Originally Posted by CallHimAR

Originally Posted by Master Zik

Nah seriously this ep wasn't that good.

All the talk from Charlie was some hippie %+%+. Even Faraday dumbed down his conversations. Wasn't a lot of engaging dialogue at all.

Didn't care for Des' doped up look on his face. Just agreeing to go with anybody. Seems he's in Locke mode x10 with all that faith in he'll do something important regardless.

I'm guessing next ep is a Hurley centric so at least I can get a few good laughs and actual answers from him.
Obviously he dumbed down his conversations in the alternate time line since he wasn't actually a physicist there.
He's still suppose to be cryptic and confusing. I'm sure he's a meth head in the sideways flashes.
Originally Posted by JoeyD16

So Desmond is going to round everyone up, The Oceanic flight is going to "crash" on the island and we're going to see Jack wake up in the forest... ??

Hands down, best non-island timeline episode of the season.

On a second note, maybe we need to start a thread about this, but we always see stickies about how we're donating so much money to various causes. I say why don't we take care of #1 first and use some of that ad money to move this show to a more reliable message board format. I don't have to tell you all that Yuku has been absolutely horrible for the past few months.
The episode was amazing. I love the parallels to previous episodes. Like when Widmore talks to Desmond and everything is flipped. Instead of, "this glass of scotch is worth more than your life," it's, "nothing's too good for you." And then the part where Charlie is drowning and puts his hand to the glass... You could see it coming as soon as the car was headed toward the water. Or when it's Penny (not Jack) who Desmond sees running the stairs at the stadium.
It's not just random coincidences put in the show as easter eggs. This stuff has been happening since the show started. There's always been minor changes that happen. Sometimes it's just a mirror image of something (i.e. a scar will be on the right side one moment and on the left side the next moment). Other times it's more drastic, like Penny running where Jack used to be.

I don't care that we didn't necessarily get answers. It's these little things that are the reason why I love Lost.

One theory I'll throw out there -- there are always multiple realities going on. This is because there is time travel on the island, so each time something happens, it creates a new reality outside the island that is a little different. However, when the nuclear bomb goes off, it sort of cuts off the island timeline and creates a whole new reality outside the island, which is the alternate timeline we are observing.

Anyway, I feel like this episode actually goes a long way to bringing everything together. We now have something that sort of explains how different timelines and realities intersect.
This was one of my favorite episodes of Lost ever.

I found all of the dialogue extremely engaging. It could be because I haven't doubted the alternate universe and have always held that it would be important, so an episode edging toward an answer was more interesting to me than to those who've been pissed off by the sideways.

I thought everything about Charlie, Desmond, and Daniel's "love" was extremely well done.

Beautiful episode.
I loved this episode. Lots of mind-%+#% moments, an interesting ending ("I need to show them something"), and another hilarious Sayid ninja-kill. This is obviously gonna kick start the merging/awareness of present-timeline and 2004-timeline, and I cant wait
Next week looks dope as %+#% also. Lot's of dead people coming back?
We saw a few in the previews.
Originally Posted by Crook

Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

this thread/theory is so ill.


I'm kinda scared about reading this...haven't read any spoilers ever for lost but hmmm I'm really temped...would it ruin the rest of the lost experience for me??
It's not a spoiler, despite the name of the site
Just a well-backed up theory that will make you think.
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Next week we should all go into MissInfo's ustream. She was watching LOST and asking question. I just got a shoutout on her twitter (UK-NT) She said she might get Cam to co-host next week. I didn't know he liked LOST

Killa likes LOST?
I swear the on point writing, the great acting and the amazing story from Lost has spoiled me
I've been tryna watch prison break lately and the sorry excuses for foreshadowing or cliff hangers has me
I really need to tone my expectations down otherwise I'll never enjoy a show again
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

Next week we should all go into MissInfo's ustream. She was watching LOST and asking question. I just got a shoutout on her twitter (UK-NT) She said she might get Cam to co-host next week. I didn't know he liked LOST

Killa likes LOST?
same thing I said
Originally Posted by Wooly Willy

I swear the on point writing, the great acting and the amazing story from Lost has spoiled me
I've been tryna watch prison break lately and the sorry excuses for foreshadowing or cliff hangers has me
I really need to tone my expectations down otherwise I'll never enjoy a show again

God I know how you feel
I keep watching other drama's (minus Breaking Bad) like "wow they're making it wayyy too obvious for what's coming. You'd think they could throw a little mystery into this %%%%." Then I think about it, and realize I'm overthinking
mannnnn oooooooooooo mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn.. what do you guys think that thing they put desmond in accomplished?
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