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Did you like Chapter 3?

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I liked the choreography and action. Story was silly and empty. Like to the point of puzzling. The behavior of Osha/Mae. Or how incompetent the Jedi are.
Feels like this is going to end with a paint by numbers type of ending. Actively rooting for Darth Bortles at this point except spare my man Sol.
What a complete dip in vibe from last week.
At least it did move the plot and we're now seeing Osha's journey to the dark side.

Was that Ahch-To? Of course, there could be dozens of islandy-watery planets in the galaxy.

I don't know Vernestra's backstory, but she's becoming more and more sus... surely seeing her Whipsaber and the scars on Darth Qimir's back, we're meant to take that as a hint?

😭 PIP. When she did the factory reset. 🤬🤬
What a complete dip in vibe from last week.
At least it did move the plot and we're now seeing Osha's journey to the dark side.

Was that Ahch-To? Of course, there could be dozens of islandy-watery planets in the galaxy.

I don't know Vernestra's backstory, but she's becoming more and more sus... surely seeing her Whipsaber and the scars on Darth Qimir's back, we're meant to take that as a hint?

😭 PIP. When she did the factory reset. 🤬🤬
Yo! I didn’t even put that together!
I don't know Vernestra's backstory, but she's becoming more and more sus... surely seeing her Whipsaber and the scars on Darth Qimir's back, we're meant to take that as a hint?
Yeah honestly I don't think the writers are trying to subvert expectations at all in this series. All the reveals have been broadcast pretty plainly without much effort to hide clues. At this point I'll be more surprised if Vernestra wasn't Jason's original mentor.
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