Legit Check on Space Jams Help!

its hilarious when new people ask for legit checks and when everyone says fake they try to deny it *cough cough* xchurch
you are wrong those 23s are stretched because they are fake not because of wear and again the PL cut is too high. my space jams hav ea lower PL cut and correct 23s
The shoes are 100% fake. Plain and simple. If your just waiting for someone to come through here and tell u theyre real, jus to make u feel better, you may be waiting a while
its hilarious when new people ask for legit checks and when everyone says fake they try to deny it *cough cough* xchurch
aight i believe yall. since you guys are well versed with these, do you think these are Fake or Grey Markets? or do you guys personally think there isn't even a distinction between the real/GM/fake, etc? id like to know what you guys think about that 
GM, unauthorized, early release= FAKE. No difference. Just another name ppl started putting out for them to try to make them sound more "appealing"
Either your shoes are 100% legit authorized nike retailer purcahsed shoes or theyre 100% fake. Plain and simple. There is no grey market/middle ground. The highest quality $200 fakes are just as fake as the $50 fakes.
GM, unauthorized, early release= FAKE. No difference. Just another name ppl started putting out for them to try to make them sound more "appealing"
Either your shoes are 100% legit authorized nike retailer purcahsed shoes or theyre 100% fake. Plain and simple. There is no grey market/middle ground. The highest quality $200 fakes are just as fake as the $50 fakes.
alright, thanks yall for being so helpful. glad this forum exists. last question, anyone know the best place to cop some Space Jams? lol
"grey market" or "unauthorized" is a term used to define high quality fakes. The cheap fakes normally have plastic in place of the carbon fiber, while the higher grade fakes normally have real carbon fiber and look a little bit more real. Either way you look at it, they are still fake. Supposedly, nike rents out factories in china to make their shoes, and after a certain date the factory is supposed to quit making shoes and give the tools/molds back to nike. That is what the production dates are. Sometimes the factory keeps making shoes after nike tells them to quit, and they sell them for their own profit. As you can see from the 11s posted above, the quality control is not as good, and the materials are cheaper. That is why they call them" unauthorized", because they are made in the same factories, just lesser quality control. I'm not sure if that's really true, but it does make sense.
"grey market" or "unauthorized" is a term used to define high quality fakes. The cheap fakes normally have plastic in place of the carbon fiber, while the higher grade fakes normally have real carbon fiber and look a little bit more real. Either way you look at it, they are still fake. Supposedly, nike rents out factories in china to make their shoes, and after a certain date the factory is supposed to quit making shoes and give the tools/molds back to nike. That is what the production dates are. Sometimes the factory keeps making shoes after nike tells them to quit, and they sell them for their own profit. As you can see from the 11s posted above, the quality control is not as good, and the materials are cheaper. That is why they call them" unauthorized", because they are made in the same factories, just lesser quality control. I'm not sure if that's really true, but it does make sense.
Id like to know where your proof is that Nike employees keep makin shoes after the / production date and sell for their own profit? I think that is a HUGE load of BS personally.
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What do u think, they got Chinese women sneaking out of nike warehouses with a pair of Js stuffed in their purse? To take home and put up on ebay to sell to someone outside of China. I don't think so.
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"grey market" or "unauthorized" is a term used to define high quality fakes. The cheap fakes normally have plastic in place of the carbon fiber, while the higher grade fakes normally have real carbon fiber and look a little bit more real. Either way you look at it, they are still fake. Supposedly, nike rents out factories in china to make their shoes, and after a certain date the factory is supposed to quit making shoes and give the tools/molds back to nike. That is what the production dates are. Sometimes the factory keeps making shoes after nike tells them to quit, and they sell them for their own profit. As you can see from the 11s posted above, the quality control is not as good, and the materials are cheaper. That is why they call them" unauthorized", because they are made in the same factories, just lesser quality control. 'im not sure if that's really true, but it does make sense.
I don't have any proof, it could be bs. I watched a youtube video about fake vs real Jordan's and they said that.
No such thing as GM or unauthorized. There's only the good fakes and the bad fakes. No contracted Nike factory will risk a million dollar business with Nike to sell bad quality fakes for minor profit.
I don't have any proof, it could be bs. I watched a youtube video about fake vs real Jordan's and they said that.
It dont make any sense. Yeah unfortunately many folks on YouTube are selling a product and have ulterior motives and are wanting u to buy what theyre selling. Some of them are just flat out ignorant and dont know any better, and just believe what some dude like dribblez, delz, closet collector, or any of them jokers on youtube that are selling out to these bootleggers and promoting their goods because they get paid in free shoes, clothes, etc to do so. Make sense dont it.
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if you wanna cop some space jams i suggest you keep looking on ebay and kixify and post pics of them before you buy. what size do you wear?
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