EVERYTHING from both albums plus Touch The Sky and HappyIndustries...

another realization is the fanbase...the crowd was %#$!@* tonight the front had little movement and it seemed like everyone was just there to dress up and beseen...thanks Kanye

oh, and come on Lu for someone so smart can you please stop saying +##+%*! @%#! at shows...the Irvine show last year he could not stop saying UC Riverside...hecould've been messing around but i doubt it...and tonight he goes "so tonights a special night, this is the first show at this new'salso the first sold out show"...uhhhhhh were those two Beck shows mirages?
lamooo i went nuts when he said that its the first show... and yea i was in the front ...everyone else around me was dead... people are more concerned withrecording the WHOLE F'ING show with their crappy cell phone camera so they can show off to thier ******ed friends .... do people actually watch their 2mpvideos later on? just buy the dam cd and enjoy the show... ok im done
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

So besides the sound any other complaints cause I may be going to Nokia on Dec 10th for Bloc Party and The Pretenders?

the sound was fine for Beck and fine for Lupe complaints at all except maybe the wait to get in and out of the venue...otherwise nothing whatsoever
I thought the sound was

Lupe just didn't perform some songs he definitely should have.

The entrance to the venue should be a lot bigger cuz its a $!#+@ when u tryna not talkin bout parking, Im just talkin bout the main entrance where uwalk in/out of club nokia.
I forgot about that, the line was RIDICULOUS. I didn't appreciate the sound AT ALL...

Or the drunk broads! lol
the concert was alright, no gemstones or santos, the last one at HOB sunset was waaaaaaay better cuz it had everyone there. I agree with the songs, he couldadone alot more

on a side not, i was up top in the seating, these kids in front of me were kicked out for supposedly
, the rest of their group was just sitting downplaying with games on their phone the whole night
so no blazing at the venue? i was going to bring some stuff in for the nas show.

Hell yea u can blaze! just try to get in the middle somewhere.

I took 1 blunt and 2 joints to the lupe show
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