Links for possible Restock This March. Any info?

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I'm not NT police or admin by any means but what's with all the BEGGING!!! Damn, I mean yikes y'all sound like some straight B's! We are ALL excited for the potential restock but all the "if a homie feels so generous to lube up" is just sad. Be patient, Goodluck. Stop begging.

people are going to get this thread locked.

nobody has any other links right now lmao
I hate when newer dudes pull the "I thought NT is about helping people out" card. We always help people out. But people literally wanna be spoonfed info. Read back a few pages and do some piecing together with the info

And the same dudes pulling that card are TE ones who only post around release time and contribute nothing to the community.

Doesn't necessarily have to be info or anything, but NT has lost the discussion aspect that it used to have. People having good, healthy discussions. Nowadays it all gimme gimme gimme.

End rant
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Most of y'all are bottom feeders.  

Good luck today. 
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forging iron page now says all pairs are reserved. anybody added to cart ?
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Here are the facts. We might want to require this on every page:

-On Monday, a "list" of the shoes restocking this week "leaked" via social media
-evil side/solemartyr put in the work to track down the original links that nike used for the products on this list
-as of this afternoon, several, not all, of those links "changed". Meaning the shoes are no longer tied to their original links in nikes system
-the links for the forging iron lebron and Christmas SS Kobe have become active but will not let you add to cart

Here are my theories on what has happened. NOT FACT, I repeat NOT FACT:

-nike was going to restock on Monday but that list "leaked" so they pushed it back
-I believe the restock will happen tonight, if not very soon, because new links have been generated for a lot of the products. Meaning they want everyone to have an equal shot when the restock happens and not just those who have the original links available
-nike implemented the capctha system this past weekend. They want to strike while the iron is hot before the "bots catch up"
-therefore I believe a restock is coming very soon, not necessarily tonight, but very soon
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