LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by allen3xis

@ me for thinking the girl in the beginning was Sun with Crandle

You weren't the only one. I was like SU....nope i'm dumb.
I believe that Faraday time traveled when we saw him working with the Dharma initiative because he looked like he had the same age then, as he does now.
But why? He said himself that you cant change what's going to happend. So why did he time travel? To get information? it's something though because hein disguise...
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Great way to start the season!!!

It answered a lot of questions for me, but it also raised some more (typical Lost, I guess). I have so much going thru my head right now, I'm sure I forgot some stuff from last night but, here are a few things that stuck out to me.

@ Faraday - helping build the stations
. I wonder if he was already there before, or if he is going back during the time skipping? He said he couldn't change the past so, is he trying to, or is he just observing?

@ The Doctor ( in the Video's)- being a total Jerk, and also seems to be one of the leaders. What happened to him? Is he still alive?

@ Sun- turning from a very quiet person from S1, to a straight monster now. Is she concerned about the others left on the Island? Why is she doing business with Widmore? To get back at Ben? if so, How does she even know Ben killed Keemy and the freighter blew?

-Why will Richard not recognize Locke? He knew him as a child. It seems all Locke will need to do is tell him his name, why would he need to show him the compass? Or will the island go back before Locke was even born?

- Who are the other people now on the Island? Did the island go to the future?

I really think this season is going to be the best one yet. So many new questions. I really was unsure how they was going to explain the Island, but they did a wonderful job so far to me. Yes, I need a blog.


The compass will play a major role, if I remeber correctly when Richard met John when he was a kid and put a bunch of stuff on the table, I think the compasswas included.

at John when he asked what does the compass do? Richard gave him
, it points North...
Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

I'm still trying to figure out if the past island is effected by Ben's absence.

If that was the case do you think he would have still moved the island.
I don't know...A necessary evil to prevent the Freighter crew from killing everyone/Widmore finding the island...
Smh, idk why I said that, I'm sure he knew...
Originally Posted by Tarvald Drama Chase

who is the lady that ben was talking to in the church... the one that said "God Help us all?"
My Big Long Chunky Theory About Ben, Hawking, and Desmond
Okay, since we know a hell of a lot more now than we ever did before, let's put some things in perspective. Widmore sent Desmond to the island. This seems to indicate he knew in advance that Desmond would be the game-changer. Perhaps powerless at the time of the boat race, maybe Widmore knew Desmond's abilities would come with the turning of the failsafe key. He alone would be instrumental in allowing the island to be found again. Desmond was the monkey wrench in the machinery of the island, tossed there by Widmore.

On the flip side, Ben is the person currently protecting and hiding the island. Desmond arrives on the beach, and before his clothes are even dry he is squirreled away to the Swan Hatch and kept there by threats of disease and impending world destruction. Pressing a button every 108 minutes, Desmond's going nowhere soon. Ben writes him off as harmless until the 815'ers show up to change Desmond's situation. Ben counted on the timer expiring, and the resulting Swan Hatch implosion... but Ben did NOT count on the turning of the failsafe key. Desmond wakes up buck naked in the jungle - the only character we've ever seen this happen to. He goes through a special type of island baptism or rebirth, and it looks like this is where he's imparted with the unique power to change things.

After the hatch implosion, Desmond is also catapulted though time to another point in his life. Pushing the button sucked, so he happily decides to change things, buy a ring, and stay with Penny. That's when Ms. Hawking shows up, vehemently urging Desmond to dump Penny and head to the Swan Hatch anyway, almost as if it were a given that he would do so. When he's hesitant, she seems worried and annoyed. According to her own course-correction theory, she shouldn't have to be worried... no matter what choice Desmond makes, the button would eventually get pushed by someone. Yet Hawking definitely *was* worried - a violation of her own conjecture. She knew Desmond could, and would, change things - unless he was thoroughly convinced that he could not.

So now you've got Ben and Hawking on one side, trying to keep things status quo. They're the keepers of the island's time loop, which has gone on and on... explaining how they know just about everything before it happens. Widmore and company have been trying to change things in order to find the island and perhaps get to the end game. You've got Richard and the Others acting under the order of Jacob (I'm no longer convinced Ben is, or even ever was, acting in Jacob's interests), and right now Jacob's agenda is still up in the air. And finally you've got Locke, rising to his fulfill his destiny as the once and future leader of the Others. Which I suppose puts his mission in line with whatever Jacob is planning. Somewhere in there is the smoke monster, a leftover remnant from the four-toed era, chewing on people from both sides.
From Darkufo. Remember her from Desmond?
Originally Posted by schaefmp

I also keep thinking about the Island killing certain people. Why were they even there in the first place then? One last chance to redeem something or just unlucky?

