let this thread die (NYK)

Proph already put us at 6-6
6-6 with the easiest schedule in the NBA. I won't be happy until this coach , stoudemire, and fields are off this team.
Amare is soft. Scrub #$@ dude all this talk about gaining 20 pounds of Muscle and growing an inch only to launch perimeter jumpers and play the worst defense in the NBA. Only thing he does is run his mouth I can name 5 PF's I would rather have than him right now.
Amare lost his jumper, can't defend, and can't boxout to save his life.  This guy is worth 100mil? He should give half that back so Knicks can get a legit PG to play with him so he doesn't look so bad anymore.  For an offensive genius Dantoni is looking like a real moron right now.  I don't see the Knicks run any plays out of timeouts and the ISO is really getting boring to watch 
Honestly, #+% do we expect, this team has nobody..... only time we can win is if we have Melo and Amar'e on the floor. This team is composed with inexpierienced players and scrubs. I still think in time we can get the chemistry going.. but our "star" players are gonna be worn the hell out if game in and game out nobody else is really killing... Amar'e had a trash second half, but once we were down by 30, he was just chucking to get his stats. Which is selfish, but we all know this game was over by halftime... 70 points??????? That's not all on Amar'e
His body language and attitude sucks, dude doesn't even try on the defensive end at all. I honestly believe him not being the #1 guy anymore pisses him off so he just goes through the motions and decides not to play with the swagger and confidence he did in the beginning of last season. Dude just looks like he plays so he can get paid doesn't matter if we win or lose and real $#@! I don't want this clown on our team if his attitude is like that. You can actually tell Melo wants to win and gives two $@!#& about it Stoudemire not so much. Yea I know everyone likes to make fun of Pau Gasol but he puts up with playing with the biggest d-bag in NBA history and deals with being ridiculed and blamed for everything by that idiot fanbase. When Kobe chucks a game away, gets torched defensively, or bricks a game winning shot he gets blamed for the loss and still puts up stellar numbers offensively, rebounds, and plays very good defense with third of Stoudemire's talent and athleticism. I'm just so tired of this dude I want him off my team im done.
Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Im switching to Time Warner
This is one of the funniest things I've read in this thread.

Oh yeah, looks like John Hollinger's prediction was accurate
im not going to be fickle anymore with any loss the knicks get unless its a blowout... because i feel the knicks can compete with any team as long as they play with effort... that is one thing they lack.... but most importantly the knicks need a point guard... i am not placing the blame on anyone... its easy to say amare isnt playing to his potential, fields is a bum and toney has no court awareness but lets be honest the knicks need a good pg... thats thing the knicks lack the most and its obvious... melo is the only guy who can create his own shot and is the reason he has to take over almost every game and without him the knicks are hopeless...no good pg effects the team especially chandler and amare who need to get set up to score every time...
Originally Posted by SEAN C0MBS

Originally Posted by LovesIt

why are they playing at 1pm on Monday??
it is  a Martin Luther King JR day tradition,bruh
I thought everyone knew this. I still remember the massacre


I can't believe so many ppl do not remember how Amar'e and the entire team were playing 12 games in to the season last year.

I might start quoting posts from the old thread
Permission to rant!

I'm Brooklyn born and raise, but didn't started to watch basketball in detail until about 2005-06. The Knicks have manage not only to be terrible, but have been able to acquire half of the players in the NBA, trading them for some washed up player in order to dump cap.

This was the philosophy in 2008 - 2010, all in order to "sign LeBron" which I pretty much knew wasn't going to happen..but at least they would have been able to reconstruct a squad for us to get back on top. And we did! Brought in STAT, Felton, Turiaf, and had Gallo, Chandler, and Fields. We were a good team that wasn't great enough to win it all, but we only needed a few more pieces.

Untill... we traded 3 of those guys  for Carmelo Anthony (who also said that he was willing to sign with the team at the end of the season, can you imagine that team!?). With no bench depth, injuries plagued us and we got swept by the Celtics. What happens the next season? We overpay Tyson Chandler, and Carmelo still has not established himself to be a superstar player.

Carmelo is not the answer, he never was. To expect a man who's only ability is scoring with no defensive competency, is asking too much from the man. And moving these guys is impossible with their ridiculous contracts, after we blew our amnesty on a player coming off the books (billups). I don't know anymore...
I do realize that the Knicks were 3-8 to start the 2010 season and if you go back and look at last season's thread, you'll see that I said the Knicks would be 8-8 after the following 5 games and caught a lot of criticism for it..But the difference is last year our expectation was to make the playoffs and we did at the 7th seed..Making the playoffs this season isn't much of an accomplishment..I may have had overly optimistic hopes for this team but even the most pessimistic fan expected a top 5 seed..I'm not saying that isn't possible because it is still early but this team needs to have a good record even before Baron returns..We can't be 15-25 and think "oh it's all good..Baron is back"
^ that argument about trading the sink for melo is tired... it would only make sense if the knicks were leaps and boundaries better than they are now... they were a mediocre team at best...but yet it was too much to trade for a superstar? ill break down the trade... it was really gallo and felton and draft picks which i still think was a good trade... we werent going to resign chandler because we would sign melo instead in the summer of 2011 if the trade didnt go down and mosgov is a project aka bum...and its all hypothetical that he would either resign with the nets or nuggets or hold out for free agency... cant predict that but we couldn't pass up a chance to trade role players for a bonafide superstar.... donnie said it himself... would you have superstars and build around them or have role players and find superstars and he said get the superstars and build around them... i was never a fan of trading felton but it was a trade that had to be done.. and i hope he comes back through free agency but he probably feels dissed and wont come back... i love chandler and gallo but those two guys are so inconsistent that trading those 2 alone for melo was a no brainer...the knicks are just a point guard away from being an elite team to contend for a championship... they dont need cp3 but a good serviceable pg who can run a team... somebody like ty lawson who wont go to the knicks but someone of that potential would be a good fit
I mean wanting to be 5th seed and and actually having a chance all has to do with realistic expectations. I'm not saying it was never within reach but before FA started look at our roster. Opening day, look at our roster. I mean dudes had their brains clouded thinking things would be straight cuz we got STAT and Melo especially when some of the things ppl are counting on is Fields bouncing back to the player he use to be, Shump basically having a big impact the way Fields did, and I guess yall expected guys who were on our roster last season to be a big help now. Tyson was suppose to improve defense not create a cohesive offensive unit, unless yall were thinking Melo and STAT would handle that too when neither was known for it. Baron should be good for us but nobody should be thinking he's saving our season.

Just like last season this team is gonna be on a rocky road to come together. Thing is we still have weak spots, one mainly being our bench. This being a lockout and condensed season should make yall focus on the reality of things a bit more.
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