Legit Check on Ebayer rosker ASAP

Jun 30, 2004
Hey need a legit check on ebayer rosker

has anyone bought from him? he messaged back saying he's been selling shoes since 98 and was a member here when the XIs first retroed. anyone can confirmhe's legit? i found some shoes from him, but just making sure. thanks to anyone who helps!
never bought from him but do some research on him to make sure what he says is true and that he has a good reputation with others with his products.
Post photos of his shoes instead

I heard that ebay name before and I believe he is legit. There are a lot of copycats though and they will change a letter/character or 2 to make the user namelook like that of a legit seller but in reality it's another seller.

Again, post photos so we can be sure
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