LOCK IT UP - College Football - 2009 Season/2010 Off-Season

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Interesting stuff regarding the sworn testimonies in the Leach/James case...

Cliffnotes for those of you that won't read...

Basically they're saying Adam James admitted under oath he was never ordered into an electrical room and that he went in there on his own to shoot the video and then told his parents Leach locked him in there... Then Craig James hired a PR Firm to advise them and help get this story out and manipulate information that was being released...

Gonna be interesting to watch all this play out for Tech and the James family if all this is true...

Leach is gonna get paid.

at the whole James family.  That's unbelievable.
Originally Posted by StackJaxx

Originally Posted by dr funk 13

Originally Posted by RoOk

IMO Darron Thomas reminds me of a bigger, faster version of Dennis Dixon so i see this as almost being a blessing in disguise
I wouldn't give Darron the edge on speed over Dennis. Darron is however, bigger, like you mentioned. Darron isn't quite the runner that Dennis sort of was. Dennis could have ran a lot, but I think he learned to use it only as an escape as opposed to relying on it too much, which can happen. 
I think Darron still needs to work on his passing mechanics, but I think he'll do great things when he gets a greater handle of the offense. People talk about this year being a good year, look out in 2011 when we'll have what will most likely be a seasoned Darron Thomas, LaMichael James, Lache Seastrunk, Diante Jackson, Tyrece Gains, Curtis White, and other great skill position players.


thats my son.
go way back with dude. 
I'm excited to see him produce on the field. Thomas will be a better passer than Masoli. Masoli could throw the ball, he just didn't, and I think that'll be the difference with Darron. I'm looking forward to it 
Oh my God if that James/ESPN crap is all true. 

ESPN may not be fully at fault, but at some point, they are going to be brought down by somebody ( cough RyGuy cough) for reporting stuff and not having all the facts down cold. 

What a joke. 
man, i was saying that for a minute about the adam james mike leach thing...leach is a good coach.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Oh my God if that James/ESPN crap is all true. 

ESPN may not be fully at fault, but at some point, they are going to be brought down by somebody ( cough RyGuy cough) for reporting stuff and not having all the facts down cold. 

What a joke. 
Wow...Something told me Leach was the good guy in this situation after all.

If i were James, i would just transfer from there because if those players find out about it...It's a wrap lol
Originally Posted by RoOk

Wow...Something told me Leach was the good guy in this situation after all.

If i were James, i would just transfer from there because if those players find out about it...It's a wrap lol

Gunna happen anywhere. No coach would take that clown. You could tell the Raiders didn't like him at the bowl game. Anytime he would walk up to one of them they would pretend he wasn't there and walk away. Kid is done playing ball. 
^ Thats true, dude did Leach dirty man, but more so his pops for attacking Leach when he had to know his son was doing some grimey +@*#. Both dudes and the family should feel sorry for themselves man. Tech let go there best coach in history of the program for no apparent reason smh
nah Leach did some other weird stuff, ie the whole religion stuff that warranted him getting shown the door
Originally Posted by The Wizard

nah Leach did some other weird stuff, ie the whole religion stuff that warranted him getting shown the door

you really think that is worth getting canned?
Leach said stupid +%!! all the time... That religion stuff was no more ridiculous than a lot of things he's said since he's been in Lubbock...

The administration used the Adam James thing as a bail out, hoping to rid themselves of Leach without getting too much blood on their hands... Leach and that athletic department have been at odds for awhile, especially after the way the contract negotiations a couple years ago went down and all that nonsense. The James thing was just the tipping point and an easy way out. Unfortunately, it looks like it could come back and blow up in their faces...

I like the guy a lot, but Leach is just a weird dude that apparently isn't easy to work with at all, not even at a program with no real history in laid back hick-town Lubbock... That's what has cost him big-time jobs in the past and it's what will keep him from getting jobs in the future. This Adam James thing, even if it's proven false, wouldn't have been what kept him from getting another job.
I never played down of d 1 football but have many friends that have/are and I will tell you that there are very few things that are off limits for a coach to go after you about. I posted some thing about BK a couple pages ago when he was at GVSU. That dude was ruthless but he won games and is now at ND.

At CMU: The dude said, in regards to his "black" players not talking to police over a murder, thats what they grow up learning. He put an entire race into a segment and got away with it without so much as a cough about it. Thats nuts.
Uofm and ND are in talks about having the 2011 game be a night game at the Big House.
[table][tr][td]Big Commitment for UNC 

By http:///search.scout.com/a.z?s=78&p=4&c=1&search=1&sskey=%22">http://search.scout.com/a...p;search=1&sskey="' + author + '%22&sssiteid=78&type=2';">Don Callahan

Inside Carolina
Posted Mar 18, 2010

http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php...e=RT @InsideCarolina {{title}} {{url}}&lng=enhttp://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php... North Carolina on Thursday afternoon.&lng=enhttp://www.blogger.com/blog_this.py...ut.com/2/955079.html&n=Big Commitment for UNChttp://northcarolina.scout.com/2/955079.html#email-a-friend-windowhttp://northcarolina.scout.com/a.z?s=78&p=10&c=955079&refid=4781|More

Eric Ebron went with his gut and committed to North Carolina on Thursday afternoon.
Ebron, a 6-foot-5, 225-pound tight end from Greensboro (N.C.) Smith, called UNC assistant coach Allen Mogridge, his primary recruiter, and made the verbal commitment.
“[Mogridge] just happened to be next to Coach [Butch] Davis,
Originally Posted by zs05wc

Uofm and ND are in talks about having the 2011 game be a night game at the Big House.
Putting up legit lights and hosting night games has been arguably my biggest wish for the UofM program for quite some time now...(besides winning).
Why would the SEC give a bigger allowance to Auburn than Bama for the bowl game?

