So, great episode tonight. GREAT episode. Claire being bat +##* crazy was expected, but she's ruthless as hell now too. Put the axe into the dude's stomach like it was a tree
Flocke being her friend isnt surprising. We've seen her with Christian, who I think we're all assuming was MIB disguised.

Jack #@$@+%% up the lighthouse... did Jacob want this to happen? I think so. Jack saw something in the mirrors, and as we can see at the end of the episode, he was really thinking out on the rocks. Hurley + Jacob or Hurley + Miles is always interesting and funny. Wonder what part of the equation Jin is gonna play. It looks like he's leading Claire and Flocke back to the temple. Gonna be some epic showdown going on between Flocke and Dogan when the time comes.

Working for Jacob from here on out: Jack and Hurley
Working for MIB: Claire and (possibly) Sawyer. Speaking of, where's Sawyer?

I think Claire being crazy and working for MIB will lead Kate to being on Jacob's team. Jin is a tragic character. I feel like he's gonna die soon. Real soon. Hope him and Sun are reunited before it happens.

Wonder how this flash-sideways events are gonna be tied into 2007 timeline. BTW, Jack has a son?!
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

I have a feeling Jack is going to go on some epic hero type +*%* here soon.
I feel the same way. Dude is gonna get redemption in a MAJOR way.

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Seeing the numbers and name dial in the lighthouse now makes me thinkthe names on the wall that Flocke showed to Sawyer are fake. Thinkabout it why would Jacob have all these names and number on a dial thathe can use to see the people he wants to use and then go and write themin a cave. Flocke is solely using the cave to manipulate Sawyer and Ithink that is even more confirmed in the fact that Kate is on the listin the lighthouse but not in the cave.
Interesting....... VERY nice observation.

Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

= 108


Originally Posted by 18key

Jin is a tragic character. I feel like he's gonna diesoon. Real soon. Hope him and Sun are reunited before it happens.
I feel the same. If him and Sun don't find each other (before he dies) that's gonna SUCK.

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW


Jack's up and down for me, but that view with him looking at the water realizing how important he was was pretty epic.

Jack IS LOST. Jack MAKES LOST go. No matter if you love him or hate him, dude is what this show has been about since day 1.

As much as Locke is my dude, and my love/hate for Jack......Jack IS THAT DUDE for Lost. No way around it. He's the center of almost everything.
I'm thinking that #108 is just a mind @%$# on the viewers because the conversation between Hurley and Jacob.

Jacob knew what Jack's reaction would be and knew that he needed some time looking out at the ocean by himself, so the #108 ploy was to mess with the viewers and to trick Hurley into doing what Jacob told him to do.
How does Jin know about the secret entrance? Why is he lying?
If he leads Flocke and Claire to the Temple ... IDK what the hell is going to happen.

Jack not remembering his appendix scar was ill.
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

I'm thinking that #108 is just a mind @%$# on the viewers because the conversation between Hurley and Jacob.

Jacob knew what Jack's reaction would be and knew that he needed some time looking out at the ocean by himself, so the #108 ploy was to mess with the viewers and to trick Hurley into doing what Jacob told him to do.
IMO, at this point, this is the best theory out there on this.  #108 doesn't matter, its just that Jacob needed Jack to get something done - smash the mirrors.


FlatbushFiyah23 wrote:
Seeing the numbers and name dial in the lighthouse now makes me think the names on the wall that Flocke showed to Sawyer are fake. Think about it why would Jacob have all these names and number on a dial that he can use to see the people he wants to use and then go and write them in a cave. Flocke is solely using the cave to manipulate Sawyer and I think that is even more confirmed in the fact that Kate is on the list in the lighthouse but not in the cave.

IMO both sets of numbers are real.  I think Jacob and black smoke guy want the same thing...to get off the island.  Jacob knows that in order to be able to do that he needs a replacement to "protect" the island.  Black Smoke knows this to but he doesn't want to believe it he thinks he can change the game.  So he's stopped trying to find "candidates" to replace him and has now set out to get off the island his way. 

