Let's talk about Kobe's legacy......try your hardest to be objective...

Kids. He started out as a bench player, because Eddie Jones was ahead of him. And back then, it was taboo, to throw a high school player in the fire so early.

Kobe will go down as a great one. I don't agree with people saying, he was a supporting man to Shaq, during the 3-peat. They were 1 and 1A. But when hedoes win a ring this season, I gurantee, it'll be the most gratifying for him.
Airmag I respect and agree with just about everything you say, but I don't agree with the 1988 thing. Now I am 26 but age should disqualify somebodiesopinion.

My take.

Kobe is one of the best players to have played this game. I love the focus, the drive and the ability to just wow the crowd. Very Jordan-esc as some peoplesay. But he just isn't Jordan. The fact that he patterned his game after Jordan rubbed people the wrong way and some just began hating him. As his fan basegrew it became vocal. They said our guy Kobe is better then Jordan. The first thing folks look at is rings. Kobe has 3 Jordan has 6. Everybody knows legaciesare built on championships, so how can Kobe be better then Jordan?

Some people have said that Shaq could have had that 3 peat with any 2 guard. Why didn't he win a chip with Penny? You need a speical player to win a chipwith. Kobe and Wade were those players. I understand that Shaq does have the Finals MVP's but damn the center's he played were TRASH (expect deke).Shaq & Kobe were meant for each other.

Kobe being an introverted person also hurts his legacy. The guy seems like a douche. I have met the guy a couple of times and he seems like a good guy. None ofus hang with the guy on a regular basis yet there are always posts about him being an a-hole and being very cold to teammates. We all know Jordan was the sameway but that doesn't seem to bother some people.

When I was growing up NOBODY could tell me anything bad about MJ. I thought he was the greatest player ever while older members of my family would tell methat Magic or Dr. J were better players. We have the same issue now. Its always going to be that way. Now Lebron is in this mix and sooner then later theLebron>MJ argument will start if it already hasn't started. IMO none of it matters.

When its all said and done Kobe is a top 5 SG. Top 10 all time but if he wins another chip or 2 he is top 5. I just don't think I could ever put him aboutJordan because he set the bar so high. I don't see how anybody could pass that bar.
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Bottom line is if he doesn't win one again, his legacy will be tied to succeeding only with Shaq.

only in the eyes of dumb basketball fans who dont konw what they are talkign about
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Was coming in here to post the exact thing. It seems like most people didnt watch the Lakers back then and just jump on the Kobe hate wagon here. Kobe was a crucial peice to those rings. Game winning shots, 4th quarter take overs when Shaq would foul out, guarding the best players on the floor. Kobe still did things that made you go
how in the world did he do that? and make the CRAZIEST shots on a nightly basis.

People are way too into the LeBron hype (which I understand, dude is a monster) but its to the point where now Kobe isnt getting props he deserves from the past and in the present. You know those turn around fade away jumpers Kobe seems to make 2 or 3 times a game with a hand in his face? You think those are easy? Its hard to make that shot without anyone else in the gym with you and your playing your shadow let alone with a Ron Artest OR A LEBRON JAMES in your face. Dont get me wrong, LeBron is the face of this league now. But that torch that went from Magic to Michael to Kobe, is still in Kobe's hands. Let LeBron earn it first and just enjoy both of them playing basketball at the high level they play at because when they're gone, your going to wish they were still here.

Kobe being the SECOND best player for 9 years. That is borderline ******ed.

Take your hate glasses off and watch these, and then ask yourself if you have ever seen anything like what you just saw (besides MJ). The only TWO players to ever play the game to do the things they do offensively and make it look so effortless and beautiful.

thats just one season (81 point season)

62 points in 3 quarters of play

9 straight 40 point games

LEFT HANDED fadeway 3 pointer...are you kidding me?
oh and by the way, 1 minute left, lakers down 2 in the 4th. 3 straight jumpers OVER lebron FTW
thats for the people who stay bringing dude up. this discussion is about kobe.

