Originally Posted by JamesOnNT

this thread/theory is so ill.


Great theory. The explanation made me a believer.
I really hope that theory is true and it syncs up with the whispers. it would give us a better reason to re watch the series.
2 HOURS!!!! This week and next week will be ill. I'm more interested in the Hurley episode next week....I'm lying. Desmond episode is going to rock. Anybody see that pic of Hurley in Complex this month? LOL I'll post it later
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i wish i didnt read that theory up there.....you'll catch it in the bar scene...

but really it didnt matter....cause this episode was crazy.....

these guys are amazing

and the next episode preview is surprising too....

cant wait but i dont want it to end.........

again...this series is amazing
My man put a spoiler tag with no spoilers. Nice.

I have a feeling this thread will be popping tonight UNLIKE it has been the last few weeks.
6 weeks left. Been feeling like this season has no momentum and ain't living up to what it should be. Til I realized the only eh episode was Kate's, but even that was good. I think knowing that it's over sucks the air outta every episode every commercial break.
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