Long distance relationships yay or nay?

a 30 mile drive is not long distance.
Originally Posted by imsojayded

Originally Posted by RamZs8906

Just broke up with my girl Boyfriend.... she was in Detroit Florida, I'm in DC.... we were in school together in NC Florida but I transferred...need to be around him for the relationship to work... so I say Nay...


For a second I thought someone was calling me gay, then I saw who it was who edited it.... IRONY!

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

only if there's a definitive end point to the the separation

And if the relationship is rewarding. Im talking about if she is extra fine.... father is rich.. etc.
Wow, a bunch of nays on here haha. If you have the right girl, and the right guy (that being you)...it can be done. Gotta have that trust though.
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