LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by cgutta

i think the locke in the temple is either that guy who was on the beach with jacob when the entire statue was ther or he's charles widmore

i think they made it clear with "you found a loophole". And maybe he is Widmore who knows. Now i wanna know who are these dudes really, and whycan't they kill each other?
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

That was AWESOME. Best season finale yet. Juliet just saved the damn island (I hope). Can't believe ol' dude in the cabin wasn't actually Jacob. Plus, that means Christian isn't Christian, and he's definitely bad.
that was complete garbage...

just think about it like this:

Their plane should theoretically now not crash on the island...
Therefore they will never have had to leave the island in Season 3
So then it never would have bene necessary to turn the wheel & move the island/get it unstuck in time
Meaning that there would be no more time jumps... so nobody would be in danger of dying... so the O6 wouldnt need to come back to the island
Since they never came back to the island... they would never have gotten the idea to destroy the pocket of ElectroMangetic energy in the 1st place
So that means that the pocket of electromagnetic energy would still exist... which would cause their plane to crash all over again

That my friends is a paradox... they said there were no paradoxes... somebody needs to explain this
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was the point in Jacob visiting everyone?

I'm not following that one.

We are NOT done with Jacob folks, not by a long shot.
Word we are def not. I'm guessing he was making sure everyone was on the right track to do what they needed to do.
Why was the fadeout white? What changed? Was Jacob bad? Is Alpert finally going to die since "Jacob made him that way?" Where is everyone? When iseveryone? Why do I have to wait six months to get these questions answered? Why am I compelled to watch the past 5 seasons over again, even though I knownothing will be clearer?


So awesome though...

Their plane should theoretically now not crash on the island...
Therefore they will never have had to leave the island in Season 3
So then it never would have bene necessary to turn the wheel & move the island/get it unstuck in time
Meaning that there would be no more time jumps... so nobody would be in danger of dying... so the O6 wouldnt need to come back to the island
Since they never came back to the island... they would never have gotten the idea to destroy the pocket of ElectroMangetic energy in the 1st place
So that means that the pocket of electromagnetic energy would still exist... which would cause their plane to crash all over again
EB, I think you just explained it. That eye we saw looked familiar, and if they go where I think they're going with season 6, it should beinteresting for the people who said it looked like Jack had "done this before" in the Pilot.

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

It looks apparent that the other dude that wanted to kill Jacob in the beginning is using Locke's body, but that doesn't explain why there are 2 Locke's. Christians body dissappered from his coffin.


What DOES lie under the statue?

Everyone saying the ending was whack, seriously rethink yourself.

I just literally have NO idea where we go from here. I mean last season finale we next what to expect next season with the whole "what happened with 06left" and where the island went.

Now, we have nooooooo friggin idea.

I was definitely let down a little from all the hype but the scene with Jacob at the end is very, very interesting to me. I'm going to have to rewatch thisepisode ASAP.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by LiL Stevie728

Put a fork in the OG Locke, I think he's done. There is gonna be a confrontation between Jack and the fake Locke. Fake Lock + Ben vs. Jack and Widmore and Richard?
even when Locke's dead...

he still manages to %$!$ things up...

I swear I hate him G
No matter how season 5 ended, there would still be questions and a sense of awe.

The white fadeout when the "bomb went off" works for me. Those last 40 min or so were gripping television.

So now we know what Jacob looks like, but still don't know who the hell he is....or who the guy in black in the opening scene is.

Was that the Black Rock coming to the beach? Why did the guy want to kill Jacob? who doesn't seem to age either.

What the hell is Jacob's plan?

I'm still trying to pull it all together.

Season Six is going to be epic beyond all belief.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was the point in Jacob visiting everyone?

I'm not following that one.

We are NOT done with Jacob folks, not by a long shot.
He was ensuring people came to the island, or came back.

-Sawyer with his note. He had to have that or he doesn't go to Australia.
-Jack and the candy bar. Don't know about that

-Hurley and getting on 316.
-Sayid needing Nadia to die so that he would work for Ben and eventually make it back.
-Kate and stealing. I don't know.
-Locke being saved after falling out of the window.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

It looks apparent that the other dude that wanted to kill Jacob in the beginning is using Locke's body, but that doesn't explain why there are 2 Locke's. Christians body dissappered from his coffin.
that just mean that smokey got to it 1st or somebody
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

That was AWESOME. Best season finale yet. Juliet just saved the damn island (I hope). Can't believe ol' dude in the cabin wasn't actually Jacob. Plus, that means Christian isn't Christian, and he's definitely bad.
Very interesting. Does this mean that Jacob's rival has been the guy doing all of the manipulating on island. It seems like he has been takingon other people's appearances and manipulating the Losties and Ben into doing his bidding and moving toward whatever his motive really is. This iscrazy....I really am Lost.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

That was AWESOME. Best season finale yet. Juliet just saved the damn island (I hope). Can't believe ol' dude in the cabin wasn't actually Jacob. Plus, that means Christian isn't Christian, and he's definitely bad.
that was complete garbage...

