I watched the first 5 seasons in a 2 month period. It took a few episodes to be over with me- once I started I couldn't stop. I know people who stopped watching after the writers in season 3 or 4 (dont recall). Baffles me...I cant get enough of it.

@Crazy EBW: Finale is indeed going to be epic!
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Wow. I'm about ready to quit this thread. Everything in here is now about comparing episodes, comparing shows, etc.

Really, if you weren't here through it all and you don't get it now, then don't complain or comment on it. By "it," I mean why some of us are so drawn to the show.

And who gives a damn if the answer they give us in a month is satisfying or not. Who gives a *@!@ if they've just been pulling the wool over our eyes this whole time. Who gives a @%$+ if we don't find out every answer. The fact is this: when you distill it down, no one gives a rat's !+# how Lost ends. It's not like our lives are going to change because Lost will unveil some mystery of life in the final episode. The appeal is that we've gone on this ride for 6 years, constantly intrigued by the characters and the plot lines, constantly trying to put together clues to figure out what's going on, constantly revising theories and predictions about the show.

Just like love isn't about who you end up with but with what you've lived, Lost isn't about the answers we'll get in the finale but about the questions it made us ask. Fate, free will, love, regret, redemption, etc.... It's universal stuff. People may have problems with the techniques used to tell these stories -- time travel, alternate realities, atomic bombs, smoke monsters, etc. And sometimes it does get cheesy. But if you can't put up with these things then Lost isn't for you. For the rest of us, don't go around trying to tell us why we shouldn't like the show.

I'll agree on one thing. We shouldn't be comparing this show to the Wire. That's like comparing the Matrix to Dumb and Dumber to Casablanca.

And if you're sick of the hyperbole in this thread (i.e. saying Lost > * and I don't know what to do with my life after Lost ends), it's because we're %%@%%*$ fans. That's what fans do.
No Lost hate from me. I'd die without both Lost and The Wire.

I think to some people they see that the finale is near and get all anxious and mad because feel like their questions won't be answered. Let it all play out before you jump off the bridge and conclude that the show sucks. Lost is definitely an acquired taste, not for the slow minded and is very detail oriented. Sure the story has taken several weird turns the last 2 or so seasons but I think we're all holding out hope that it makes full sense in the end (which I'm sure it will). No need to bash fans or play an elitist "my Lost appreciation is better than yours" role, either way we all clearly share a common interest in it so just let it be. Personally, I think these last two seasons are a notch below the first 3 seasons but that's not gonna stop me from watching every Tuesday.
so seriously am I alone thinking that michael was the MIB.

and so was richards wife when she talked to Hugo?
^ still very possible.
and I'm not liking the hate on season 5. The season 5 finale is a top 5 episode for me.

I've been trying to find this paragraph that showed

(minor spoiler if you don't want to know the episode centricities)

Spoiler [+]
what questions would be answered in the MIB/Jacob episode. It didn't give the answers but said they would answer things like the donkey wheel.

If anyone can locate that
Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

^ still very possible.
and I'm not liking the hate on season 5. The season 5 finale is a top 5 episode for me.

Season 5 had me hyped, because I had my fill of that flashforward business, but I never would've thought the finale could be that good. The season had some really great moments, but it never felt like it was focused enough to pull it together in a couple episodes (Season 2), especially leading into the last season. That's what I get for doubting Lost.

I feel like Ilana's got unfinished business. Hurley gonna get some serious visits.

So everything is pretty much setting up for a "reunion" of sorts in the Sideways World at the hospital......

Locke goes to hospital possibly with Ben since he was the first one to get to him in the parking lot, see's Jack (possible surgery) or see's his father, holds his hand etc, see's "flashes of his other life"

Sun goes to hospital, gun shot wound, plus baby, see's Juliet (ala Medical Station island), see's "flashes of her other life"

Jin see's Sawyer/Miles for questioning at the hospital after the the incident with Keamy,.

Sayid will be there obviously for his brother.

I wonder how the rest will come together.

Everyone has a constant.
Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Dub, I would say he wasn't because Im pretty sure Ilana said he was "stuck" as Locke.

interesting. then i don't understand how richards wife could possibly talk to hurley. how would she have ended up on ths island? if teh whispers are souls of those who didd something wrong why would his wife be there?

i still think we are gonna hear more about the whispers. something was off with michael and that whole scene. in the past most times we heard whispers we saw the others after. so was that the dead people warning the losties?
Originally Posted by SenorRoboto2k5

I saw a picture of them filming the finale. It's not a spoiler that you can see anything that's going on with the story... but click at your own risk... it should get a lot of people talking regardless.


This %##+ needed a disclaimer 
Yeah, dead people tryin to warn people seems to be the case. Cause even when Ben was an other he told Rousseou to run whenever she heard them.

And luckily I cant click spoilers from my phone or I would have. Thanks for the extra warning.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by CadillacFLOW

Dub, I would say he wasn't because Im pretty sure Ilana said he was "stuck" as Locke.

interesting. then i don't understand how richards wife could possibly talk to hurley. how would she have ended up on ths island? if teh whispers are souls of those who didd something wrong why would his wife be there?

i still think we are gonna hear more about the whispers. something was off with michael and that whole scene. in the past most times we heard whispers we saw the others after. so was that the dead people warning the losties?

Hurley has been talking to dead people even off the island. Idk if someone answered me because I havent checked back but like you pointed out about the whispers and the others appearing, there was Harping appearing to Juliet/Jack and Richard appearing to Ben.
The island can be a place that traps souls......smokey can be a demonic soul.
Anyone see Fringe last night.......talked about time travel
Originally Posted by PltcsAsUsual

I dont think i could ever get this show... like i watch it here and there and always end up 10x confused
LOST is not a show you can just pick up.

You got to watch from the beginning... well you can skip season three.

i say click on them. its worth it
I clicked on the picture but closed it before the pictures loaded. The title on the webpage was enough.................................
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

^Indeed EBW! 
Oh an think the whispers are what they said they are and nothing more.  


and I don't think being bad has anything to do with them being stuck there. Its the fact that they have UNFINISHED business like in the movie Casper (seriously). The ghost didn't cross over to a higher plane of being if they still have unfinished business with the living
Yeah, I'm 108% cool with the whispers explanation....

90% cool with the numbers explanation....

And if he's done 8% cool with Walt
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