Lil man is a G

now this kid has SWAG. whether you believe it or not people like him are usually successful, why? because unlike a lot of you NTers this kid is not crippled orrestrained by the fear of what people think of him. the fact that he completely did not care about what other people were watching,thinking, or saying abouthim while he was having fun in his shades lip syncing says a lot. i can't tell you how many people don't experience or try things they really want tobecause they are worried about the next man. i bet you if he was on NT you would never see a thread by him asking us all if he should buy or wear some articleof clothing or date some chick.

that's just my two cents though.
I respect it for the fact that hes living out of the norm. hes in a zone to where there is no one around him. Its weird to people that feel normal, but tosomeone else its self expressing. More people need to be like him, not in that way but just do what you feel and dont worry about others. Society has made itpretty much illegal to be ones self.
Kid is gay as hell. Someone should punch him in the face then get him some proper fitting clothing.
I supported him til i saw on his youtube profile that hes 19. This would be cute and entertaining if he was actually 13, as opposed to just looking 13.

Dude needs a job.
Originally Posted by ccb21040

i would smack the dog **%# outta my little brother if he did that foolishness
i thought the same exact thing when i first saw the vid a couple days ago. him and my brother are around the same age too.

that kid is gonna be the biggest gump when he grows up.
Originally Posted by Ripfan8I6

Kid is gay as hell. Someone should punch him in the face then get him some proper fitting clothing.

For having fun? Shut up.
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by Ripfan8I6

Kid is gay as hell. Someone should punch him in the face then get him some proper fitting clothing.

For having fun? Shut up.

For being a damn fool in public. $*!! that, "It's all in fun +@+$". +@+$'s gay as hell
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