I've been watching since the pilot aired. Gonna feel weird knowing a show I've been watching since high school is ending in 7 days
So I've been thinking and I realized that Lapidus didn't get a real flashback episode. They straight Libby'd my dude. We know nothing about him minus that he was a drunk and he's a pilot.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

So I've been thinking and I realized that Lapidus didn't get a real flashback episode. They straight Libby'd my dude. We know nothing about him minus that he was a drunk and he's a pilot.

I don't think they will ever explain why Libby was in the Psych Ward.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

So I've been thinking and I realized that Lapidus didn't get a real flashback episode. They straight Libby'd my dude. We know nothing about him minus that he was a drunk and he's a pilot.
I don't think they will ever explain why Libby was in the Psych Ward.
I think the creators just said she went crazy after her husband died. Think his name was Dave

They could've done something with Lapidus backstory but that was a S1-S3 type of thing. They lost their chance on going in to his past in S4 due to the writer's strike if they were going to. After S3 tho we stopped learning a great deal about the character's past and we started to learn about the gaps in the future which weren't shown linearly. If they had tried with Frank it would've just been an info ep/scenes and not as engaging as the main cast's back story. Look how they tried to explain Ilana. What did we really know about her?
Yea I kno they lost the chance with Frank but for him to have been ASSUMED to be a candidate at one point we know "JACK" about him. I still hope he isn't dead. If he is only one person left from the freighter crew. If Miles survives, I'll be SO Surprised and happy. Dude has been nothing but laughs for me
Kinda crazy knowing in exactly a week ima be
with the homies watching Lost for the last time...
Hey EBW....lets get a thread title change. The time for bickering is over. Two eps left. It's time for Lost fan solidarity.

TMZ has obtained the 911 call made by "Lost" star Malcolm David Kelley last week -- in which he calmly tells the operator, "someone's trying to break into my house."

During the call, Malcolm -- who plays Walt on the ABC show -- tells the dispatcher that he can a see  man trying to break into his home with a knife.

Malcolmthen tells the operator that the perp is trying to break into the mainsection of the house where he's holed up ... and that's when the callcuts off.

Cops quickly arrived to the home and fired at leastone shot at the suspect as the perp tried to escape. The guy waseventually apprehended and taken into custody -- Malcolm was unharmedin the incident.

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

TMZ has obtained the 911 call made by "Lost" star Malcolm David Kelley last week -- in which he calmly tells the operator, "someone's trying to break into my house."

During the call, Malcolm -- who plays Walt on the ABC show -- tells the dispatcher that he can a see  man trying to break into his home with a knife.

then tells the operator that the perp is trying to break into the main
section of the house where he's holed up ... and that's when the call
cuts off.

Cops quickly arrived to the home and fired at least
one shot at the suspect as the perp tried to escape. The guy was
eventually apprehended and taken into custody -- Malcolm was unharmed
in the incident.


OMFG fans taking this %@* for real. Trying to kill Walt just encase he is a candidate
i wonder if we'll learn about.....

never %#@%$$# mind. i've lost 90% of my faith in the writers. i'm going into the rest of the season with very low expectations. that's the only way i'll enjoy it
It hasn't really hit me yet... I will miss not only the show but the time spent reading about it and discussing it on here. Here is some stuff from the past that I posted:
(from March 17, 2007)
Somehow, the hatch implosion and other events related to the hatch have caused time on the island to either go forward or backward in time relative to the rest of the world. I'm guessing it goes backward. This would explain how Desmond went back in time. Once the hatch implodes, the island is now in the past. Desmond hits his head and his consciousness is transferred for those moments to the Desmond living in the real world (now there are 2 Desmonds living at the same time, one in real life and one in the island). I know the idea of transferring consciousness sounds too far out there but I can't think of a better explanation right now.

Further, if the island really did go back in time, this would explain how the Others can return to the real world (now in the past) and interact with the Losties in their past life and influence them. For example, this explains how that lady who tells Desmond to stay on his path could be real.

Another thing this could explain is the List. I'm thinking that the people on the List are those who have sufficiently bought into the Others' brainwashing and are able to travel back to the real world (which is the past) and do things the right way without screwing things up. That's why they can't send someone like Locke. Why? Because, as Mikhail says, Locke is angry. When sent back to the past, he may take out his anger and screw up events.

Lastly (for now) I think attempts at leaving the island, which require travel across a time boundary, cause displacements or other effects that lead to small changes in the island reality and even in real world reality. These events cause reality to be a little fickle. I think it's all tied to why they need to push the button for the hatch as someone mentioned on another board. Another thing that could be explained is why you can't leave the island when you try to sail out. I think that, once you hit this time boundary, somehow you reenter yourself in the past or future and the boat gets flipped and goes in the opposite direction (I realize this explanation isn't that good but I figured I'd throw it out there).

btw, I came across this screenshot that shows definitively that the flashbacks are fickle in that things change. This cannot be explained by a production error (look at the change in font in "News Agent"):


new thought... what if the Others/Hostiles who have been on the island for a very long time are unable to reproduce for some reason (either cause the island neuters them or for some other reason)? Maybe that's why they take children. Maybe, to prolong their bloodline, the Others impregnate people and bring them to the island, where they then take the child and "treat" the child (with brainwashing and vaccinations and such).... This could relate to the 70+ year old look to a CT (or MRI?) of someone who's in their 20's. This may be a side effect of living on the island somehow. You age too quickly and thus it's impossible to have a child.