So in my opinion, along with the 3 rings, those videos speak for Kobe's legacy all in it self.

well said my man..
Second best player for the last 9 years.

Maybe I'll give him 2004 and 2006, but I would still take TD in those years if I had a choice.

I'm talking NINE YEARS and you people are pointing out a handful of games and plays.

You guys need to set your emotions aside when you talk about Kobe.
Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Kobe is carrying his team this playoffs, hitting big shot after big shot. At the end of the day he is a top 10 player ever period. I hope he wins the ship this year just to silence the haters.

ye right, odom,bynum,gasol if anything they carrying the team, kobe is allshots now, hes lame,

but this is coming from a kobe hater
Originally Posted by tupac003

Airmag I respect and agree with just about everything you say, but I don't agree with the 1988 thing. Now I am 26 but age should disqualify somebodies opinion.

My take.

Kobe is one of the best players to have played this game. I love the focus, the drive and the ability to just wow the crowd. Very Jordan-esc as some people say. But he just isn't Jordan. The fact that he patterned his game after Jordan rubbed people the wrong way and some just began hating him. As his fan base grew it became vocal. They said our guy Kobe is better then Jordan. The first thing folks look at is rings. Kobe has 3 Jordan has 6. Everybody knows legacies are built on championships, so how can Kobe be better then Jordan?

Some people have said that Shaq could have had that 3 peat with any 2 guard. Why didn't he win a chip with Penny? You need a speical player to win a chip with. Kobe and Wade were those players. I understand that Shaq does have the Finals MVP's but damn the center's he played were TRASH (expect deke). Shaq & Kobe were meant for each other.

Kobe being an introverted person also hurts his legacy. The guy seems like a douche. I have met the guy a couple of times and he seems like a good guy. None of us hang with the guy on a regular basis yet there are always posts about him being an a-hole and being very cold to teammates. We all know Jordan was the same way but that doesn't seem to bother some people.

When I was growing up NOBODY could tell me anything bad about MJ. I thought he was the greatest player ever while older members of my family would tell me that Magic or Dr. J were better players. We have the same issue now. Its always going to be that way. Now Lebron is in this mix and sooner then later the Lebron>MJ argument will start if it already hasn't started. IMO none of it matters.

When its all said and done Kobe is a top 5 SG. Top 10 all time but if he wins another chip or 2 he is top 5. I just don't think I could ever put him about Jordan because he set the bar so high. I don't see how anybody could pass that bar.

Obviously he couldn't win with Penny because he wasn't in his prime with the Magic. And he did make it to the Finals with Penny, beating the Bulls bythe way en route to the finals, and who knows how the series would have changed if Nick Anderson hadn't missed those free throws. Shaq is arguably a top 5center of all time and was without a doubt the most dominant player in the post Jordan era when he was in his prime. He would have easily won championships in2000 and 2001 with just about any other shooting guard playing alongside him. So yes, Kobe was his sidekick, and that just can't be argued. Shaq didn'tneed Kobe, but Kobe definitely needed Shaq during those years. For some reason, people just completely forget how great Shaq was during that period. No onecould guard him, and I highly doubt anyone from any era could have guarded Shaq during those years.
And for those saying that no superstar wins championships by themselves, there's this guy Hakeem Olajuwon that you might consider looking up.

As for Kobe's legacy, he's a top 10 player of all time, one of the most skilled players of all time, and the second best shooting guard of all time.He's one of the best offensive players the game has ever seen.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

He'll be great...but the argument would always stand that he couldn't do it without Shaq should he not win another ring.

And when they look back at his career, he won't be the clear cut best during any season. (that's practically true now)
congratulations! you get the dumbest post of the week award!

you had always seemed like a relatively knowledgeable poster too.... is it hatred that is smothering your intelligence?
So you're saying that all these seasons that have passed with AI, Lebron, Wade, Arenas, PP(
) doing their thing and putting up numbersthere hasn't been debates on Kobe being the best or not?

