I believe the run-over next week is to help "V" with ratings because it will count with LOST running over.

Whatever the reason, MORE LOST is good.
Episode was alright... Can't wait until next week though.

at the gif.
Solid ep this week....I liked Sawyers side mission and the double con he is pulling.

Good to see also that Kate can clearly see Sayid and Claire are not well. LOL @ Sayid watching Claire's attempt to kill.

I am intrigued to see the meaning behind the book on Sawyers dresser.

Also well done by the producers with the time being 8:42 when Sawyer was "late" for that meaning.
Good episode. Not the strongest of this season. Not even close, but the side flash was better than most. Sawyer and Miles being cops... was not expecting that. The on island stuff, outside of Claire's outburst, was kind of boring.

I'm surprised Sawyer hasn't caught herpes or crabs or anything over the course of this show.
Next week: Epic. Richard has to be one of the more mysterious characters of the show, and now we finally get his story
Originally Posted by DubA169

watch richard not be in the episode until 40 minutes in
Dude its his centric epi. It will be EPIC or the world shall fall from all the anger the LOST fans will emit

This is the first time this season I will go...eh. Episode was good but I really didn't learn anything. I mean I know Sawyer is looking out for himself first, Triple Cross was expected but I wonder is he conning Kate just so he can get off (the more help the easier it will be) but I doubt that NEW Sawyer seems to care about others (ever since Hugo conned him). We'll will see where his con goes...
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Maybe they will show a Richard sideways flash.
It would be weird because of his age though. Don't even know how old he is. If he doesn't get touched by Jacob then he shouldn't be alive during the sideways flash time period.
Originally Posted by MrONegative



Yid is gone man. He is FLOCKE's blunt object now.

And WHO do u think is Locked up on the sub. My first guess is Desmond but my LONG SHOT of a guess is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALT!
Originally Posted by FallenGodofWar

^Maybe. Another long shot is Jin & Sun's daughter but it's likely Aaron or Walt. I hope Walt but I know it's Aaron

My guess is they will just use last nights dinky explanation of control as to why they told Michael the "others" had Walt.
Anyone know the song that was playing for the preview from last week, last nights episode. Also, next week looks intense! Hopefully they'll reveal some stuff about Richard instead of creating more questions.
777th Post talking about 1977 LOST

From Doc Jensen at ew.com

Who could be Smokey? Daniel Faraday
"Not the Daniel Faraday who was shot and killed by his crazy mother in 1977. And not the fetal Daniel Faraday who was growing inside his pregnant mother when she shot and killed adult Daniel Faraday back in 1977. I’m saying: It’s a freaky fusion of both, a disembodied mutant hybrid soul, essentially left behind on the Island as a consequence of the Jughead time reboot that also rebooted pregnant Eloise Hawking. It’s possible that this entity may have been grafted onto an eternal supernatural being that has lived on the Island performing some great spiritual function that it has now tired of. Or it could just be a feral supernatural force that’s been left to develop and grow haphazardly on its own, possessed by the dream of one day becoming a real human being again. Either way, Smokey Faraday is all kinds of wrong — and I think that’s why his father, Charles Widmore, has come to the Island. To take responsibility for his own Abominable Faux Son, and put it/him out of its/his misery. What does Charles have locked up in his submarine? A secret weapon. A weapon more powerful than the dream of vengeance that possessed Sawyer and Claire for so long: It’s the toxic brew of guilt and love, damnation and redemption. Her name was Theresa Spencer. She’s the woman that Daniel Faraday once loved, but whose mind he broke as a result of his time travel experiments that his psycho mom spurred him toward, a woman that Charles Widmore kept alive on his own dime for years, just so he could use her for this very moment."
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

whats the significance of 8:42?

8 = Hurley
42 = Jin and/or Sun

Also this was interesting from Doc Jensen too.

"Sawyer's hellacious odyssey to hell and back began inside somethingthat passed for a tomb: The Grim Garden Grotto of Claire Gone Mad.There, Sawyer played nurse to wounded Jin, who winced as they waitedfor Crazy Rabbi Locke to come back from Temple. Jin said that FLockewas nuts and they had to scram. Sawyer said he was aligned with FLockebut vowed to get both Jin and Sun off the Island. And with that,Sawyer's ''every man for himself'' pity party/selfishness began tocrumble. But speaking of hobbled Jin... FUN FACT! The legend ofthe Fisher King — the guardian of the Holy Grail, or enchanted spring —holds that there are two custodians at any one time. There is a king,and there is a knight. Sometimes they are father and son. For somereason, the natural order of things requires the Fisher King to have aninfirmity that makes him incapable of moving. He has an injury to hisleg, foot, or groin. The job of the Grail Knight is to heal the FisherKing. But alas, Grail Knights are known to get distracted byselfishness or missions of vengeance and neglect their duty to theFisher King. When this happens, the kingdom becomes infertile. Noflowers; no babies. Oh, and the abode where the king and knight livepops in and out of reality, at different times and places. One morething? The Fisher King is called the Fisher King because he fishes. Alot. Mostly to pass the boring-@*@ time guarding the grail. THEORY!Jacob was the Fisher King. Smokey was his knight. Smokey becamedisenchanted, neglected his duties, wanted out, conspired to kill theFisher King to earn that freedom."

"On his way to see New Sheriff In Town Charles Widmore, Sawyer walkedpast the fiery furnaces that powered the vessel — and stopped at alocked room. He called it out. He was told: Mind your own business. Iremembered how Anthony Cooper had been brought to the Island via sub bythe Others — and how John Locke had tricked Sawyer into killing him. FUN FACT!A ''locked room mystery'' is perhaps the oldest identified genre ofmystery fiction. The oldest ''locked room mystery'' on record: ''Beland the Dragon,'' an apocryphal Biblical text, in which a famousprophet debunked a false god by... sprinkling a perimeter of ash arounda room. The name of this prophet? Daniel."
doc is out of his mind i can never imagine having his perspective on this show.

btw any excuse about not having time to answer everything went out of the window when they decided to have 20 minutes focusing on the flash sideways IN EACH EPISODE
lol @ Locke slapping Claire. It kind of makes sense that Faraday is smokie. I'm still putting some hope in my theory that the island became special because of the nuclear explosion (which would explain why, in the alternate timeline, Ben still goes to an island as part of the Dharma Initiative, but nothing special happens). So it would fit that smokie is someone who came to the island more recently but was sent very far back in time.
I was trying to read some new theories and think of my own, but now I'm more lost than I was 15 minutes ago, so I give up.

Till next week......
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