I finally saw this episode yesterday. Not seeing Lost on the night it airs is awful.
Favorite part was seeing Flocke move around as Smokie. He was covering a lot of ground very quickly.
He is recruting the same way that Jacob did.
Still not sold that Jacob is a bad guy. You can argue yes he was manipulating when people were at their worst.
But He could have been there to save them...
When we see him off the Island. Locke Sawyer and kate were in "distress". Hugo, Jack(even though mad at his father just completed a great surgery and saved someone), Sayid even Kwons(wedding day) were ok. Just because you have a choice doesnt mean a push to get moving is a bad thing. Smokie is the real manipulator. We thought Ben was a smooth talker. Flocke going to take it to the next level LOL.
I feel Sawyer believes richard and is pulling a long con. 
I didnt see kates name on the wall? did anyone else?
Richard is a man of faith, not needing to know everything or seeing proof. Just content that what he knows is enough for him to know.
But it is weird that elana would know about the canidates and not richard.
I dont get something.
The day that the bomb was set off, was the same day sayid was shot by bens dad. Dharmaville was up in arms. Which means ben was still missing at the time because kate had taken him to the Others to be healed.
How did he get back to the sub to be taken off the island?

One other thing are we to assume that the ashes are the ashes of all previous guardians of the island?

Also great seeing everyone cross paths. I cant wait to see juliet and rosseau off island. Dont know how they are going to mix them in.
EBW - 18 hours of Lost (2 hr premier and final) only 16 episodes.

quik - I forgot Ben was at the Temple at the time of the bomb..... So, how did he get off the island in the flash sideways?

And I agree Sawyer is setting Flocke up for a long con. NO WAY he leaves the island.
Is anyone else concerned that the smoke monster cam we got was not Flocke, but the second "smokie" aka Jacob?  It's reflection in the window is certainly not as dark as we've seen before.  Could have been daylight, but I'm intrigued.
I think they showed us the knife and then showed Flocke picking it up. Not really sure so I could be wrong on that.

But.... it is interesting that some people on the island seen the smoke as white and some seen it black.
In the flash sideways world, I don't believe the bomb going of in 77 had any effect on it. That world is completely different. Otherwise how would sawyers ring still had been in his house? It wouldn't have
Yeah, I think Miles said it best, that all they really done was cause the "Incident" they was trying to prevent. Now, how they flashed back to 2007 is another story.

And I still say the flash-sideways is nothing more than the producers somehow showing us what WOULD have happened if it worked, not what did, or what will.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

EBW - 18 hours of Lost (2 hr premier and final) only 16 episodes.

quik - I forgot Ben was at the Temple at the time of the bomb..... So, how did he get off the island in the flash sideways?

And I agree Sawyer is setting Flocke up for a long con. NO WAY he leaves the island.

I consider an hour to be an episode. Only the two hour finale is "one" episode by their terms.

Either way, i'm glad we're flying by.
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm on the Jacob is the bad guy bandwagon... I mean after all he did bring these people to the island and alter their lives... nobody seems to know WHY they follow Jacob. flocke still seems a bit suspect, but I don't think he's trying to kill people at this point.

100% agree with this
I'm so confused when it comes to this issue.

It's so obvious that they are selling this good (Jacob) vs. bad (MIB) thing.  Black Vs. White.  Flocke just looks so much more evil, throwing out opinions, etc. 

So it would make sense in a Lost sort of way that it would be the direct opposite, OR that's what they want you to think
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by dunnyy

at the reviews...


The final ending twist, being that the whole story from the beginning was just a dream of Vincent's (Walt's dog), a-la Pam from Dallas, was genius. In reality, the survivors are only on the beach for another 2 hours before a passing cargo ship spots them and they are rescued!

thanks for ruing the show for me. ban this fool man.

I hope you're joking. If not, read the rest of the "spoiler"

I have a question:

Why is Locke paralyzed in the alternate reality? He and Helen both made note his father would be at their wedding, so obviously his father did not paralyze him in this reality.

I was wondering about this too, but I just blew my mind and thought of an explanation:
What if, in normal, un-manipulated time, Locke has a normal relationship with his father. His father needs a kidney, and Locke willingly gives it to him. Then Locke has an unfortunate car accident and becomes paralyzed.