Also, was Locke's father able to teleport to the island cause he has Locke's kidney?
What if the hatch stuff created 2 timelines (or multiple timelines), but then what if these multiple timelines are created in the outside world?

However, on the island, the entering of the numbers maintains the island in its current timeline. Each time the numbers are entered, the island stays on course but the outside world changes. As a result, there is a gap between the outside world and the island that grows each time the numbers are entered.

When the hatch imploded, somehow the situation is rectified and Desmond relives the significant portion of his life but has to make the decision to go back to the island or else things cease to exist.

When Desmond goes back, he gets to go back to some intermediate universe in the Dharma Initiative's meddling with timelines. This is sort of an intermediate state where Dharma's operatives are out and working to get timelines to converge to the one they want.
May 29, 2007
Let's say that a random plane crashes on an island, then let's say the people are stuck on the island but are able to change their past, but no matter what they do they end up on the same plane and crash on the island. So the endpoint is fixed but the rest is open, sort of like Brownian motion conditioned on the state at a time t. Maybe then this could be the cause of all the connections between the Losties.

The first question is what are the chances that a brother and sister (Jack and Claire) who never knew each other end up on the same flight? This would seem to destroy the theory. But what if Jack and Claire DID know each other in the original timeline, and they were flying with their father on a vacation.

Now, somehow, after landing on the island, Jack goes back and decides he hates his father so he drives him to depression and death. Even more far-reaching, Jack's father keeps Claire a secret from Jack in this manipulated past. But, even though the father died, he is still lurking on the island. Plus, this explains why Jack's father talks to Sawyer and Ana Lucia (Ana Lucia is his protection because he's afraid Jack might kill him there, but really the plan is to make him drink too much).

We already see evidence of how this would work when Desmond sees Charlie in the real world. Such events will lead to changes that will eventually connect all the Losties.

And this is stuff that justhotkicks posted (I hope he doesn't mind):

Marcy 17, 2007
This is a very very basic theory.

Desmond, as we know, can travel through time or hop between parallels of reality or something. Whatever he does in his non-island life is moot because he will always end up back at the island. The old woman at the jewelry store tells him that. Even when he tries to escape, he ends up back at the island and states "we're stuck in a bloody snowglobe" or something like that. However, what he does in his non-island life will still affect what happens in the future.

For example, in the Desmond-centric episode, he encounters Charlie, who was playing and singing in the streets. He comments on Desmond, saying "this is why we don't do drugs" or something like that. Maybe Charlie was never a drug addict after that encounter.

Desmond, who looks determined to get back to his non-island life, looks like he's planning something. That plan is to alter the lives of all the survivors in order to make them never get on that plane. However, as I stated, he knows he's going to end up at the island no matter what he does, which is why he tells Penelope about the island, where it is, what it is, stuff like that. He doesn't know the exact whereabouts, but he knows about the electromagnetic phenomena that will occur when he turns the key in the hatch, which is why he tells Penelope to set up some sort of outpost near the area (we know the island is somewhere between Australia and Antarctica) that can detect electromagnetic activity (season 2 finale). She's rich as hell and has the funds to set it up.

Desmond will try over and over again to make sure none of the survivors will crash on the island. When he accomplishes that, Penelope can now find him, and they can live together in peace. Desmond knows he can't have her in the real world because of Penelope's father. To go full circle, we remember the two corpses that were laying next to each other when they first find the cave (season 1). That is actually Penelope and Desmond who have lived there together, just that now there won't be any survivors to discover it.

Now nyknicks can come in and say "Nah son" to my theory lol.

March 21, 2007

We know Sawyer's real name is James Ford, and he adapted "Sawyer" from the person who killed his parents.

Maybe Cooper is the REAL Sawyer.

As for the room (or the "box"), maybe it's just the smoke manifesting itself as something each survivor needs to confront. Maybe the "box" was shown to Jack, and in it was his father or even his ex-wife. After Jack reconciles with his past demons, he can sorta let his guard down a little which is why he was playing Nerf with Tom.

We were right on some things and wrong on others. We may be proven right or wrong on some other stuff in the final two episodes.
I hope not. But, the ending is gonna be CRAZY. I already told my wife she's taking the kids SOMEWHERE next Sunday night. I watching it in total 100% peace.

And interesting stuff whywesteppin, GREAT find on the NewsAgent thing, VERY interesting. And it's crazy all the theories that have been around. I remember one of the big one's was it's all gonna happen again (flight 815 crashing) and there was a lot of evidence to support that. And the fact LOST was originally going to be called "The Circle" or something like that. Now, I can't really see that being the end, but I guess with 3 1/2 hours left anything is possible.
If it ended that way...I swear on all that is holy that I will bring Armageddon to where ever Damon and Carlton are. So I'm planning on buy my plane tickets today just in case
And this is stuff that justhotkicks posted (I hope he doesn't mind):

Marcy 17, 2007

Holy hell, what was I smoking...

Even though I was way off, it was fun as hell coming up with these stupid theories. That's what i'm going to miss the most - discussing LOST here and with my friends.

sad face
^ jhk, you were right about the smoke monster and about Desmond being on a mission, although in a slightly different way than you imagined.

^^^ CadillacFlow, that's what first got me into thinking about theories about Lost. There were a lot of minor things that changed in flashbacks that were too careful to be simple continuity errors. These were hints from the start about the multiple timelines and time travel.
I remember reading some thing about the pilot and the minor differences.

If you back and watch the pilot, and then watch the "Previously on Lost" part of the 2nd episode, the people on the plane say things slightly different.
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