Letter to my parents

Originally Posted by M1dnightMobster

Originally Posted by Tupac Jordan

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve!

for the lulz or not, God also intended for us not to fornicate

not defending homosexuality but im just saying

"he who is without sin, cast the first stone"
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Good luck, but I don't see the need of sharing something so personal with NT. That is just me, I would rather not share these types of things with strangers.

But good luck with that man.

Do you think they ever suspected anything? How will daddy take it? (not that)

Come on DC.  we're not strangers.  this is a +%!%*$! family.  
good luck my man. 
My first thought is if people are OK with acting on their inclination toward the opposite sex why the need to announce it? I mean if it's normal to be gay as you say it is then why do you have to tell your parents?

That would be like me writing a letter to my parents saying that I appreciate how great they were but I have to say I have a nose. I want them to know it's not their fault and I figured out that I had this nose since I was 2 but I just didn't know what it was called at the time. So now that I know and am ok and realize it's perfectly normal I am writing to tell them.

I just don't understand, if you don't feel there is anything to be ashamed of then don't be.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

My first thought is if people are OK with acting on their inclination toward the opposite sex why the need to announce it? I mean if it's normal to be gay as you say it is then why do you have to tell your parents?

That would be like me writing a letter to my parents saying that I appreciate how great they were but I have to say I have a nose. I want them to know it's not their fault and I figured out that I had this nose since I was 2 but I just didn't know what it was called at the time. So now that I know and am ok and realize it's perfectly normal I am writing to tell them.

I just don't understand, if you don't feel there is anything to be ashamed of then don't be.
You mean the same sex?

The reason people come out is because society has deemed homosexuality as some taboo/unnatural thing that people should be ashamed of. Your nose analogy is, to put it frankly, unbelievably stupid. I'm guessing no one ever told you it was wrong to have a nose or that you were somehow different for having one.

I would assume coming out isn't so much acknowledging shame as it is a courageous move to try to get the support of those closest to you.
Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

That would be like me writing a letter to my parents saying that I appreciate how great they were but I have to say I have a nose. I want them to know it's not their fault and I figured out that I had this nose




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