Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Did anyone else think the stated time for Richard's backstory felt way too late? If I recall correctly it was 1860 or something, and they were talking about "the New World" like it was 1660.

Well for the people that havent been there yet, that was still the "New World"
Originally Posted by bonafide125

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

Did anyone else think the stated time for Richard's backstory felt way too late? If I recall correctly it was 1860 or something, and they were talking about "the New World" like it was 1660.

Well for the people that havent been there yet, that was still the "New World"
I'd assume by 1867 that most of the Americas could be referred to more specifically than "the New World". It seemed cheesy to me, is all. I mean, America was almost 100 years old at this point, and Spaniards has been in the Americas for several hundred years as well.
6 seasons of lost
God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th he rested...

might be a reach I dk but I thought it might be interesting to think about
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

6 seasons of lost
God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th he rested...

might be a reach I dk but I thought it might be interesting to think about
So there will be a 7th season of LOST where everyone just lives happily ever after like an episode of Friends
Originally Posted by COOLnificent

Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

6 seasons of lost
God created the world in 6 days and on the 7th he rested...

might be a reach I dk but I thought it might be interesting to think about
So there will be a 7th season of LOST where everyone just lives happily ever after like an episode of Friends
lol I dk about a 7th season but I just thought maybe it was predetermined to have 6 seasons

no 7th season= day of rest

see it?
lol I dk about a 7th season but I just thought maybe it was predetermined to have 6 seasons

no 7th season= day of rest

see it?
^ Nah I'm pretty sure the creators had planned to have only 5 seasons, then ABC got them signed on for a 6th. At least I think that's what I read on here sometime a while ago.
I'm not sure where I read this, or maybe I dreamed it, but I thought I saw somewhere that the finale should be completed by the weekend. Is this correct?
I thought it was a great episode.

I like Kingofilladelph's theory he posted a couple pages back. It made me think about when Ben had to go and get judged by Smokie. After being judged he was told to do whatever John Locke tells him to. That moment kinda fits in with what he posted about the Devil/MIB recruiting/influencing others.

Definitely one of my favorite episodes of the series though.
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

lol I dk about a 7th season but I just thought maybe it was predetermined to have 6 seasons

no 7th season= day of rest

see it?

See what? That you're reaching?

Yeah, I see it.
Originally Posted by gottagitdemjs

I'm not sure where I read this, or maybe I dreamed it, but I thought I saw somewhere that the finale should be completed by the weekend. Is this correct?

YEah, DONEZO! I think that was last weekend though, so it should be done as of right now I believe.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

According to wikipedia:

April 6, 2010 Episode 11
"Happily Ever After"
Featured character: Desmond

That's my born day!

And I'm glad the title for the last episode didn't really give anything away.
Finally got a chance to see the episode, and man, it was awesome. The scale felt so much grander to me. I hadn't had a good feeling like that in awhile.

And Magnus Hanso is Alvar's.....great grandfather right??

And I dont think the whole Hell thing is legit. Writers are toying with us.
Ok Remember last thread I brought up how when Ben first met Richard he looked off and unlike himself.

I now believe this was the Smoke Monster. I mean it looks like the last time he saw Richard...minus no beard.
Ben met Richard in 73 but in 54, 61, 74, 77 and most of his appearances on LOST he looked like this

Just seems weird that one time he decide to dress "down" when in all other appearance (minus when he first met smokie) he looked like a Business man surveying the forest for cutting
Originally Posted by Quincy Powell

You might be forgetting he went off the island a few times and he couldn't go around looking like a hobo.
that even makes Hobo Rich stand out more. Just seems odd.
Ok so I came up with this theory... it made sense in my head... and when I tried to type it out, I got confused, and LOST ha ha but check it out

Alright, so I just came up with this theory that I think makes the most sense. I also think I'd be okay if this happens.

So based on the last episode Ab Aeterno, we pretty much found out many things. Some clear, some not so clear. The man in black tells Richard that they are in hell, Richard tells the other Losties they are in hell... now I don't think they are in hell, but are they that far off?

Basically all series long we were shown flashbacks of a past life for the characters. With the exception of Hurley, everyone had a troubled past or could be seen as sinners. The Island is more or less a chance for them to redeem themselves. Jacob tells us this in the most current episode. He says something along the lines of, "I bring them here to prove him wrong, regardless of their past, they can do good, learn the difference between right and wrong." Yet he doesn't intervene, it is up to the person to choose between right and wrong, and distinguish between the two. So where am I going with this?

There have been several times through the series we see the Smoke Monster AKA Smokey AKA Man in Black somewhat pass over someone. In some instances they are saved, and in some instances they are killed. In season 5 Ben says he needs to be judged by Smokey. Although Smokey had an ulterior motive, Ben appears to have been judged, and passes the test. In the latest episode, after the slave ship crashes on the Island, smokey kills basically everyone but Richard. Yet it kind of passes over Richard, and lets him live. Richard killed a man off the Island in an accident, and was trying to save his wife, smokey saw he was good natured and sparred his life.

Is the Island the final step before the afterlife? One last chance to redeem yourself? And if you fail on the Island, you are killed and go to hell. If you redeem yourself, or are seen as good natured, you get a second chance? Or are able to pass on too heaven? This is where it gets murky as we have seen people get off the Island, and obviously some people discovered the Island. Any ideas?

I started thinking back to the season 4 episode, "The Constant." In this episode, Desmond's mind is jumping back in forth between his life off the Island, and his life on the Island. He is somehow able to change his past, and salvage things with Penny. Eventually Desmond gets off the Island, and has his happily ever after, or so it seems. He reunites with his wife, has a family, and as far as we know, is done with the Island.

It almost seems like Jacob and Man in Black have jobs on the Island. Why did Man in Black let Richard live? Why did he originally let Eko live, but then killed him later on? Is the Island a final place of judgement. Is it even a real physical place? Or do people go there mentally when they are more or less about to meet the light at the end of the tunnel? The more I think about this, the more it makes zero sense. Yet at the same time it makes tons of sense.

What do you guys think?
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