Let's discuss the Michael Vick support.

didn't know that...but it's definitely only those lame friends of theirs..it's definitely not mainstream or anything like already pointed outthough
I have already forgiven him for what he did although he did nothing to me. America is too sensitive when it comes to these issues. There are some peoplewho'd rather help a dying animal than a person. I'm more hardened because I grew up in an environment in which I knew who was doing it. He made amistake that he will pay for. People need to stop tearing him down but unfortunately they won't. Nutjobs at PETA will continue to haunt him.
I just think it's ridiculous, man. What he did was wrong and I think everybody understands that, but to criticize people close to him and his fans for supporting him is completely unnecessary.
I would be incredibly mad if I was a Falcons fan. His selfishness and stupidity has put this franchise into a tailspin for years to come. Hell,I was so mad at Ben for being dumb and riding a bike without a helmet, and that only ruined one year for the Steelers. Selfish acts that hurt the team shouldmake fans of that team angry. I don't understand why Falcon fans are supporting him. He obviously didn't care enough about the fans and team, whyshould you turn around and give him compassion?
Originally Posted by chikickz

but ESPN purposely zoomed in on ONLY the black ones. Not one time throughout the game can I remember them showing a white fan with a Vick jersey. I definitely noticed that as well, and so did my dad.

I didn't watch the game, but are you certain about this or is it just casual recollection. That's a pretty serious problem if ESPN was doing this throughout the broadcast.

Remember that "The Vick Divide: An ESPN Town Hall Meeting" special from a few months back? You can't tell me ESPN doesn't do things likethat on purpose.

I think you have to distinguish the actions of Vick's friends and/or teammates from the actions of people who are merely Vick fans. Those that know himfrom those who simply admired/idolized/worshiped him. The "Free Mike Vick" shirt might have been a little much, but I think it shows that Vick stillhas supports. I think you would have to individually interview all those people to find out why they still wear a #7 jersey. I'm sure there's stillsome that won't admit that Vick did wrong and think he should still be a free man today. But I think a large percentage of them support the punishment, butstill support Vick turning his life around, making a change, etc.
I would be incredibly mad if I was a Falcons fan. His selfishness and stupidity has put this franchise into a tailspin for years to come. Hell, I was so mad at Ben for being dumb and riding a bike without a helmet, and that only ruined one year for the Steelers. Selfish acts that hurt the team should make fans of that team angry. I don't understand why Falcon fans are supporting him. He obviously didn't care enough about the fans and team, why should you turn around and give him compassion?

those are some great points....for all the people supporting him, the franchise is in disarray due to his stupidity.
Im pretty sure the Higher-ups in the Falcons organization made the players stop talking and encouraged them not to say anything....You really thing DeangeloHall and Jimmy Williams ould have willingly stood by and they their FRIEND get killed in the media like that??? Do y'all have any idea how tight theseplayers are that come out the same area and/or school ????

Should Vick be punished for what he did??? Absolutely.....

Should he go to jail???? Yes, probably....

Should he get 23 months....Nah, not at all.....

But at the end of the day, Mike can't be mad at anyone but himself.....

I would be incredibly mad if I was a Falcons fan. His selfishness and stupidity has put this franchise into a tailspin for years to come. Hell, I was so mad at Ben for being dumb and riding a bike without a helmet, and that only ruined one year for the Steelers. Selfish acts that hurt the team should make fans of that team angry. I don't understand why Falcon fans are supporting him. He obviously didn't care enough about the fans and team, why should you turn around and give him compassion?
Fans support Vick for all the good that he has done for the franchise and for the fact that they know they have no chance w/o him....Only reasonSOME people watched or became fans of the Falcons, was b/c of MV7.....

Its crazy man....I've been watching Vick since I was in HS and I never though that his career may possibly end like this
I would be incredibly mad if I was a Falcons fan. His selfishness and stupidity has put this franchise into a tailspin for years to come. Hell, I was so mad at Ben for being dumb and riding a bike without a helmet, and that only ruined one year for the Steelers. Selfish acts that hurt the team should make fans of that team angry. I don't understand why Falcon fans are supporting him. He obviously didn't care enough about the fans and team, why should you turn around and give him compassion?
Very true.

