Legit Check - J4 Green Glow HELP PLEASE

Jul 7, 2014
Hi guys I need help to know if this pair is legit or not. This will be my first Jordan if ever so I really need to make sure that I am getting the real one

These look legit to me, tongue looks spot on unless GM's have upped their game as of late. These are slightly worn, correct?
Hi guys thank you for your replies. I actually don't have the shoes on hand, they are still with the seller. He tells me that this is vvvvvbnds. LOL anyways I asked him to take a picture of the inside label, he won't do it because he thinks that doing it will cause crease to the shoe. I decided not to get it from him anymore because he is starting to get annoyed when I posted the pictures on several groups and I was asking for LCs. I will just get them from an official store in the area later this week.
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Why are we getting so many green glow 4 legit checks? These shoes dont even sell for that much on the resell market. These are prob the hardest AJ4 to legit check as well which dont make it any easier. And no since96g since96g the dot theory has not been discredited. Even tho i do believe some fakes have the correct dots.
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Hi guys thank you for your replies. I actually don't have the shoes on hand, they are still with the seller. He tells me that this is vvvvvbnds. LOL anyways I asked him to take a picture of the inside label, he won't do it because he thinks that doing it will cause crease to the shoe. I decided bot to get it from him anymore because he is starting to get annoyed when I posted the pictures on several groups and I was asking for LCs. I will just get them from an official store in the area later this week.
Any seller who wont send u a pic of the size tag inside shoe dont deserve your money. Thats as common a pic asked for as of any pic of the shoes themselves.
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Totally. That is why I am not getting them anymore from him. And since this would be my first Js, I decided to get the pair from a legit store here.
Why are we getting so many green glow 4 legit checks? These shoes dont even sell for that much on the resell market. These are prob the hardest AJ4 to legit check as well which dont make it any easier. And no @since96g the dot theory has not been discredited. Even tho i do believe some fakes have the correct dots.
If some fakes have the correct dots.... then the theory goes right out the window right?
Haha if the fakes have the same dots then the only hope we have is restocks from nike then [emoji]128514[/emoji]
But.... these shoes almost certainly aren't going to restock again. Resell is the only option unfortunately. I'm still saying these are legit ( tongue shape is dead giveaway ) but no one wants to trust someone with no rep... nevermind I have 3+ pairs of these still on ice.

And FYI , fakes can easily have the same size tag specifics as legit... a tag is one of the easier things to replicate.
These were legit bro. Date stamp, qc sticker, don't mean nuttin.. I've had pairs from legit retailers and didn't always have those. Plus anyone can add a stamp inside and photoshop that qc and make it a sticker. I don't know why some members keep asking to see that.I own a pair of these and pics provided are very much the same as mine.
These were legit bro. Date stamp, qc sticker, don't mean nuttin.. I've had pairs from legit retailers and didn't always have those. Plus anyone can add a stamp inside and photoshop that qc and make it a sticker. I don't know why some members keep asking to see that.I own a pair of these and pics provided are very much the same as mine.
Fakes use a different font date stamp and a different font on the gold qc stickers so they kinda do matter. And also for whatever its worth i only own about 20 pairs of retro Js all 100% legit retail pairs and theyre only from 2013-2014 but they all have the date stamped, and others have the date stamped plus gold sticker. I was ripped off on two pairs of fakes and they were both bare boxed with no stamp or qc sticker.Not saying that legit retail pairs dont come in bare boxes cause they do sometimes, but im jus sharing what ive experienced.
lol this guy.... what you can't get thru your thick skull is that the grey market is a evolving thing... not just what YOU personally came across. Closed minded much? If we had 3000 posts he would jump right in with "LEGIT BRO"

but then again ryan thinks the waffle dots matter when some fakes have the same dots..  I give up with this guy. Its pointless to try to talk sense to him, he's aspiring for that legit check fame.
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