LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

dhart - Nice theory.

Rickfox - Des has the swag of 1000 Locke's in that pic. Got me rethinkin who's really my favorite character.
I never really thought about Jack being all that special. Does seem to make sense, but maybe he's just a damn good doctor.
S5 put me back on liking Jack. Dude was a LAME there for a while. But, it's impossible to talk about Lost without mentioning Jack.
My favorite is probably Hurley. He always seems to have good intentions and I think he's funny. I like most of the other characters a lot. Des, Locke,Jack, Sawyer, Benjamin, Sayid, Kate, Juliette, Jin, and Sun are all great. Charlie and Michael kind of annoyed me.

The gf is finally hooked! We blasted thru season 1 in 4 days. Crazy. Netflix streaming is pretty legit. Didn't have to deal with those loud *#! hulucommercials I was so used to. I think she is gonna be caught up by the premiere of S6.
Continuing on: I feel like they are all just apart of a godly game in which they try to test mans conscious and free will, I dont just mean the castaways butEVERYONE on the show(which could explain why everyone who has ever been on the show is coming back.) They dont have to be mean spirited to be on theisland(like desmond) but like desmond some people were affected by the actions of certain people that made them part of the game. In desmonds case that wouldbe widmore. Just like in farradays case it was his mother mrs. hawking. There is a scene in season 5 between widmore and hawking where it seems like they knowwhats going to happen yet they cant prevent it. Its almost as if the children of some of Losts most mysterious characters(christian shepard, Mrs. Hawking,Widmore,even inadvertently Ben for alex) are playing a game that their parents lost. Richard Alpert could in fact be the spiritual/physical guide for thesepeople never directly interferring but giving clues and insights along the way. Even in some pretty tense situations Richard as always had the cool head, hedoesnt really seem to fear either jacob or the other guy, he just seems more like the referee. The show is constantly touching on themes like fate and destiny,what certain people were meant to do and how there seems to be always enough time to become who you are supposed to be. with jack its always been about fixingthings, when he returns to the island hes a janitor and hardly in any position to lead,something he just had to learn to accept with sawyer he was all abouthimself,very selfish, he did at one point of the show have all the guns, medicine,and various other supplies that he just wouldnt give up,now hes leadingpeople,going back for them and making sure noone really get left behind. when jin and sun first arrived, their marriage was on the rocks and they both had manysecrets,since then they have grown extremely close together only to be seperated by epic proportions,maybe to show them how much they really do appreciate eachother and how they never really lost love for one another...they just werent using it right away. i dont have an explanation for kate/claire...kate hasntreally changed and claire stressed so much about raising aaron instead of just owning up to it, that now she has to watch as someone else raises him. class isabout to start again i apologize for not making any sense if that is the case, its hard to keep my mind in one place especially about LOST,they really do packalot into the episodes, Im trying to think of particular scenes and examples but a million are going through my head right now. ill post more on this theorylater...i advise people who seem confident that they are caught up in the shows events, to just watch season 1 episodes...knowing what you know now and goingback is pretty mindblowing, the replay value is amazing, i think the pilot is actually better now than it was when it first aired till then
@ Kate.

Somebody teach Frank how to button a shirt. Promo photo...


While I appreciate theories just as much as anyone, I think i'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Well, I say that now, but i'm sure 20 minutes into the freaking season i'll have enough
faces in a single post to shutdown everyone's browser. Damnthis premiere needs to get here STAT.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

-Des a bad guy? Never. But, for some reason I dont fully trust Penny.

-I never understood how anybody could quit watching after seeing more than a few episodes. Play the S3 finale for em, and I bet they will be hooked again.

-And when I did my second rewatch, I thought the same thing... Sawyer was THAT dude. Still is to a point. But,in the beginning he was straight cold blooded.

- Also, just out of curiosity. Who is everyones favorite character? Mines gotta be Locke, with Ben a close second.
I gotta say that Sawyer and Lapidus are my favorite characters on the show. They both create great comic relief for the show. Favorite female isKate, of course!
so i finally gave up and decided to give lost a chance. over the last 2 weeks i've watched the first 2 seasons. !%%$ is awesome. it's like lord of theflies mixed with 24, mixed with the twighlight zone. i'm scared to read this thread. because i'm sure something will get spoiled. i'll be back wheni catch up to the new season

see yall soon
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Anybody ever seen Button108 on Twitter? Every two hours dude types in 4 8 15 16 23 42 and the number of the time that he has posted it.
Silly but fun.


Some people are a little too crazy.

Got all 5 seasons on DVD for super cheap. Props to whomever it was that posted that info originally.
Originally Posted by DubA169

so i finally gave up and decided to give lost a chance. over the last 2 weeks i've watched the first 2 seasons. !%%$ is awesome. it's like lord of the flies mixed with 24, mixed with the twighlight zone. i'm scared to read this thread. because i'm sure something will get spoiled. i'll be back when i catch up to the new season

see yall soon

Yea, that's a good idea.

I agree with the Lord of the Flies thing too. It's my favorite book from high school. Actually liked reading the damn thing.
Ilana is probably gonna be a big piece to S6, in the beginning of the season at least. And looking at that promo pic, maybe she meant Frank was a candidate forthe "best chest hair on the island award".

Awesome you finally got onto Lost. Be even better if you can get caught up beforr S6.
Im really excited for this season, I think the writers understand how obssessed we fans are and will do a great job in answering the questions
my vote goes to keeping this thread!
Still watching season 1, and ive come to the conclusion that hurley is in fact an equivalent to richard alpert,he just doesnt know it yet. There are manyinstances where hurley has guided people to make the right decision,whether they know it or not,or just keeping people in good spirits,much like richard doeswith the others. Hurley made the golf course to calm people down,he convinced sawyer to give him the manifest,he has a couple of convos with jack, and jackactually listens to him, this also explains why hurley can see dead people and why he threw himself in that asylum,he probably thinks he is crazy.

the big reason i believe this though is because hurley can see jacobs cabin,not only that but locke and ben took hurley with them...why? Hurley has comethrough in the clutch particularly in the season 3 finale where everyone told him he was too fat or he would just get in the way...to be honest bernard,jin andsayid owe hurley their lives...
Why else would the others let him go at the end of season 2??
im barely on the 10th episode... im watching like 5 episodes a day any prediction on how long itll take me to catch up?

im on season 1 LOL
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