LOST Season 6 Preseason Thread vol. we almost there!

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I will bet $100 and my left nut that that is not the smoke monster. That's just the shadow of a tree blowing in the wind or something.

You're on. I will take your money. You may keep your left nut. I am a fair guy.
"I broke the rules, John. There are no pics allowed in sigs. I must go to the Admins and be judged."


I will bet $100 and my left nut that that is not the smoke monster. That's just the shadow of a tree blowing in the wind or something.

Don't just look over the right side of her body; look over to the left of the screen as well, where the dude behind her is standing. At thesame time that there appears to be some smoke over the right side of her body moving to the right side of the screen, there also appears to be some smoke overthe left side of her body, also moving to the right of the screen.
Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I will bet $100 and my left nut that that is not the smoke monster. That's just the shadow of a tree blowing in the wind or something.

You're on. I will take your money. You may keep your left nut. I am a fair guy.
i swear, you guys catch EVERYTHING
its definately the just the canopy... people are starting to over analyze LOST too much now

or it could be shadows from the filming equipment etc.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I will bet $100 and my left nut that that is not the smoke monster. That's just the shadow of a tree blowing in the wind or something.
Trust me guys, that is NOT the smoke monster
You guys are crazy it takes money every time they make Smokey appearthey wouldn't do some weaksauce cameo scene unless he was coming out in full later in the ep.
I will bet $100 and my left nut that that is not the smoke monster. That's just the shadow of a tree blowing in the wind or something.

Trust me guys, that is NOT the smoke monster

gitdemjs and his left nut send their thanks.
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by Matthew Abaddon

Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I will bet $100 and my left nut that that is not the smoke monster. That's just the shadow of a tree blowing in the wind or something.

You're on. I will take your money. You may keep your left nut. I am a fair guy.
i swear, you guys catch EVERYTHING

i know this is Lost but yall are trippin....i mean these bammas are in the jungle with trees above and wind blowing, its possible its just a shadow orsomething.

as for alana I actually think you guys were dead on as far as them being widmores people. remember she also brought Sayid back, maybe Widmore knewSayid wouldshow up at a different time, and hopedhe would KILL ben... sayid did say he knew why he was brought back. Its about to get crazy, next week looks good
I was sort of expecting more from this episode.. I will have to re-watch it later because when I caught it last night I was tired. "Young Widmore",the Others, and Desmond/Penny sighting was nice but I thought we'd get more answers about Smokey. I'm sure all those Hieroglyphs in Ben's secretcave and underneath the temple turn out to be crazy translations.

Anyway, I don't know if it's been discussed or not... but could Locke be a manifestation of the Smoke Monster? I mean, we've seen the monster takeup the forms of Eko's Brother and other "dead" characters so why not Locke? What I also thought when Ben was waiting for the Smoke to appear wasthat it may be a manifestation of the four toed statue itself? (didn't read through all posts since the EP somy bad if this was mentioned)
Oh well, I guess i'll try to bring this post back to life. A feat that might not be done by the one they called "Cesar"...(not my gifs)





I'm not trying to shut down browsers sooooo i'll stop there.

calm yall +@@$* down, you don't even have to look far to seeeverything else blowing in the wind at that moment.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Theres ALWAYS something to talk about.

Like that friggin blast door map. @%%
Yea, You right...

Let's talk about it then:


I really don't know where to start the discussion...You can go a million different directions with it if you wanted.


I'm going to stick with it being the smoke...I don't even feel like I'm reaching either...
Caesar was a +#+$@@ waste. I guess he was just to feed into everyone wondering if Widmore put someone on the plane until they revealed it (which they prettymuch did a 1/2 hour after Caesar got put on blast, literally).

Alex is hot.
If you remember, last season, Ben had a map to the Temple that marked its location with a DHARMA symbol.

What does that mean?

- It's not really a temple, but a DHARMA station. The explanation for the wall would be that it was built to look ancient - i.e. explaining away how theyvisually tricked us.
- It is a temple (maybe even one that looks like a pyramid).

If it's the second scenario, it could be marked by a DHARMA symbol because the DHARMAites started experimenting with it. Perhaps the whole point of thetruce is so that the DHARMAites would never discover the Temple and whatever it does, so they could never use/exploit it. Once they did, the Others had topurge them.
Well, There's no coincidence that the Dharma people built a house over the temple with a secret passageway.

I don't think it's a station, It obviously predates Dharma, Just like the statue.
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