let this thread die (NYK)

If Shawne Williams truly signed with the Nets then his reputation of being a goon definitely went up some more
...This guy had Allan Houston treat him to a fancy meal, while in the back of his mind he was like "No way in hell I'm playing for these guys the way they made me a backup plan" and then proceeded to order 6 steaks and 4 bottles of expensive champagne.
Does Michael Redd have anything left?

He was an top 10 shooting guard those couple of years he was injury free.

Our medical team is pretty top notch if we can keep him healthy he could be a great threat and a floor spreader, that keeps the defense honest....thats if he can still walk.
Not too sure about Michael Redd. He's only 32 so he's not that old, but he hasn't played 82 games in the last 3 years COMBINED..In 2008-09, he averaged 21 points but only played 33 games. Redd will either be like Grant Hill and have an excellent recovery like Grant Hill did, or he will be like Penny Hardaway who kept insisting he could play at a high level despite constant injuries, then finally retired after multiple seasons of being a 8ppg guy
Originally Posted by UPPTEMPO8387

If Shawne Williams truly signed with the Nets then his reputation of being a goon definitely went up some more
...This guy had Allan Houston treat him to a fancy meal, while in the back of his mind he was like "No way in hell I'm playing for these guys the way they made me a backup plan" and then proceeded to order 6 steaks and 4 bottles of expensive champagne.

%+++*% idiots. gambled. and lost... BOTH!

well hopefully Michael Redd could still spot up and shoot. I remember when Redd was lights out. And no matter how immobile he is, they always say that your shooting is the last thing to go.
So it mightn't be such a bad idea... By the way,
at having those pieces on our radar...
Why lose respect or hate Shawne for making the best business decision (in his mind)? I never understood that mentality from fans, especially towards the rank and file players. He isn't a LeBron or Kobe who are set for life w/ money and will continue to make millions after their career is over. A difference of $500k-$1mill is significant to these cats...and if it was the same amount of [color= rgb(0, 102, 51)]$$$[/color], the increase in PT with the Nets would only advance his career and earning opportunity down the road. I'm not mad at him for maximizing what he can out of his situation.

Yeah, the pursuit of J-Craw probably didn't help things either. 
^ true but the knicks bench is already garbage so losing him makes it worse... and id go with mo evans... hes not a great player but for the bench he could be effective... i rather gamble on him than michael redd who will probably sit out the whole year
Originally Posted by you go boy

^ true but the knicks bench is already garbage so losing him makes it worse... and id go with mo evans... hes not a great player but for the bench he could be effective... i rather gamble on him than michael redd who will probably sit out the whole year

a la azabuike or however u spell his last name
Originally Posted by you go boy

^ true but the knicks bench is already garbage so losing him makes it worse... and id go with mo evans... hes not a great player but for the bench he could be effective... i rather gamble on him than michael redd who will probably sit out the whole year
Yeah but dudes in here talkin like he spurned us. Who the hell is he to spurn anyone? If he made a career choice to go rot in Jersey it's all good. He will eventually be replaced with someone as good if not better. We just gotta be patient. Dude was mad over us going after Jamal Crawford? Really? Someone better get that man a memo and let him know that he can't hold Jamal's jockstrap and he should be happy to even be in the same conversation. This current climate of complaining NBA superstars is starting to effect the scrubs, roleplayers and journeymen as well. 
Can we take a look at Reggie Evans, or even bring ill will back? will he be a RFA or an UFA?!
Wilson is a RFA stuck in China. DEN has to participate in his buyout before he's a free agent and even then they will most likely match any offer any team makes. We're not getting him back.

For dudes talking about JR Smith, I believe he's a ufa once he gets out of his contract.

I like Reggie Evans but is he injured?
JR's a UFA when he comes back? He'd be an amazing addition, can't question his ability to score despite his %+%*$+ attitude. Maybe the Balkman's of the squad are there to be moved for when these overseas guys come back 

Wheres Iverson at? I'd give him a call asap
I wouldnt mind Iverson off the bench.

Well I wouldnt mind any scorers off the bench at this point, unless Iman and Jerome is better than we think. And B Walker improves
I'd be aight with Mo Evans actually.

Good wing defender. He can rebound at the 2 or 3 and he can knock the 3 down. Corner especially.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

I'd be aight with Mo Evans actually.

Good wing defender. He can rebound at the 2 or 3 and he can knock the 3 down. Corner especially.

Sounds like Shawne
just out of curiosity..why no mentions of agent zero?
hes probably in better health than baron or redd..
he needs a fresh start in his career..and he can score and play point.
Originally Posted by GaBeGRaMz

Iverson though?
i know right?! 

we didn't get shawne/JC/Barea etc. , so we're going to act desperate for backcourt scorers? lol

but is there any way we can sign Redd/Murphy/Evans?

i'd like to have Murphy and Evans....


and i don't think Wilson/JR want to come here....

from twitter last night...

Spoiler [+]
 @wilsonchandler word RT @TheRealJRSmith: Made more in china this year RT@HeavyD1991:@TheRealJRSmith Come 2 NY for 2.5 million!
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