I think a lot of people (fans) don't look into it that deeply though. Sure, they care that their team is terrible now, but they aren't pointing theblame at Vick even though him not being there is obviously a cause of it, and they're supporting him and wishing he was there.
The shirt was overboard. Free Mike Vick? Give me a break. Like I said in the other post: FREE THE JENA 6! FREE SEAN TAYLOR'S KILLERS! FREE MIKE VICK!

Wait. I forgot they're all criminals.

Simply amazing, this guy still talking about the Jena 6 as if they deserved to go to jail, or as if they are true life criminals. Do you not see how the lawsystem worked against them in the first place??

I'm all in favor of his teammates, fans, or the generally public still supporting Vick. Some people deserve second chances depending on the crime at hand,and this is certainly of of those occasions. It's scary to think how most of you dudes operate in real life when it comes to somebody that does a crime ona level such as the one Mike Vick is guility of. I see that most of you dudes would turn on your own mother if she got a parking ticket, SMH.
If I was Arthur Blank I would give some of the players on the Falcons a one on one discussion about knowing how to comport oneself both on and off the fieldand not bringing any more embarrassment to the organization. He needs to make it clear that the team needs to let go of this ugly episode and the player whomade it all possible. As far as the fans, there's a whole class of people in this country who look the other way or perhaps even refuse to see the sadtruths of a lot of these athletes, entertainers and people like them who have very little to offer in terms of real contributions to society and their"peeps". As long as people continue to blindly support these kinda of people, the rest of the population in this country will continue to look downon them too.
Originally Posted by GORDON GARTRELLE

If I was Arthur Blank I would give some of the players on the Falcons a one on one discussion about knowing how to comport oneself both on and off the field and not bringing any more embarrassment to the organization. He needs to make it clear that the team needs to let go of this ugly episode and the player who made it all possible. As far as the fans, there's a whole class of people in this country who look the other way or perhaps even refuse to see the sad truths of a lot of these athletes, entertainers and people like them who have very little to offer in terms of real contributions to society and their "peeps". As long as people continue to blindly support these kinda of people, the rest of the population in this country will continue to look down on them too.

This is why I can't stress the importance of studying the history of your sport as a basic service to the sport. If you don't know how the NFL wascreated and what players used to have to endure, then you miss out on truly understanding the immense privilege it is to play in the NFL and potentiallymillions of dollars doing it.

What if things went back to the early days when players worked for the meat packing company during the week and played for the Green Bay Packers on Sunday? All organizations that rely on a large fan base for generating revenues must place a high priority on maintaining the image of the organization and makingsacrifices where they are necessary.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I would be incredibly mad if I was a Falcons fan. His selfishness and stupidity has put this franchise into a tailspin for years to come. Hell, I was so mad at Ben for being dumb and riding a bike without a helmet, and that only ruined one year for the Steelers. Selfish acts that hurt the team should make fans of that team angry. I don't understand why Falcon fans are supporting him. He obviously didn't care enough about the fans and team, why should you turn around and give him compassion?

those are some great points....for all the people supporting him, the franchise is in disarray due to his stupidity.

Right now, I think his life is far more important than the franchise". Who the hell thinks about the franchise when they are helping someone turnthere life around? I'm sure nobody gives a rats++%* about the franchise right now.
I don't know Mike Vick or a personal level. I doubt many of the Falcon fans do. Trust me, as a fan of a team, you want that team to be solid and good. Thatdoesn't mean you want Vick's life to go to hell and for him to never recover. But his acts ruined something you cared about (the Falcons). It isn'tan all or nothing thing. You can still support Vick with his personal life, but be angry at him for what he did to your favorite team
All I know is that being mad at him when more important things are at steak is dumb.

Also people need to stop taking Free _______ T shirts that seriously, most of the time the main sentiment is support and is not to be taken seriously.
Asinine slogans such as "Free Mick Vick" will only permeate the image of players and fans having lost their marbles.

The best way to not be taken seriously is TO FLASH THE SHIRT ON NATIONAL TELEVISION.

Seeing a Free Mike Vick shirt makes me yearn for a Free Mumia rally.
I like the fact that his teammates are still supporting him. Screw whatever those espn analysts have to say about the situation
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