Life sucks

Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by yao11ming4mvp

It's like the domino effect.....
Started with....
*Quitting the basketball team after the first practice is finally haunting me
Talked to the coach a month ago, started practicing w/ the team, thought I was going to suit up again, now I'm just some practice scrub who sits on the bench clothed
like an idiot while other people are like
while I'm like

-Don't feel like communicating with anyone and I feel like punching people whenever they talk, maybe cause they're asking about basketball or some stupid &$%, I feel really stubborn and pissed off
-I'm so over school, don't know if it's the senioritis or just my pissy mood or some combination, but I ain't doing *$%@ after being a pretty good student the first three years of HS
-Don't feel like doing Track and Field even though that's what I look forward to this year after having such a good time last year and training over summer
-Although it seems like I'm hurting myself the most, it's affecting my parents too, who can't stand to see me like this

I know I can't blame anyone but myself but this all just sucks
You're complaining about that?


There's people out in this world that have it way worst than you, and you're talking about life sucks.

This is a joke.
i agree 100. OP is a weak minded selfish individual. There are people whos in worse situation and still fighting for food on table at night.
Materialistic world we living in
People just want everything to go right their way
lol these arent problems dog. stop being a baby. wait till college when u actually have worries. u think ppl give a crap about basketball...uaint going to the nba idiot.
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