LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

If dude can pull that off hes officially a beast.
I pulled off watching 4 seasons in 3 weeks back in September. Needless to say, I'm hooked.
Whats everybodys favorite season?

<----2. Answered so many questions while making us ask so many more.
Now THIS is interesting.
Locke is unique in that he has had at least one significant life experience in common with virtually every key plane crash survivor or island inhabitant.
  • Jack: lost their true loves because of their failure to let go of their obsessive behaviors.
  • Kate: planned and ultimately responsible for the deaths of their fathers
  • Sawyer: had their lives severely damaged by Anthony Cooper ("The Brig")
  • Hurley: abandoned by fathers; both of them are "special"; worked a series of dead end jobs, ironically Locke is ultimately employed by a company Hurley owns
  • Sayid: when forced to question their loyalties (Sayid, to the Republican Guard, Locke to the commune), commit betrayals
  • Charlie: got rid of their demons on the island
  • Jin: embarassed about their parentage, unwanted by their mothers
  • Sun: manipulated by their fathers
  • Claire: abandoned by fathers who wanted no part in raising them; their fathers appear on the island
  • Shannon: denied their fair share of their fathers' wealth
  • Boone: conned by a relative
  • Michael: injured in an accident requiring a lengthy period of rehab
  • Walt: singled out in childhood as "special" by the Others
  • Rose: healed by the island
  • Bernard: unable to establish lasting relationships deep into their lives
  • Nikki: plans somone's death, but manipulates someone else into carrying it out
  • Paulo: frequently smokes cigarettes but quits at the behest of his girlfriend
  • Eko: had lengthy encounters with the smoke monster; involved with illegal drug trade
  • Ana Lucia: required psychological counseling to deal with their anger issues
  • Desmond: brought to the island against their will to fulfill a specific destiny
  • Ben: born prematurely to a mother named Emily, but not raised by their mothers; Both have been chosen by the Island to protect it; Richard visits them both at a very young age; Both of them are special; Both planned the death of their fathers; Both have been/are leaders to The Others
  • Juliet: actively recruited under false pretenses by Richard Alpert for Mittelos to do work in "Portland"
Originally Posted by hymen man

I pulled off watching 4 seasons in 3 weeks back in September. Needless to say, I'm hooked.

I done the same thing after season 3. I stumbled upon the final episode of S3 and was like, where has this show been all my life. Then I went back and watchedseasons 1-3 in about 2 weeks. Then watched season 4 "live". Then, went back and watched 1-4 all over again in about 3 weeks. Having a desk job, FTW.

And that info about Locke having something in common with everyone on the island is very cool. Locke is by far my favorite on the show.

Originally Posted by proper english

^ 1, 4, 2, 3 for me..

season 3 dragged like a mutha..

S3 had some dragging stuff but overall I really enjoyed it the second go round. Like Drama said, the others stuff was awesome. When Jack opened the door whenhe had Juliet and the water came in it was intense as hell.
Kateclimbing out of the cage for some butt.
Only character I didn'tlike was my dude Carl. All I could remember is seeing that dude from Big Bully and thinking !%% is he on the island for?

Anybody noticed on the Season 4 DVD cover everyone is there and then when you pull the discs out their cover has the O6 highlighted with the "6" inthe water? Just a cool easter egg they threw at us that could go un-noticed if you didn't really pay attention to it.

4, 2, 3, 1 for me. I really like S1, but the other seasons had more "*%$" moments to me.

All the seasons (to me anyway) stayed on a single theme. S5 from all indications will seem to have 2 different themes.

S1- Adjusting to the Island.
S2- Dharma (the hatch).
S3- The Others.
S4- The Freighter.
S5- Beginning of (or during) Dharma on the island??? / O6 getting back to the Island????

(Plus, I think I'm going to post in here every 5th time I post, so I can look on my previous 5 posts and find this easier. NT search, FTL.)
if you like LOST, you should check out some of the podcasts.

i recommend,

The Official LOST Podcast
The ODI LOST Podcast
The LOST Podcast The Transmission
The Get Lost Podcast

any of those are great to listen to.

and of course, DARK UFO is the best site for lost.
Originally Posted by FWA III

if you like LOST, you should check out some of the podcasts.

i recommend,

The Official LOST Podcast
The ODI LOST Podcast
The LOST Podcast The Transmission
The Get Lost Podcast

any of those are great to listen to.

and of course, DARK UFO is the best site for lost.
I mess with the Get Lost podcast and Dark Ufo. Add lostpedia.com to that list for everything you ever want to know about the show...literally.

I'd like to add that I liked season 1 for the fact that you did not know what you were getting into...

Who knew that 4 years later the show would be at the point it's at now?
Yeah thats why I like the show, seeing where it was when I picked up I was like WOW, show is crack. I gotta see where this all came from.
ABC always shows an "enhanced version" of previous episodes from time to time and on ABC.com with pop ups at the bottom kinda going deeper into whatsgoing on. Just like if Juliet is on screen it might say "Juliet was brought to the island for research on babies" etc.

Thanks for clearing that up EBW, damn sometimes it sucks to not live in the US. I can't even see videos from ABC.com without going through allot of hassle.
Where can i watch this online, I missed it, and ABC not showing it?

Edit: whoops, not 'til the 21st. Sorry! I shall tune in
It's about damn time. I really lose interest with these long %%* breaks. Can't wait for the first episode.
My interest always goes up.
Thats when I do my most research and re-watching of old episodes.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

My interest always goes up.
Thats when I do my most research and re-watching of old episodes.

It's the people with ADD/short attention spans that cry and complain the most during the breaks. They also ##*@# and moan over a slow/filler episode, Butwhen the season picks up, They be the first ones
'ing and

No faith in the series after 4 seasons...
I still love the slow called "filler" episodes. Those seem to be the ones with the subtle clues in them.
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