Now, for whatever reason, in manipulated time (the reality Jacob creates), things have to be similar (i.e. Locke still has to be paralyzed). However, because Jacob has been meddling with reality for centuries, in this new world Locke has a bad relationship with his father, and in this new world Locke does not get into a car accident so he doesn't get paralyzed from it (perhaps instead that girl that Jack later heals is the one who gets in the accident). So, instead, Jacob manipulates Locke's father to push Locke out of the building so that Locke will be paralyzed. Further, because that girl was never supposed to be paralyzed, Jack is able to save her miraculously.
Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by Cragmatic

I'm on the Jacob is the bad guy bandwagon... I mean after all he did bring these people to the island and alter their lives... nobody seems to know WHY they follow Jacob. flocke still seems a bit suspect, but I don't think he's trying to kill people at this point.

100% agree with this
I'm so confused when it comes to this issue.

It's so obvious that they are selling this good (Jacob) vs. bad (MIB) thing.  Black Vs. White.  Flocke just looks so much more evil, throwing out opinions, etc. 

So it would make sense in a Lost sort of way that it would be the direct opposite, OR that's what they want you to think
Exactly. They make it seem so obvious that we don't believe it but then it actually is what is obvious in the first place because they played with our minds THAT hard.
So I randomly rewatched 'Special' from season one. In it...Walt is reading a book about birds and trys to tell his mother about something in the book but she wont listen. He ends up getting angry and a bird crashes into the window, the same bird that was in the book. Later Walt is reading his comic with the polar bear...and what ends up chasing him in the jungle, a polar bear. I dont know if this has any correlation to the later seasons but maybe Walt is somehow affecting what is happening on the island? Just a random late night thought.. I guess we'll all find out at the end of the season whats really goin' on.
This isn't really a mystery but...

Are we supposed to assume that the DHARMA Initiative chose the numbers somehow based on Jack, Hurley, etc.? Like they saw somewhere that Jacob had written them or Horace had a dream about them (remember him with the dynamite)? So the characters have been the set of numbers we've been seeing all along?

Or is it just a coincidence/fate thing that the equation that DHARMA used wound up being the numbers that Jacob assigned to the characters? Unrelated things that wound up being the same due to fate/coincidence/things always tending to be the same?

Not an issue they're likely to spend time on, but what did you guys assume?
why- nice idea.

bay- [Michael]WWWAAALLLTTT!!![/Michael]

roboto- Thet def at least need to show how the numbers work, or why and who put them in the hatch. I would assumed Jacob told someone, because I don't think that would be coincidence... but who knows.
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

Or is it just a coincidence/fate thing that the equation that DHARMA used wound up being the numbers that Jacob assigned to the characters? Unrelated things that wound up being the same due to fate/coincidence/things always tending to be the same?
Actually kind of interesting idea to explore IMO.  I think it will be something that may be explain through Sawyer and his now intricate knowledge of the Dharma based on his head of security position.  I would like to think that the good people behind Dharma in Ann Arbor were also recruited by Jacob.  He put this all in motion somehow.  Maybe the higher ups Hanso, Widmore, Sun's father, Hawking, are somehow all carrying out his interests.  While I'm at it, I really want all those people to be explained.
this show.  Sometimes I think I'm doing more analysis on this than in law school
^ I think this will get studied in colleges eventually.
The community college I went to had a course on the Harry Potter books
one thing i really wonder if they will explain is all teh weird visions.

jack saw stuff the very first day. kate seeing a horse. charlie and his visions. i'm not talking about dead bodies that smokey manipulated (like christian)

the whole shannon dream death that boone sees always weirded me out. I mean are they gonna say jacob created the visions? seems like a big thing that should be explained.
Well Boone was high off of that stuff Locke gave him right? That's why he was hallucinating I thought.
that was way to lucid to be a high.

either way what about charlie having that vision of claire? you know the visions people have. mr ecko had visions. i wonder if they are jacob or smokey somehow. i figure it's jacob.
The whole "the island told me what to do" theme. i think it's important and thats omeone is responsible for those visions
When I was thinking about Jacob being the "bad" guy, for some reason I thought of Karl and Room 23.

"Karl was held in Room 23, where he was subject to a form of the Ludovico technique and forced to watch a film in the room he was being held in while under the influence of drugs which were pumped into his system by an IV."

Some of the images/phrases displayed:

"Everything Changes"

"God loves you as he loved Jacob"

"We are the causes of our own suffering"

"Think About" next slide "Your Life"

"Plant a good seed and you will joyfully gather fruit"
is this show really that good? is there explainations for everything within the story?

and exactly how weird is it?

i wanna watch another show after i finish up dexter...
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