Hell even his mvp season had people arguing about whether Chris Paul deserved it.

Bottom line if he doesn't win a championship soon he won't be as highly regarded as he's been.

I have no hate against Kobe unless he's playing my team and he already knocked them off so yeah.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Second best player for the last 9 years.

Maybe I'll give him 2004 and 2006, but I would still take TD in those years if I had a choice.

I'm talking NINE YEARS and you people are pointing out a handful of games and plays.

You guys need to set your emotions aside when you talk about Kobe.

Thats how it should be remembered, but you know it wont....Kobe will definitely be remembered in a higher regard than Duncan for thereasons I stated earlier, thats just how its gonna be.

And say if Duncan retires and people wake up and put his career in the appropiate perspective (the best of this decade), being the second greatest of this eraaint a bad thing when the dude ahead of him is arguably in the top 4-5 himself.
Originally Posted by quik1987

The thing is I'm not under rating him though. He was a amazing defensive player, made All-NBA 3x, he's was great. But what other than that has he ever achieved without Jordan?
ok let me show you something quite funny...

an amazing defensive player won DPOY
made the all star teams 2 times
made the playoffs 3 straight years
2 All-NBA selections

besides that what has Jordan achieved without Pippen
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Second best player for the last 9 years.

Maybe I'll give him 2004 and 2006, but I would still take TD in those years if I had a choice.

I'm talking NINE YEARS and you people are pointing out a handful of games and plays.

You guys need to set your emotions aside when you talk about Kobe.

Thats how it should be remembered, but you know it wont....Kobe will definitely be remembered in a higher regard than Duncan for the reasons I stated earlier, thats just how its gonna be.

And say if Duncan retires and people wake up and put his career in the appropiate perspective (the best of this decade), being the second greatest of this era aint a bad thing when the dude ahead of him is arguably in the top 4-5 himself.

Exactly. People are acting like being second best for 9 years straight is something to be ashamed about.

Let's look at the Jordan championship era. The years when Jordan was reigning, who was the runner up? It was probably a different person every year.

Assuming Jordan was the best player on from 91-98...who was second best?

91 - Magic
92 - Drexler
93 - Barkley
94-95 - Hakeem (baseball era)
96 - Hakeem? Robinson? Barkley?
97 - Malone/Stockton
98 - Malone/Stockton

So imagine Jordan had ONE player who was a consistent runner up for 9 years. Wouldn't that player have to be pretty good?
He's going to go down as better than AI, but if Bubba plays with Shaq for 7 years I bet he has 3 rings too.
LOL @ dudes bringing left hand 3pointer to his legacy. quite funny.

kobe is great. but no matter what he does, he's going to rank lower than shaq and td for sure.

so if shaq ranks like 8 all time and td ranks 11 all time, then kobe will follow them being about 15 or 17.

that's pretty reasonable.

and nt needs to stop comparing him to mj.

cuz i really feel bad for mj and it is very disrespectful to the goat.

i think the media is already starting to slow down the comparison of them 2...which is a good sign
too much speculaton in here.....

saying if this one played with shaq or that one played with shaq...

thats nonsense, bottom line KOBE won 3 with SHAQ.....

All of those IF'S truly mean nothing....

I seriously doubt that AI, goes 3 peat with SHAQ for the simple fact he needs a ton of shots to be affective..

We see what happens when AI cant shoot any & evertime he wants to, hes just not as DOMINANT..

KOBE is & was bigger ,stronger ,and a better shooter than AI...

NO hate for AI hes one of my all-time favorites..BUT HES NOT ON KOBES LEVEL.....
Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

He'll be great...but the argument would always stand that he couldn't do it without Shaq should he not win another ring.