Smoky showed Sawyer HIS cave to make his point/trick Sawyer that Jacob is the one who's the bad guy not him...plus him throwing the stone off the scale was symbolism of him not playing by the rules any more.  Jacob showed jack HIS lighthouse to demonstrate that this is his destiny...he's the chosen one...he has what it takes to be the island's caretaker 

This is all setting up that Jack becomes the new Jacob and Sawyer becomes the new black smoky who hates being on the island.  I think smoky is going to get off by long conning Sawyer into being trapped there just like he is.  Thus creating the Yin (Jack) and the Yang (Sawyer) that must exist on the island.  Then Jack and Sawyer will begin this whole thing all over again of bringing people there...trying to find candidates...
Don't take this a s fact, but on Lostpedia someone said it means.....

"You're lucky that I have to protect you. Otherwise I'd have cut your head off."
Originally Posted by Meangene4

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by Banks2Pierce

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW


Jack's up and down for me, but that view with him looking at the water realizing how important he was was pretty epic.

Jack IS LOST. Jack MAKES LOST go. No matter if you love him or hate him, dude is what this show has been about since day 1.
Sawyer>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jake IMO

Sawyers a B&@#$
Writeups should be extra-interesting this week.

Darlton delivered on this episode as expected.

Anybody think the Jack flash sideways was to get people to "like" Jack again and the final scene really get people in that mindset about how Jack IS the main character? Look at all the Jack talk we had in a positive way for the first time in a long time. Seems like a good setup for him to slide in to that Hero role again.

As much as people want to believe it, I don't think it's going to come down to Jack VS Sawyer at the end. I feel like Sawyer will do some tragic hero +%%*.
i think the cave was flocke den and the writing on the wall are the names of the people he wants to recruit, while

the light house is were the names of the people Jacob wants to recruit
I actually think both were Jacob's lists. The scale is what really makes be believe that.

"Sundown" should be pretty epic. This season so far is better than last season at this point IMO. I really can't even imagine where this will all end. We have about two months and some change left in this show. FML
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

As much as people want to believe it, I don't think it's going to come down to Jack VS Sawyer at the end. I feel like Sawyer will do some tragic hero +%%*.

Yes, I've been saying this since the first ep this season. And I'm really thinking he's going to end up giving his life to make sure that Jack becomes the new leader/Jacob.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

As much as people want to believe it, I don't think it's going to come down to Jack VS Sawyer at the end. I feel like Sawyer will do some tragic hero +%%*.

Yes, I've been saying this since the first ep this season. And I'm really thinking he's going to end up giving his life to make sure that Jack becomes the new leader/Jacob.

Either that or take the hit and become the next MiB to Jack's Jacob...
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

Jack should have swallowed the pill last week. Dude is a complete clown

BTW, I loved the Lucas references in this episode and throughout the series. "He just pops up when he needs to like Obi Wan Kenobi"

Jackface is always a classic.

1/4 way through, and I still have no idea where this flash-sideways is going, but it's definitely not as lame as it seemed it was going to be at first. Anyone else agree? Also, how many of you will be unhappy if we don't see any of Walt in season 6? Like, if his story gets told without him being on camera? I know there's tons of Walt junkies here.
I got a feeling that this season is going to end with that scene of Jacob and MIB on the beach watching the boat come in...where MIB tells Jacob he's going to find a way to kill him one day....

But instead it's going to be Jack and Sawyer...
since when do people hate jack?

how could you ever front on THE DOCTOR on the island. He was always the most important off that alone. people usually have blind trust in a doctor which is why he was able to lead for so long, and even choose bad plans that people still followed.

him and locke are the most important characters on the show by far.

i guess that 108 stuff was just to mess with us.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by Answer IV DMX

Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

What was up with Jack's scar?

That @%@% wasn't in this episode for no damn reason. Am I thinking too hard? If so, tell me why.
Could it be from the appendix surgery?
yea he had the appendix surgery on the island, and he had the mark on the head in the first ep of this season (on the plane) and also had it while on the island in tonights episode.

did any you guys notice that he didn't have his tattoos?
I guess I'm the only one that could have done without the flash-sideways, I just don't know how to feel about them, and where it's going.

It's frustrating to say the least, I thought my mind would get a break this final season, from extra curricular occurrences.  

I hope they conclude them soon.
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