Louis Vuitton customer service:Update,my bag was replaced free of charge!! NT=Broke Haters

@ the guy co-signing himself

@ the guy spending $1500 on a murse and going on NT crying bout it
I can't believe people actually care so much about how other people spend their money, when they blow it you know who gets hurt...them, not me. If you got such a problem with it, make bread and do the right thing with it, so you can at least say you did the right thing with your bread. Don't tell another man how to spend his money that he worked for, and if he didn't work for it,ah well, I gotta work for mine so and I'm good with that. Let cats shine, to on my grind to throw shade.
Originally Posted by bboy1827

I can't believe people actually care so much about how other people spend their money, when they blow it you know who gets hurt...them, not me. If you got such a problem with it, make bread and do the right thing with it, so you can at least say you did the right thing with your bread. Don't tell another man how to spend his money that he worked for, and if he didn't work for it,ah well, I gotta work for mine so and I'm good with that. Let cats shine, to on my grind to throw shade.

They're sonning him not telling him how to spend his bread.
Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

Originally Posted by DB WEST

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by TaquitoLOVER91

i bought a tote bag from there once, sales associate thought i was playin when i said id buy it.
rude as $#%^
I feel ya man!

Went to a LV store in Vegas, was looking at their shoes, jackets... etc. There was one particular Varsity looking jacket I saw on the Mannequin, I asked one the sales person how much it was, she was like "if you have to ask, then maybe you can't afford it" I looked at her with the
she then tried to play it off with the "i'm just kidding *giggles*"

   The workers there are very snobby, I can't see myself shopping there again. I googled some of their policies and customer service and saw a +%** load of complaints that were pages long. Lesson learned I suppose.

Yeah, to some extent you have to be snobby though.  I wouldn't waste my time helping high schoolers or people trying to pretend like they have money while purchasing scarves and keychains if I got paid on commissions.  
This. Those guys only want people who plan on buying the items. Dream all you want at your house on the online website. If you don't have the money and prob never will, then get out the store. I only go in stores were I know I have money to buy the things or a I will in a timely fashion(maybe next pay check)

The thing is LV employees don't even get commission, so there is no reason to act like snobs to people that don't buy.
Originally Posted by Hankzilla

Originally Posted by bboy1827

I can't believe people actually care so much about how other people spend their money, when they blow it you know who gets hurt...them, not me. If you got such a problem with it, make bread and do the right thing with it, so you can at least say you did the right thing with your bread. Don't tell another man how to spend his money that he worked for, and if he didn't work for it,ah well, I gotta work for mine so and I'm good with that. Let cats shine, to on my grind to throw shade.

They're sonning him not telling him how to spend his bread.

Yup, cause we already know the type of dude that carries a LV messenger bag.  The type of dude that when he drops his bag, X-Men and Spiderman comic books fall out. 
Originally Posted by DaeWing

I hear LV has 99% of the bag made in China and then has them shipped to Italy for a last stitch job and then LV calls it "Made in Italy"

even if true

(&$#($# dont care.
Originally Posted by DKnice

Since when is a messenger bag considered a man purse? No one in here has to wear suit and tie and work and needs a bag to carry their papers, books, computer in? Dudes need to grow up... Calling a messenger bag a man purse??? Like someone said earlier what else is he supposed to carry his stuff in, a northface, jansport?? Grow up not everyone is still in high school.

Ever heard of a suitcase? word to Christian Bale in American Psycho.
Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs

Originally Posted by ElderWatsonDiggs


@ Dudes thinking they have to spend large amounts of money to pull chicks. These birds have dudes going broke and eating Ramen Noodles. Step your talk game up and save your money, besides the slizzores you guys are attracting with these baubles aren't worth much anyway. I see dudes walking in packs like this in the mall. Be all Gucci'ed and Louis'ed up looking like a discount ad from Filene's Basement.

The gift of gab >>>> trying to look "cute" for females to like you.

 this _ really just cosigned himself.

Don't you spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars on guns though? Who are you to really suggest spending $1500 on what he wants isn't a good move? Im almost positive you've spent much more then that on your guns. Damn hypocrites.

I can agree with you on people OD'ing on it though. The one's with 5-6 different Gucci/LV items...!%$% is disgusting. But having 1-2 being worn at the same time, there's nothing wrong with that. 
Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

Originally Posted by DB WEST

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by TaquitoLOVER91

i bought a tote bag from there once, sales associate thought i was playin when i said id buy it.
rude as $#%^
I feel ya man!

Went to a LV store in Vegas, was looking at their shoes, jackets... etc. There was one particular Varsity looking jacket I saw on the Mannequin, I asked one the sales person how much it was, she was like "if you have to ask, then maybe you can't afford it" I looked at her with the
she then tried to play it off with the "i'm just kidding *giggles*"

   The workers there are very snobby, I can't see myself shopping there again. I googled some of their policies and customer service and saw a +%** load of complaints that were pages long. Lesson learned I suppose.

