let this thread die (NYK)

Originally Posted by MyJaysGetRocked

This team looks awful...no offense Knicks fans. It doesn't help that anthony isn't playing either.
They are not THIS bad, but they certainly haven't looked that great to start.
We really have no PG to set anyone up
Shump's ball handlin was never that great. Now when a legitimate defender is when he's gettin exposed.

Amare forgot how to play?
besides this game.....but where has STAT's explosiveness gone? He hasn't looked like his normal self all season.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

besides this game.....but where has STAT's explosiveness gone? He hasn't looked like his normal self all season.
Either his back is still bothering him and he's been keeping quiet about it, or that extra weight he says he put on is hampering him. I'm not sure why you would put on an additional 20 lbs when your game is predominantly facing up to the basket.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

besides this game.....but where has STAT's explosiveness gone? He hasn't looked like his normal self all season.

He hasn't looked the same since Felton left
I feel like STAT is always in iso like Melo is, not having a PG out there to make his life easier is starting to show.

and its sad because STAT is one of the better PF's with the pick and roll, and I think I see just one pick and roll every 2 games. D'Antoni's doesn't have the personnel to run that right now.
This game goes to show how @@*!!# Amare has been playing this season. Star player is out and instead of taking over and being aggressive He's out there playing like a incompetent fool
To think last year round this time we had a potential mvp and a potential ROY. The hell happened to these dudes.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

besides this game.....but where has STAT's explosiveness gone? He hasn't looked like his normal self all season.
He hasn't looked the same since Felton left
This is not true.
Alan Hahn: For the millionth time, Chris Duhon used to run this offense effectively. The issue is at PG. Not defense. Not Amare. Not Melo
Howard Beck:
Carmelo update: x-rays negative. So, just a sprained ankle.
Shump took more shots in the first half than Stat took all game, that's not a winning formula.

Shump is a major part of the offense but he chucked those shots up and he wasn't even shooting well, Stat has to see the ball in pick and roll situations more.

Overall the whole team stunk tonight
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