And when they look back at his career, he won't be the clear cut best during any season. (that's practically true now)
congratulations! you get the dumbest post of the week award!

you had always seemed like a relatively knowledgeable poster too.... is it hatred that is smothering your intelligence?
So you're saying that all these seasons that have passed with AI, Lebron, Wade, Arenas, PP(
) doing their thing and putting up numbers there hasn't been debates on Kobe being the best or not?

Hell even his mvp season had people arguing about whether Chris Paul deserved it.

Bottom line if he doesn't win a championship soon he won't be as highly regarded as he's been.

I have no hate against Kobe unless he's playing my team and he already knocked them off so yeah.
there are always going to be homers making idiotic statements.. just because someone can say their favorite player was better than Kobedoesn't mean they actually have any credence.

at the end of the day, any knowledgeable NBA fan will agree that Kobe OWNED 2004-2008. he didn't win a championship in that time period because of histeam, but no one can deny that he was the best individual player in the NBA.

you are a Rockets fan, i'm never going to believe that you don't have any bias against Kobe. but whatever you say...

Second best player for the last 9 years.

Maybe I'll give him 2004 and 2006, but I would still take TD in those years if I had a choice.

I'm talking NINE YEARS and you people are pointing out a handful of games and plays.

You guys need to set your emotions aside when you talk about Kobe.

lol.. really now? really...

in 2006, Tim Duncan had plantar fascitis and had the worst season in his career to date.. he didn't even make All-NBA first team that year. and the Spurslost in the 2nd round that year despite being the best team in the West. yet you just said you would take Duncan in the worst season of his career over KobeBryant's best season (and one of the greatest in NBA history). okay.

Tim Duncan has been the model of consistency, and he has benefited from being on a consistent TEAM and has had great coaching and talent around him for hisentire career. but if you think Kobe Bryant was not playing at a higher level than Tim Duncan for a solid 4-5+ years (and i put the plus, because even now Kobewill continue to be better than Duncan until Timmy retires), i'm sorry but you are either a fool or a hater. which one is it?
Originally Posted by eastnewyork80

Originally Posted by chris boshs neck

Kobe is carrying his team this playoffs, hitting big shot after big shot. At the end of the day he is a top 10 player ever period. I hope he wins the ship this year just to silence the haters.

ye right, odom,bynum,gasol if anything they carrying the team, kobe is all shots now, hes lame,

but this is coming from a kobe hater

You sound like an adolescent.
Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Originally Posted by DOWNTOWN43

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

He'll be great...but the argument would always stand that he couldn't do it without Shaq should he not win another ring.

And when they look back at his career, he won't be the clear cut best during any season. (that's practically true now)
congratulations! you get the dumbest post of the week award!

you had always seemed like a relatively knowledgeable poster too.... is it hatred that is smothering your intelligence?
So you're saying that all these seasons that have passed with AI, Lebron, Wade, Arenas, PP(
) doing their thing and putting up numbers there hasn't been debates on Kobe being the best or not?

Hell even his mvp season had people arguing about whether Chris Paul deserved it.

Bottom line if he doesn't win a championship soon he won't be as highly regarded as he's been.

I have no hate against Kobe unless he's playing my team and he already knocked them off so yeah.
there are always going to be homers making idiotic statements.. just because someone can say their favorite player was better than Kobe doesn't mean they actually have any credence.

at the end of the day, any knowledgeable NBA fan will agree that Kobe OWNED 2004-2008. he didn't win a championship in that time period because of his team, but no one can deny that he was the best individual player in the NBA.

you are a Rockets fan, i'm never going to believe that you don't have any bias against Kobe. but whatever you say...

Second best player for the last 9 years.

Maybe I'll give him 2004 and 2006, but I would still take TD in those years if I had a choice.

I'm talking NINE YEARS and you people are pointing out a handful of games and plays.

You guys need to set your emotions aside when you talk about Kobe.

lol.. really now? really...

in 2006, Tim Duncan had plantar fascitis and had the worst season in his career to date.. he didn't even make All-NBA first team that year. and the Spurs lost in the 2nd round that year despite being the best team in the West. yet you just said you would take Duncan in the worst season of his career over Kobe Bryant's best season (and one of the greatest in NBA history). okay.

