Living out YOUR DREAMS.

Making beautiful music or painting beautiful pictures.
Traveling all over the world.
Being paid well.
Raising a couple of kids with this one girl I know.

It's unfortunate that the education system in America doesn't really facilitate those aspirations.
Jill Scott
Been thinking about this for like 20 minutes before replying haha

Physically: I'd be taller around 6'0ish instead of 5'8 , and more cut

But as far as lifestyle:
PhD in whatever I major in
NBA point guard (starting, preferably for the LA lakers) or a doctor
Beautiful wife and like 3 or 4 kids: 2 boys 2 girls
Rollin in a veyron of course
or an S2000
Hella nice house, maybe in SF or Seattle. I really wanna live in So. Cal. too though
And monetarily: enough to not have any worries and live that way I want, and also enough to support my parents who worked so hard to raise me

I'm 16, if that matters haha
honestly i would like to move out of ny. i would love to live in the country somewhere with lots of nice sunny weather in the middle of nowhere, so i can blastmusic and just have some peace and quiet to make beats. job doesn't matter as long as i can live comfortably. have a nice big back yard that my wife and ican lay out in on nice warm days maybe with a cool breeze flowing and smoke a nice fat blunt. watch our dog run around and just enjoy earth and life
"As I grow to understand life less and less, I learn to love it more and more"- jules renard. that was on the label of my honest tea, made my day.

basically this is my dream life- learning... and loving. bringing positivity into a world of cynicism and trying to make the world a better place.thinking and wondering... there's just so much that this world can offer... so many things to know and to feel. you can have it all when it comes to moneyand material things, but when it comes to knowledge and emotions, you really can never have enough. there's always something more. i have an insatiablethirst for them.

sure that sounds awfully fairytale-esque, and some may call me naive, but the optimism is a product of my adversity.

and no, my life is not "perfect" right now...sure i want the scenery and details to change... things can always be better in regards to financialstuff and what have you, but when you boil it down, i am essentially living my dream life right now & i could do it for the rest of my life.
i never bothered dreamin'.. knew it'd never happen and didn't want to waste time and energy as if it could.
being the only adult man in my family now...just making my mother, sisters and niece happy

being the father and male role model for my nephew and niece their dads never were

and of course being rich wealthy, and deeply influential in the fashion and art industry
I don't know what I want to do with my life yet, and it scares the hell out of me.

No matter what though, I just want to be happy, loved, and change lives for the better, and hope that everything else will work itself out in life.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Mentally remove the constraints of your current life for a second...step back from the rent slips, homework assignments, maxed out credit cards, stress and personal insecurities ...reach back and grab your long forgotten daydreams of Nirvana.

Remember when Moms said you can do anything that you want to do, have anything that you want in life...and you actually believed her?....What was it that you desired having? If you could do anything you truly wanted to do with your life right now...what would it be?

What is your DREAM LIFE?

more posts like this, fewer about alien lizard jews out to control the world.

Spoiler [+]


positive threadstarts like this is the abeautifulhaze the world needs.
I want to become a diesel mechanic, I like working with my hands and fixing things. I want to be involved with the high speed bullet train that Obama hasproposed. I want to open up educational centers in the hood where kids can learn about history, health, motivation, receive free tutoring, drug counseling,career building, and any other tool that could push them forward in life. I'd love to be in the position to push the same kind of money these machines putbehind pop artists, behind artists with a message. I want to live a life where money is no concern so I could travel the world, learn new languages and get abetter understanding of people and how and why things are the way they are both good and bad.
What you need to do is be thankful for the life you got, y'knowmsayin?
Stop lookin at what you ain't got
Start bein thankful for what you do got

^^^that intro always makes me feel better
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

I'm looking for a beautiful and dynamic woman to hold down my family and be the Auset to my Ausar.

ya thats the hardest thing to find out here tho
To fulfill my dream life first i would have to locate the dragonballs, summon shenlong and wish for eternal youth.

Then i'd work and study like crazy to get my knowledge and paper right.....I'd get work in various fields... acting, directing, music, i'd alsowant to be a world class athlete and win the olympic gold. I'd want to do some sort of wildlife conservation work aswel, also Paleontology (digging fordinosaurs) Oh and i'd want to be a world reknowed artist/illustrator. I'd have 25 different crazy chicks in 25 different countries. 2 kids, boy and agirl..... My daughter would be beautiful and i'd go to the forest and chop down a tree from which i would carve a stick which i would use to keep thescallywags at bay. I'd have a motorbike, a mean leather and some official boots. I'd go cruising wherever and whenever i felt like. There's morebut thats some of the important things.
i would be playing basketball overseas...where the real money is for women.

but since thats not going to happen...i just want a few houses a great man i call my husband with at least 5 kids...
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