Living with your girl?

Originally Posted by yungmatt

Palm your face...

dudes C-blocking himself....
Answer me this:

Are you mature enough? Are you gonna be cheating? Are you ready to share your life with her? There is a lot more that goes into it than smashing all the timeand watching tv together. Remember that home is where the heart is and if things are broken at home chances are that the rest of your life will be the same.
Originally Posted by wwsindicate

Answer me this:

Are you mature enough? Are you gonna be cheating? Are you ready to share your life with her? There is a lot more that goes into it than smashing all the time
and watching tv together. Remember that home is where the heart is and if things are broken at home chances are that the rest of your life will be the same.

my Apple affiliates know exactly what is up. This is exactly what you need to know.
Heh, my friend did this sophomore year and ended up in jail one night because she told the police he beat her and locked her in a closet. He got probation fora year. Not worth it kid, you both are too young. It will only ended up ugly for both of you.
Aside from the fights you both will be getting in to, you will both be depriving yourselves of that *college freedom* and will surely miss out on a lot ofunique experiences. College is about growing as an individual, don't be held back.

My girlfriend and I stay over at each others apartments a lot but she has her own place and we don't fight over space and we each get our alone time whenneeded. Just live close to her.
remember if you break up your lease dosen't break. You are stuck w/ that year long lease no matter what. I had a homegirl who moved in w/ her dude. hecheated on her and she had to sleep in the same bed w/ him for 6 months. I imagine that would be akward.

I lived down the street of my girl when in college. We slept together most night, but I had my own space.
Lets say you guys break up, would you still be cool enough to live with her and not trip? If so then go ahead. If not then id say dont do it. I mean you neverknow how long you guys will be together.

On another note have fun. I went to SF State for a year back in like 05-06 and had the best time of my life. A whole new experience than living down here inSD.
you'll be sacrificing your years in college to spend it all cooped up with your gf. don't do it, man.

25 year old K Town Trash will thank you.
Wow I'm 25 and I'm struggling with the idea of moving in with my girl.

Good Luck though, by todays standards your grown and you can make your own decisions.
Originally Posted by JJschenley23

Movie in with a homie and have 4-5 different chickenheads come over each night. U never live with a girl. She lives with u. U supposed to be a man.

QFT... . Being young in college with a chic and living with her. You might as well stick ur kicd in the garbage disposal. Its a lose/lose/lose. Next thing uknow yall break up, u stuck living with this buckethead 8*t$#, or she get knocked up and now ur college life is ruined, cause u gotta get ur daddy on. End upworking jobs, not have time for school, and drop out.

Too many negatives in this situation and aint a damn positive about the situation.
Don't do it.

You are going up north to the bay from LA, you're still too young, and you're just getting ready to start a whole new life up there. Best you can doas far as contacting your girl would be getting her Facebook, phone number, and email addresse(s)
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Has bad written all over it. Way to young and to much to experience your first year to be nagging each other about dumb @+#% that will come up. Your parents support this idea?

My parents think its best for me to stay in dorm for atleast a year to make friends and get used to the college life but they are gonna support me even if idecide to live together.
pics of this gf you speak of please. oh and tell her to go to mills college its not far from my house.
I'm 25 living with my girl and I want out now... I trying to figure out how to escape from this. My old single life seems like a distant dream these days.
Originally Posted by untouchable jc

I'm 25 living with my girl and I want out now... I trying to figure out how to escape from this. My old single life seems like a distant dream these days.

change the locks, or just let her catch u with some1 else. there is always a dear john letter. or u could be str8 up and say i want out, i rather end on goodterms(makes casual smashing alot easier). be on some i feel i might cheat and i rather leave end things right then do u wrong and hurt u, i respect and care 4u waaay 2 much for that. Chicks eat stupid stuff like that up.
I feel like you should only live with your boyfriend or girlfriend if you plan on getting married in the near future. And you're a teenager, you probablywon't even like her in a few months anyways.
Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Has bad written all over it. Way to young and to much to experience your first year to be nagging each other about dumb @+#% that will come up. Your parents support this idea?

My parents think its best for me to stay in dorm for atleast a year to make friends and get used to the college life but they are gonna support me even if i decide to live together.

boy if you don't get your !%* in the dorm
laugh.gif much goes down inthe dorm (exluding sex) that u will miss out on...just meeting people and the BS you will get into...i promise you won't be meeting many people living withyour girl..both of you will feel as if you're not maximizing on your experience
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Originally Posted by K Town Trash

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

Has bad written all over it. Way to young and to much to experience your first year to be nagging each other about dumb @+#% that will come up. Your parents support this idea?

My parents think its best for me to stay in dorm for atleast a year to make friends and get used to the college life but they are gonna support me even if i decide to live together.

boy if you don't get your !%* in the dorm
laugh.gif much goes down in the dorm (exluding sex) that u will miss out on...just meeting people and the BS you will get into...i promise you won't be meeting many people living with your girl..both of you will feel as if you're not maximizing on your experience

Ur a chick arent u i never knew but by some of ur post i always thought u were
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