just think about it like this:

Their plane should theoretically now not crash on the island...
Therefore they will never have had to leave the island in Season 3
So then it never would have bene necessary to turn the wheel & move the island/get it unstuck in time
Meaning that there would be no more time jumps... so nobody would be in danger of dying... so the O6 wouldnt need to come back to the island
Since they never came back to the island... they would never have gotten the idea to destroy the pocket of ElectroMangetic energy in the 1st place
So that means that the pocket of electromagnetic energy would still exist... which would cause their plane to crash all over again

That my friends is a paradox... they said there were no paradoxes... somebody needs to explain this

None of that has happened yet. How's someone gonna explain your own theory? they left it at "wait and see" basically.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

That was AWESOME. Best season finale yet. Juliet just saved the damn island (I hope). Can't believe ol' dude in the cabin wasn't actually Jacob. Plus, that means Christian isn't Christian, and he's definitely bad.
that was complete garbage...

just think about it like this:

Their plane should theoretically now not crash on the island...
Therefore they will never have had to leave the island in Season 3
So then it never would have bene necessary to turn the wheel & move the island/get it unstuck in time
Meaning that there would be no more time jumps... so nobody would be in danger of dying... so the O6 wouldnt need to come back to the island
Since they never came back to the island... they would never have gotten the idea to destroy the pocket of ElectroMangetic energy in the 1st place
So that means that the pocket of electromagnetic energy would still exist... which would cause their plane to crash all over again

That my friends is a paradox... they said there were no paradoxes... somebody needs to explain this
i demand an explanation for all of what i wrote...
Originally Posted by DaJoka004

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was the point in Jacob visiting everyone?

I'm not following that one.

We are NOT done with Jacob folks, not by a long shot.
He was ensuring people came to the island, or came back.

-Sawyer with his note. He had to have that or he doesn't go to Australia.
-Jack and the candy bar. Don't know about that

-Hurley and getting on 316.
-Sayid needing Nadia to die so that he would work for Ben and eventually make it back.
-Kate and stealing. I don't know.

I know that but I mean there's got to be more than that IMO. Can't be that easy.

I wanna know why the hell JOHN FREAKING LOCKE is possessed.

Jacob's last words were "they're coming". JACK AND CO? What the hell can they do at this point to stop this monster?

*goes into hybernation until Feb 2010. (at least that way I can catch up on the premiere and not have to go through Jan)
fk;msd/gksd/ nghksdnghkl;rmnghl;fmndhl;rm'lhm'fdlhlfd Locke sjlnawjelgnljngj ISN'T sfjbnasbnfipasnfgipn LOCKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lfdngjdngindgio

I'm like semi sad if the real Locke is dead though slgsdjjd

Ilana and crew aren't on the other side but with Jacob askfbndlfgnsel

$%+ was dude during the Black Rock scene? jnflaenfjedbnfglsedfguie

Juliet going caveman and on the H-Bomb core!!!!! fbsjdfbnskdlbfgsdobngo White flash AGAIN!!!!!

@ the Jack FAIL after dropping the bomb sfsdjbnoldn
Everybody was looking around like is that it?

Matthew Fox wasn't lying when he said fans wouldn'y be happy with the ending
I'm saying it now Juliet lives, Sayiddies.

Why Jacob with all this alleged GOD-like power let Ben off im like that? The irony of a FAKE Locke manipulating Ben in to killing Jacob for him.

Chang with no hand!
Yo... I need a link to these episodes for Barack O'Drama... he was unfortunately absent during its airing... Dub???
the explanation is wat you seen wat ever happened happened it may not be by the same person or same reason but it will happen
Originally Posted by dapimpjuice4ya

Originally Posted by DaJoka004

That was AWESOME. Best season finale yet. Juliet just saved the damn island (I hope). Can't believe ol' dude in the cabin wasn't actually Jacob. Plus, that means Christian isn't Christian, and he's definitely bad.
Very interesting. Does this mean that Jacob's rival has been the guy doing all of the manipulating on island. It seems like he has been taking on other people's appearances and manipulating the Losties and Ben into doing his bidding and moving toward whatever his motive really is. This is crazy....I really am Lost.
Yes. I need to see that opening scene again.

This is going to be a God (Jacob) versus Devil (other dude) type of deal. God banishes the Devil to Hell (the cabin). How did he get out though? Did Ben andLocke accidentally break the ring? And why did Ben think the cabin was where Jacob was in the first place? Also, why did Ilana go to the cabin first? Why wouldJacob be at the Cabin?
Something just occurred to me. I guess smokie is working with "possessed Locke" right? That's why smokie made it apparent to follow whatever thehell Locke said for him to do? Ben is already shook out of his mind and Locke is just throwing him more juice to do his bidding. My mind is just blown rightnow man. I'm sorry for anyone who was dissapointed with the finale, but damn this show just stepped it up a notch IMO.
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