Lenny Cooke: Star to Be Who Never Was (UPDATE)

Tried getting tickets last Friday but all the TriBeCa Film Fest tickets are rush right now
You can probably still go. I went on the premiere night bought rush tickets and saw it.

The film was really good. Lenny was there and spoke during a Q&A session after it. This kid really just had not a clue, it's pretty sad. He was used to people kissing his *** and had a lack of a strong family structure. 

It's so clear that he isn't over this as well. He kept leaving the theater throughout the movie. Had and emotional moment where he cried with his guardian afterwards as well too. The one person who had his best interests in mind the whole time, and he didn't listen to her.
Damn :smh:

Good looks but I'm out to DC tomorrow for the weekend so I'm prolly going to miss out unless there is a Sunday showing and I can get back early enough
Anyone go to the TriBeCa film festival to check out the Lenny Cooke documentary? I was thinking about checking it out.

It's crazy how we heard about Lenny Cookie for the first time back in 2004 and we're STILL hearing about the guy to this day.

He did have a lot of bad advice and didn't respect the process initially to make it into the NBA, but he did try later on when he played in the Philippines and USBL. That car accident and rupturing both achilles was just horrible luck for him.

He's still so young though. Only 27-28 :smh:
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Gonna read the article right now...but HOLY %++% @ his size now

If everything worked out, Lenny Cooke and Darius Miles were gonna play under Jarvis @ St. John's...that squad would have been interesting to watch w. Omar Cook running the point

St. John's could have potentially had Omar Cook, Lenny Cooke, and Darius Miles hooping together.


Movie looks amazing.

Sheesh.......... :smh:
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Looks interesting, I was hoping he could make it to the league. Will check this out when it comes to dvd
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