Yeah, to some extent you have to be snobby though.  I wouldn't waste my time helping high schoolers or people trying to pretend like they have money while purchasing scarves and keychains if I got paid on commissions.  
This. Those guys only want people who plan on buying the items. Dream all you want at your house on the online website. If you don't have the money and prob never will, then get out the store. I only go in stores were I know I have money to buy the things or a I will in a timely fashion(maybe next pay check)

#%$#! please.

So now every time I go to the mall I gotta buy something in every store I walk into?  Window shopping means you're poor now or can't afford what you're looking at?

NT cats all rich though I forgot.  Do ya'll read the !$!$ ya'll post before you post it?  Some of ya'll live in a fantasy world.

On the LV store employees being snobby though...My whole thing is...YOU WORK IN THE MALL!!!...I don't care that it's the LV store...them bags cost more than your paychecks so why you being snooty to a potential customer just cuz they look a certain way or they're just looking around the store?  I never understood that.

- Preciate it.
Originally Posted by ualreadyknow23

Originally Posted by Sid Lugar

Originally Posted by DB WEST

Originally Posted by RL Treyce

Originally Posted by Night Marcher01

Originally Posted by TaquitoLOVER91

i bought a tote bag from there once, sales associate thought i was playin when i said id buy it.
rude as $#%^
I feel ya man!

Went to a LV store in Vegas, was looking at their shoes, jackets... etc. There was one particular Varsity looking jacket I saw on the Mannequin, I asked one the sales person how much it was, she was like "if you have to ask, then maybe you can't afford it" I looked at her with the
she then tried to play it off with the "i'm just kidding *giggles*"

   The workers there are very snobby, I can't see myself shopping there again. I googled some of their policies and customer service and saw a +%** load of complaints that were pages long. Lesson learned I suppose.

Yeah, to some extent you have to be snobby though.  I wouldn't waste my time helping high schoolers or people trying to pretend like they have money while purchasing scarves and keychains if I got paid on commissions.  
This. Those guys only want people who plan on buying the items. Dream all you want at your house on the online website. If you don't have the money and prob never will, then get out the store. I only go in stores were I know I have money to buy the things or a I will in a timely fashion(maybe next pay check)

#%$#! please.

So now every time I go to the mall I gotta buy something in every store I walk into?  Window shopping means you're poor now or can't afford what you're looking at?

NT cats all rich though I forgot.  Do ya'll read the !$!$ ya'll post before you post it?  Some of ya'll live in a fantasy world.

On the LV store employees being snobby though...My whole thing is...YOU WORK IN THE MALL!!!...I don't care that it's the LV store...them bags cost more than your paychecks so why you being snooty to a potential customer just cuz they look a certain way or they're just looking around the store?  I never understood that.

- Preciate it.

I went in an LV store to purchase something for my girl at the time (over 5 years ago). I was trying to get help, and I kept getting the cold shoulder and people would straight up ignore me. I guess it was because I looked young, but I was going to drop $600+ on a purse. I finally got help, and the manager was giving me a bunch of BS when I asked why 3 of her employees ignored me and then walked away to another customer. I mean like straight walk in through me to another customer. She finally helped me and I purchased the purse. The manager pretty much told me it was out of my price range while I was looking at it. I still bought it though. I told me girl what happened, and she got pissed. She told me to return it. She told me to complain to corporate too.

I went to return the purse, and I got the worst treatment of my life. I bought the purse cash, so when I went to return it, the same manager was there. She told me I had to wait an hour to get my cash back because they didn't have enough cash in the store at the moment. I thought it was BS, but I played along. Walked around the mall for an hour and half. When I went back, she said I had to wait longer. Now I was getting really pissed. I smiled, went to another associate in the store, told them what was going on, and the guy just walked over to the register and handed me the cash. The register was stacked. I was so angry I asked for the manager. When I asked her !%$ was going on, she said to me, "You shouldn't have bought something you can't afford." I lost it. I was shouting, screaming, etc etc. I told her my girl thought she was a $##%!, and that she don't want your sweatshop crap, amongst other things. Had to be escorted out by security.

I wrote a letter, and I actually got an apology response and all, but I refuse to buy anything from that garbage store again. Funny thing is I walked right across the mall from LV and grabbed a Gucci purse for my girl.

You never have the right to belittle anyone. Especially when you work in a retail store, and I make more money than you...
Originally Posted by Zero 0123

I went in an LV store to purchase something for my girl at the time

but I was going to drop $600+ on a purse.

Funny thing is I walked right across the mall from LV and grabbed a Gucci purse for my girl.

Wow buying your girl a $600 purse. Better man than I am. Not trying to belittle you but that is one of those gifts she can get on her own. (If that is what she likes). $600, that is a trip right there.
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