Tim Duncan has been the model of consistency, and he has benefited from being on a consistent TEAM and has had great coaching and talent around him for his entire career. but if you think Kobe Bryant was not playing at a higher level than Tim Duncan for a solid 4-5+ years (and i put the plus, because even now Kobe will continue to be better than Duncan until Timmy retires), i'm sorry but you are either a fool or a hater. which one is it?

TD was still the best player on the planet in 2006..just injured. He came back in 2007 and anchored his team to another championshp didn't he? IF you wereto choose Kobe over TD in 2003, 2005, 2007 to anchor a team, then you're just blind. I'll GIVE you 2004 and 2006. But 4-5+ years during 2003-2007playing better than TD? Bollocks.

And watch the name calling. If you're not going to be objective about it, don't bother responding to my posts.

I've said it before... 15% of the people in the S&T forum actually know sports, the other 85% are just here to cheer on their favorite team/player. Know where you stand.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

I've said it before... 15% of the people in the S&T forum actually know sports, the other 85% are just here to cheer on their favorite team/player. Know where you stand.
god i hate people like you...

completely unwilling to budge on their opinions no matter what...

not to mention trying to put people down because YOU believe you know more about sports than they do... its sad really... trying to boost your ego by tearingdown others
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

We all know Shaq was dominant and in his prime during the 3-peat era and no one could stop him. But even then at ages 21, 22, and 23, KB8 was just starting to become that dominant force he is today. Kobe was as essential to LA's title runs as Shaq was they needed each other. Even as the "sidekick" Kobe was able to hold his own on the same floor as the beast known as Shaquille O'Neal. Everyone assumes that since he got the Finals MVPs that it was all Shaq all the time, but if you watched the regular season during that time and the West playoffs leading up to the Finals, you would have seen that they were playing at very similar levels.

Take a look at the numbers (I couldn't get the 1999-2000 ones to show up properly, but you'll get the idea)