[h1]Crimson Tide's $4.3 million trip[/h1][h4]By Jon Solomon -- The Birmingham News[/h4][h5]March 14, 2010, 10:37AM[/h5]
This article appeared Sunday, March 14 in The Birmingham News

Click here to to read about team expenses from the Papajohns.com Bowl. 

Alabama outplayed and outspent Texas at college football's national champi­onship game in January. The Crimson Tide spent nearly $2 million more than the Longhorns in Pasadena, Calif., according to their NCAA bowl expense reports obtained by The Birming­ham News through open-re­cord requests.

The Crimson Tide re­ported spending $4,296,631 on an eight-day trip that produced its first national title since 1992. Almost one­-third of the expenses came from bonuses to coaches and administrators. Texas spent a total of $2,359,051 over eight days.

The SEC provided Alabama with a travel-expense allowance of $505,400. But there is much more money Alabama re­ceives from the game not in­cluded in the NCAA report.

SEC rules stipulate that Alabama gets $1.925 million off the top of the game's $18.3 million payout. The remaining $16.375 million from the payout gets di­vided into 13 equal shares ($1.26 million to each SEC member and the league of­fice).

That puts Alabama's reve­nue from the national title game at $3,690,400. How­ever, that doesn't include an unspecified amount each SEC school receives by shar­ing revenue from other bowls, including a second Bowl Championship Series game.

Texas reported a net profit of $603,149 from its Big 12 expense allowance of $2,962,200 to Pasadena.

The largest single-line ex­pense for Alabama was $1,256,631 for bonuses, which included $200,000 to Nick Saban for winning the national championship. Texas spent $495,391 on bo­nuses.

Flying Alabama's team, staff, band, cheerleaders and official party to Pasa­dena cost $1,219,455. Texas, which had a shorter dis­tance to travel, spent $590,126 on transportation.

The Longhorns' priciest single-line item was $602,579 on meals and lodg­ing for the team and staff. Texas counted its official party within that figure, whereas Alabama spent $701,847 for meals and lodging for the team and staff and $193,987 for 83 members of its official party. The Crimson Tide spent $89,959 more than the Longhorns on entertain­ment and $91,256 more on awards.

Alabama absorbed a loss of $329,250 from 1,605 game tickets it didn't sell. Univer­sities keep some as compli­mentary tickets given to coaches, administrators, band members and cheerleaders.

The Crimson Tide pur­chased 19,035 tickets priced at $200 each and another 1,820 at $275 apiece. Ala­bama sold a total of 19,200 tickets.

Texas absorbed a loss of $429,600 by not selling 2,148 tickets from its allotment of 19,000, all priced at $200. Ticket allotment and cre­dentialing were sore points for Texas Athletics Director DeLoss Dodds in his NCAA survey of the game.

Dodds noted he was "very dissatisfied" that the 19,000-ticket requirement fell far short of the school's demand. He wants the BCS to provide a larger allotment to participating schools in the future.

"We have to turn thou­sands of potential donors away and the limited num­ber of tickets creates a sig­nificant public relations and customer service issue for us in dealing with our loyal constituencies," Dodds wrote.

Dodds also was dissatis­fied with the BCS limit of 60 bench credentials and five "wildcards" on the sideline. He wrote that severely lim­ited Texas' ability to allow all of its working equipment and medical, operations and coaching staff on the sideline, describing the pol­icy as the "single biggest headache" large schools en­counter in BCS games.

By working closely with Alabama, Dodds said that both schools left many stu­dent workers in the locker room or in the stands in­stead of providing their usual important functions on the sideline. Dodds stressed the Rose Bowl was not at fault for the credential issue and that bowl officials were frustrated with the pol­icy, too.

"All aspects of participat­ing in a Rose Bowl event are outstanding and second to none," Dodds wrote.

The only complaint from Alabama Athletics Director Mal Moore in his survey was the condition of the practice field. Otherwise, Moore wrote the game was well-or­ganized and accommodat­ing.

Auburn expenses at Outback Bowl

Meanwhile, Auburn re­ported spending $1,363,096 at the Outback Bowl in Tampa after receiving $1,212,200 from the SEC as an expense allowance. Au­burn did not lose money be­cause a second SEC team in the BCS provided additional revenue not reflected in the NCAA report, said Scott Carr, Auburn senior associ­ate athletics director.

Auburn's largest single-­line expense was $427,823 on meals and lodging for the team and staff over eight days. The Tigers absorbed a loss of $260,110 in 3,229 un­sold tickets, which include complimentary tickets.

Auburn purchased 13,000 tickets from the Outback Bowl at $70 apiece and an­other 2,000 tickets at $150 each. The school sold a total of 11,771 tickets -- 10,197 at the $70 level and 1,574 at the $150 price.

In his bowl survey, Au­burn Athletics Director Jay Jacobs noted that the lack of locker room and shower space at the practice facility presented logistical issues. Supplies such as towels, soap and soft drinks were available at a charge, so Au­burn transported its own supplies, he said.

Jacobs noted that VIP transportation was not pro­vided and would have been utilized if offered. Auburn received one complimen­tary hotel suite and would have liked additional free suites for President Jay Go­gue and coach Gene Chizik rather than paying a "rea­sonable" rate for them, Ja­cobs wrote.

Jacobs said the Outback Bowl did not provide social events geared specifically toward children and sug­gested a trip to the aquar­ium. He concluded there were no major issues for the bowl to address, writing that it was "very accommodating and provided a memorable experience for our travel party."

E-MAIL: [email protected]

You know the Geritol crowd that populates the Big House isn't trying to stay up past 6 PM...
It's official now. David Brandon announced today, 2011 will be a night game vs ND.
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