That's what makes me think the island went to the future. Faraday said you can't change the past, so the how would someone get killed with a flamingarrow?
^^^ my assumption would be it's relative to the individuals significance on the island. Frogurt was a nobody so killing him doesn't matter. SinceDesmond and Sawyer have had intricate parts in the happenings on the island, and they're both tied into the fathers and destiny of everything we know, themmeeting or just interacting before it's supposed to happen would have some kind of influence on things... but they still wouldn't/can't change thefuture... if that makes sense...?

(Edit) Keep in mind that we already know that their lives are in danger from what Ben is telling everyone, so they can and will die. If you look at time as asingle linear string of events, they are jumping around in time but their pasts still exist as they were lived out the first time, so nothing can changewhether they try to change them or not. They're still living it out now, for example Locke being shot in the leg. According to him that just happened tohim because thats where he is RIGHT NOW, relative to his perception of time, not in the past.

And as for Faraday and the opening scene: my guess is the island jumped back in time and to learn more about it and potentially correct what's happening,he decided to go to the source of it all, ala Dharma's discovery of the wheel.
^ thats a good therory.... the island now seems as if it has gone way back into time, to the time where Dharma was on the island... hence the bow andarrow's....and the dudes wearing the uniforms that locke killed
best part was Hurley throwing the hot pocket at Ben. but oh, what a sad waste of a tasty hot pocket
Arsnal- I see what your saying. But, to me it would still change his past and everyone's future. If he died before he even got on 815..... I better stop,I'm really confusing myself.

Hopefully, this get's explained in the coming episodes.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Arsnal- I see what your saying. But, to me it would still change his past and everyone's future. If he died before he even got on 815..... I better stop, I'm really confusing myself.

Hopefully, this get's explained in the coming episodes.

Think of it relative to yourself. Lets say you jump to 1990. You're not going to revert back to your age back then, because you're reliving that yearRIGHT NOW, in what you know as your present. You're jumping in time, but you are not changing. Only your surroundings. Think of time there as adestination and not a time so to speak.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Arsnal- I see what your saying. But, to me it would still change his past and everyone's future. If he died before he even got on 815..... I better stop, I'm really confusing myself.

Hopefully, this get's explained in the coming episodes.

Think of it relative to yourself. Lets say you jump to 1990. You're not going to revert back to your age back then, because you're reliving that year RIGHT NOW, in what you know as your present. You're jumping in time, but you are not changing. Only your surroundings.
I gotcha. Makes more sense now. Thanks.
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

^^^ my assumption would be it's relative to the individuals significance on the island. Frogurt was a nobody so killing him doesn't matter. Since
Desmond and Sawyer have had intricate parts in the happenings on the island, and they're both tied into the fathers and destiny of everything we know, them
meeting or just interacting before it's supposed to happen would have some kind of influence on things... but they still wouldn't/can't change the
future... if that makes sense...?

(Edit) Keep in mind that we already know that their lives are in danger from what Ben is telling everyone, so they can and will die. If you look at time as a
single linear string of events, they are jumping around in time but their pasts still exist as they were lived out the first time, so nothing can change
whether they try to change them or not. They're still living it out now, for example Locke being shot in the leg. According to him that just happened to
him because thats where he is RIGHT NOW, relative to his perception of time, not in the past.

And as for Faraday and the opening scene: my guess is the island jumped back in time and to learn more about it and potentially correct what's happening,
he decided to go to the source of it all, ala Dharma's discovery of the wheel.

Good theory you might be on to something, But how do we know that Frugurth doesn't become important to some incident in the futre?
Me too. Once January got here it seemed like time flew to get here. Maybe we're time traveling too?
Is time travel the reason why Richard Alpert doesn't age? And is time travel the reason why the red head was bleeding from the nose? It's similar tothe experiment that Faraday did with the mouse back in his lab at Oxford ( when Desmond traveled back last season). The mouse eventually died because itphysically couldn't handle it.
Originally Posted by vector23

Is time travel the reason why Richard Alpert doesn't age? And is time travel the reason why the red head was bleeding from the nose? It's similar to the experiment that Faraday did with the mouse back in his lab at Oxford ( when Desmond traveled back last season). The mouse eventually died because it physically couldn't handle it.

That could be the reason he doesn't age, but it doesn't really explain how he can stay in touch with everything that's going on and not be confusedas Ethan was and such. Alpert is still a mystery we gotta find more about.

I was thinking the same thing about Charlotte with the nose bleed. The constant last season could be a setup so that we would understand what's happeningto her. I guess at this point that is what we have to assume is happening based on what we already know.
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