Regular Season
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Player[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]Pts[/td] [td]Min[/td] [td]% FG[/td] [td]% 3pt[/td] [td]% FT[/td] [td]Reb[/td] [td]As[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Shaquille O'Neal[/td] [td]74[/td] [td]28.7[/td] [td]39.5[/td] [td]57.2[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]51.3[/td] [td]12.7[/td] [td]3.7[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kobe Bryant[/td] [td]68[/td] [td]28.5[/td] [td]40.9[/td] [td]46.4[/td] [td]30.5[/td] [td]85.3[/td] [td]5.9[/td] [td]5.0[/td] [/tr][/table]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Player[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]Pts[/td] [td]Min[/td] [td]% FG[/td] [td]% 3pt[/td] [td]% FT[/td] [td]Reb[/td] [td]As[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Shaquille O'Neal[/td] [td]16[/td] [td]30.4[/td] [td]42.3[/td] [td]55.5[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]52.5[/td] [td]15.4[/td] [td]3.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kobe Bryant[/td] [td]16[/td] [td]29.4[/td] [td]43.4[/td] [td]46.9[/td] [td]32.4[/td] [td]82.1[/td] [td]7.3[/td] [td]6.1[/td] [/tr][/table]
Finals against Philadelphia
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Player[/td] [td]PJ[/td] [td]Pts[/td] [td]Min[/td] [td]% FG[/td] [td]% 3pt[/td] [td]% FT[/td] [td]Reb[/td] [td]As[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Shaquille O'Neal[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]33.0[/td] [td]45.0[/td] [td]57.3[/td] [td]0.0[/td] [td]51.3[/td] [td]15.8[/td] [td]4.8[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kobe Bryant[/td] [td]5[/td] [td]24.6[/td] [td]46.8[/td] [td]41.5[/td] [td]33.3[/td] [td]84.2[/td] [td]7.8[/td] [td]5.8[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]2002 Regular Season Statistics[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Rebounds[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]GS[/td] [td]MPG[/td] [td]FG%[/td] [td]3P%[/td] [td]FT%[/td] [td]OFF[/td] [td]TOT[/td] [td]APG[/td] [td]PPG[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Shaquille O'Neal
[/td] [td]67[/td] [td]66[/td] [td]36.1[/td] [td].579[/td] [td].000[/td] [td].555[/td] [td]3.50[/td] [td]10.70[/td] [td]3.0[/td] [td]27.2[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Kobe Bryant
[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]80[/td] [td]38.3[/td] [td].469[/td] [td].250[/td] [td].829[/td] [td]1.40[/td] [td]5.50[/td] [td]5.5[/td] [td]25.2[/td] [/tr][/table]
2002 Lakers Playoffs Statistics
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]GS[/td] [td]MPG[/td] [td]FG%[/td] [td]3P%[/td] [td]FT%[/td] [td]OFF[/td] [td]TOT[/td] [td]APG[/td] [td]PPG[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Shaquille O'Neal
[/td] [td]19[/td] [td]19[/td] [td]40.8[/td] [td].529[/td] [td].000[/td] [td].649[/td] [td]3.50[/td] [td]12.60[/td] [td]2.8[/td] [td]28.5[/td] [/tr][tr][td]Kobe Bryant
[/td] [td]19[/td] [td]19[/td] [td]43.8[/td] [td].434[/td] [td].379[/td] [td].759[/td] [td]1.50[/td] [td]5.80[/td] [td]4.6[/td] [td]26.6[/td] [/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]2002 Finals Vs. New Jersey Nets Statistics[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]
[/td] [td]Rebounds[/td] [td]
[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
[/td] [td]G[/td] [td]GS[/td] [td]MPG[/td] [td]FG%[/td] [td]3P%[/td] [td]FT%[/td] [td]OFF[/td] [td]TOT[/td] [td]APG[/td] [td]PPG[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Shaquille O'Neal
[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]41.5[/td] [td].595[/td] [td].000[/td] [td].662[/td] [td]3.30[/td] [td]12.30[/td] [td]3.8[/td] [td]36.3[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Kobe Bryant
[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]4[/td] [td]43.8[/td] [td].514[/td] [td].545[/td] [td].806[/td] [td].80[/td] [td]5.80[/td] [td]5.3[/td] [td]26.8[/td] [/tr][/table]

So as you can see even with Shaq going ballistic in the Finals against Rik Smits, Todd McCollough, and Deke, young Kobe had comparable numbers and was doing the thing as well, Shaq deserved those MVPs but without Kobe who I doubt the Lakers would have even made it to the Finals, let alone win it all, and vice versa. You can't have one without the other. So if there's a poster with Shaq holding those 3 Finals MVP trophies, Kobe needs to be in the background as well
Was coming in here to post the exact thing. It seems like most people didnt watch the Lakers back then and just jump on the Kobe hate wagon here. Kobe was a crucial peice to those rings. Game winning shots, 4th quarter take overs when Shaq would foul out, guarding the best players on the floor. Kobe still did things that made you go
how in the world did he do that? and make the CRAZIEST shots on a nightly basis.

People are way too into the LeBron hype (which I understand, dude is a monster) but its to the point where now Kobe isnt getting props he deserves from the past and in the present. You know those turn around fade away jumpers Kobe seems to make 2 or 3 times a game with a hand in his face? You think those are easy? Its hard to make that shot without anyone else in the gym with you and your playing your shadow let alone with a Ron Artest OR A LEBRON JAMES in your face. Dont get me wrong, LeBron is the face of this league now. But that torch that went from Magic to Michael to Kobe, is still in Kobe's hands. Let LeBron earn it first and just enjoy both of them playing basketball at the high level they play at because when they're gone, your going to wish they were still here.

