
since you guys love lost so much.
how did it end?
i stopped watching after that dude swam out to this bulding that could have been a watch center or something in the middle of the ocean. and hes coming up from under the water and saw a guy and then the season ended didnt watch after that

they get off the island?
what year were they in?
etc. cliff notes?
what happend to the others and darhma or watever.
Originally Posted by beezylocks

since you guys love lost so much.
how did it end?
i stopped watching after that dude swam out to this bulding that could have been a watch center or something in the middle of the ocean. and hes coming up from under the water and saw a guy and then the season ended didnt watch after that

they get off the island?
what year were they in?
etc. cliff notes?
what happend to the others and darhma or watever.
Just watch it, it's well worth it...
How do you just STOP watching it?
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by beezylocks

since you guys love lost so much.
how did it end?
i stopped watching after that dude swam out to this bulding that could have been a watch center or something in the middle of the ocean. and hes coming up from under the water and saw a guy and then the season ended didnt watch after that

they get off the island?
what year were they in?
etc. cliff notes?
what happend to the others and darhma or watever.
Just watch it, it's well worth it...
How do you just STOP watching it?
got to complicated and ridiculous. people looking into things to much, going online, certain websites cuz they saw it on lost trying to put things together
What was the deal in season 5 with Jin's flashforward? What was it supposed to mean? And why did they tell him it was a boy when he dropped off the panda?
That was actually a flashback while he was working for Sun's father. They was "tricking" us into thinking it was going to be Sun giving birth. The panda was for the wife of the Chinese ambassador or something like that.
[h1]'Lost' DVD and More Exclusive EW First Looks![/h1][h2]Sneak a peek at Michael Emerson in ''The New Man in Charge,'' a season 6 bonus vignette!
[h2]One Last Glimpse of Lost[/h2]
The season 6 DVD, out Aug. 24, offers an original, 12-minute vignette called ''The New Man in Charge,'' a tantalizing look at what Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and Ben (Michael Emerson, left) do as the new Island overseers. ''Ben is going around to Dharma installations and closing some down,'' Emerson says. ''There are some good surprises.'' And yes, ''it does answer questions.'' —Adam B. Vary

niiiiiiice.... i miss this show. rewatched everything on my 50'... yes its that much better. i miss it.
So at SDCC2010 there was a panel for the LOST Encyclopedia with the authors of the encyclopedia.

They were awesome, answered several questions and confirmed that the epilogue will be a part of the encyclopedia but that because they wanted to make sure everything was included that the release date of the book was being pushed back a few weeks.

During the panel they confirmed that anything in the book is canon and said that details of Walt would be covered if it is a part of the epilogue. They confirmed the Missing Pieces Mobisodes as canon and once again confirms that the actual first scene on the island for our Losties is not Jack's Eye opening, but when Christian tells Vincent to go get Jack.

The first entry in the book is Aaron and the last is Zodiac and that the book is 400 pages long!

In addition to all the encyclopedia stuff there was a 60 second clip from the bonus footage of the Season 6 DVD set. Nothing too revealing but the clip is below.

They also gave us a glimpse of some of the pages and I posted some pictures below.

I apologize for the quality and I am sure some fans that had better cameras than my cellphone have some better images.

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by beezylocks

since you guys love lost so much.
how did it end?
in the most garbage way imaginable.
I need to go back and read the thread. I can't remember how exactly you would of done it better.
i know im late and all but i just finished watching season 6 yesterday and even tho the ending did seem a bit weak im ok with it !!!! i just feel so lost now without my lost

i literally watched all 6 season in a 2.5 week span !!!!! netflix FTW!!!!
i would have not wasted half a season with misdirection then thrown in a magical place they created to be together.

lost season 1-5 are awesome but in the end season 6 proves that they were in over their heads. There was no grand master plan to piece everything together in a cohesive fashion.
Originally Posted by Crazy EBW

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by beezylocks

since you guys love lost so much.
how did it end?
in the most garbage way imaginable.
I need to go back and read the thread. I can't remember how exactly you would of done it better.
How are you still d-riding this?!
Lost is a show where you should only watch the first season. If you're real bored or like having background noise, watch the rest. By the end, you'll be in DubA's boat.
Alot of you guys complaining about the ending need to chill out and just be grateful for the show as a whole, it was AMAZING!
If you even watched 2 seasons of this show then it did its job: entertain you, and you seriously had NO IDEA what would happen in the next episode....has anyone ever tried to even predict a LOST episode???its impossible, the fact that you kept watching meant you liked the show
this show had some epic endings to episodes, possibly some of the greatest ive seen

-ana lucia shooting shannon
-michael killing libby and ana lucia and then shooting himself
-the season 3 finale(flashforward)
-when locke's dad was in "the box"
-season 2 finale was pretty dope too

i dont care how many seasons you watched it, if you did you were hooked for some time, and you gotta give credit to a show that did that to you. I dont even care about the purgatory ending because this whole time the writers said they had tons of predictions for the ending of the show written by fans and said NONE of them right, looks like out of those thousands of theories noone picked purgatory, so they kinda had to go with that.
Damn, i wrote all this stuff and stupid yuku.

Well i started watching Lost again after the first time it came out. I only watched the first and a couple of other episodes. Dont know why i stopped watching.

im up to episode 13 right now, Anyway a few questions.

i recall Walt getting kidnapped, what happened?

what about claire? preggo lady?

they ever say what that monster was? the rushings in the jungle?

how did it end? where they suppose to be there?

i dont mind all the spoiler, i will still watch

How long do I have to wait until the 12 minute bonus is on the net?

More Ben and Hurley aint as good as Ben and Locke but add in some Des and it'll be great.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

Damn, i wrote all this stuff and stupid yuku.

Well i started watching Lost again after the first time it came out. I only watched the first and a couple of other episodes. Dont know why i stopped watching.

im up to episode 13 right now, Anyway a few questions.

i recall Walt getting kidnapped, what happened?

what about claire? preggo lady?

they ever say what that monster was? the rushings in the jungle?

how did it end? where they suppose to be there?

i dont mind all the spoiler, i will still watch


Walt gets kidnapped but then returned and eventually returns to the real world. He stops showing up in episodes and we don't know why and nothing else about him gets answered.

Claire has a child who also returns to the real world. We never find out why the child was special.

The monster was the smoke monster. There's no real explanation for how it comes about. It's some evil force but it may have a softer side too but they never really explain it all.

It ends by some of the Losties taking over control of the island. And then there's this fake alternate universe that's pointless but it's a good feel-good thing to see everyone reunited. It was kind of like seeing everyone on Jimmy Kimmel together but in character.

Maybe I'm butchering some details but this show hasn't done much for me since the finale.
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