Kobe being the SECOND best player for 9 years. That is borderline ******ed.

Take your hate glasses off and watch these, and then ask yourself if you have ever seen anything like what you just saw (besides MJ). The only TWO players to ever play the game to do the things they do offensively and make it look so effortless and beautiful.

thats just one season (81 point season)

62 points in 3 quarters of play

9 straight 40 point games

LEFT HANDED fadeway 3 pointer...are you kidding me?
oh and by the way, 1 minute left, lakers down 2 in the 4th. 3 straight jumpers OVER lebron FTW
thats for the people who stay bringing dude up. this discussion is about kobe.

So in my opinion, along with the 3 rings, those videos speak for Kobe's legacy all in it self.
Best 2 posts in this entire thread

Kobe is already a Hall of Famer. He can retire today and make first ballot Hall of Fame and should be put in the top 50 of all time to do it.� Also the 3 ringsthey won wasn't just a Shaq and Kobe thing either..Let's not forget they had a lot of great role players, veterans and the best coach of all time tobehind that.
Originally Posted by ericberry14

Originally Posted by quik1987

The thing is I'm not under rating him though. He was a amazing defensive player, made All-NBA 3x, he's was great. But what other than that has he ever
achieved without Jordan?
ok let me show you something quite funny...

an amazing defensive player won DPOY
made the all star teams 2 times
made the playoffs 3 straight years
2 All-NBA selections

besides that what has Jordan achieved without Pippen

k, if you want to compare independent accolades

Michael Jordan

5× NBA MVP (1988, 1991, 1992, 1996, 1998)
14× NBA All-Star (1985-1993, 1996-1998, 2002-2003)
6× NBA Finals MVP (1991-1993, 1996-1998)
1× NBA Defensive Player of the Year (1988)
10x NBA Scoring Champion (1987-1993, 1996-1998)
10× All-NBA First Team Selection (1987-1993, 1996-1998)
1× All-NBA Second Team Selection (1985)
9× NBA All-Defensive First Team Selection (1988-1993, 1996-1998)
1985 NBA Rookie of the Year
1985 NBA All-Rookie Team
3× NBA All-Star Game MVP (1988, 1996, 1998)
2× NBA Slam Dunk Contest winner (1987, 1988)
NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team

Scottie Pippen

3x All-NBA First Team Selection (1994-1996)
2x All-NBA Second Team Selection (1992, 1997)
2x All-NBA Third Team Selection (1993, 1998)
8x NBA All-Defensive First Team Selection (1992-1999)
2x NBA All-Defensive Second Team Selection (1991, 2000)
7x NBA All-Star (1990, 1992-1997)
1x NBA All-Star Game MVP (1994)
NBA's 50th Anniversary All-Time Team

Shaquille O'Neal

NBA MVP (2000)
15x NBA All-Star (1993-1998, 2000-2007, 2009)
3x NBA Finals MVP (2000, 2001, 2002)
2x NBA Scoring Champion (1995, 2000)
1993 NBA Rookie of the Year
NBA All-Rookie First Team (1993)
8× All-NBA First Team (1998, 2000-2006)
2× All-NBA Second Team (1995, 1999)
2× All-NBA Third Team (1994, 1996-1997)
3× All-Defensive Second Team (2000-2001, 2003)
2x NBA Scoring Champion
3x All-Star MVP (2000, 2004, 2009)

Kobe Bryant

NBA MVP (2008)
11× NBA All-Star (1998, 2000-2009)
2× NBA Scoring Champion (2006-2007)
7× All-NBA First Team (2002-2004, 2006-2009)
2× All-NBA Second Team (2000-2001)
2× All-NBA Third Team (1999, 2005)
7× All-Defensive First Team (2000, 2003-2004, 2006-2009)
2× All-Defensive Second Team (2001-2002)
NBA All-Rookie Second Team (1997)
3× NBA All-Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009)
NBA Slam Dunk Champion (1997)

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