Legit Check Carmine 6 2014

Need a close up of the Jumpman on the top of the box and the insole, so we can see the detail in it like this:
Also want to point out.. If she indeed bought it for her husband and for some reason something happened, she could have tried to sell on ebay for 260-280 easily and I've seen some sold for 300-350. 
Also want to point out.. If she indeed bought it for her husband and for some reason something happened, she could have tried to sell on ebay for 260-280 easily and I've seen some sold for 300-350. 
Co sign 100%. Repped. Folks ain't out here just giving away money.
No way prices should drop 100 wearing it once, even if let's say you balled in them. But then again like I said shoes look OK, just few stuff here and there that looks suspect. We'll just have to get more people to back it up. I still don't like the fact that the person shipped with shipping label on top of the box taped without anything else.. That tells me something about the person imo. If I sell a shoe like this, I would make sure it's double boxed because for most of us, box is important and part of the shoe and who knows what can happen during the shipping with exposed box like that. Maybe I'm just being anal about it but that's me. Only way I would ship a shoe like that is if I didn't give a sht about it and I was glad I got rid of the shoe. Would Nike ever send you a shoe like that? And if they did, would people be happy? No most would not. 
IF she bought them at FTL on the 24th where's the receipt? Where's the FTL sticker on the box? Where's the paper in the box? IMO 2 things could have happened here..1 She bought them for him from a shady site and they turned out to be fugazi so she sold them to the next guy who couldn't tell..Or she bought them, he wore them a few times, probably to an occasion then they sold them to the next man for what they felt was a fair price on a used shoe..Not everyone actually knows how much a shoe is fetching by the minute...She obviously knows nothing about the game bc of the shipping job, or she is cheap. Either one is not a good sign IMHO. I would dig a little deeper OP.
No way prices should drop 100 wearing it once, even if let's say you balled in them. But then again like I said shoes look OK, just few stuff here and there that looks suspect. We'll just have to get more people to back it up. I still don't like the fact that the person shipped with shipping label on top of the box taped without anything else.. That tells me something about the person imo. If I sell a shoe like this, I would make sure it's double boxed because for most of us, box is important and part of the shoe and who knows what can happen during the shipping with exposed box like that. Maybe I'm just being anal about it but that's me. Only way I would ship a shoe like that is if I didn't give a sht about it and I was glad I got rid of the shoe. Would Nike ever send you a shoe like that? And if they did, would people be happy? No most would not. 
Drop a 100? Lol I could find DS pairs for 230-250
Drop a 100? Lol I could find DS pairs for 230-250

you CAN but I have been following the carmines and in average sell for 300. I have seen one sell for 350 auction style. The few low priced ones I've seen seem suspect by generally looking at the pics. It's tough trying to buy for 230 from a legitimate seller. Think about it, how much profit will they make if they sell it for 230? With eBay taking 9% and PayPal taking 3%... From a legitimate seller, they would not sell that low. They make nothing on it. For something like OP's they can go 250 easily. But the price is not the biggest concern, it's what I said and what Timmy said. There seems to be something going on with the lady to buy shoes like this and she doesn't know the 'game' and how it works by 1. Selling low 2. Doesn't know how to ship a shoe. For me, that says a lot and Timmy brought up a good point, if she doesn't know the game too well, I'm sure she struck out online... Probably wouldn't camp outside (if she had to around her area...) So the next best option was to buy those early releases. I mean there's a lot of assumptions here but it's from my perspective after seeing these details.
Drop a 100? Lol I could find DS pairs for 230-250

you CAN but I have been following the carmines and in average sell for 300. I have seen one sell for 350 auction style. The few low priced ones I've seen seem suspect by generally looking at the pics. It's tough trying to buy for 230 from a legitimate seller. Think about it, how much profit will they make if they sell it for 230? With eBay taking 9% and PayPal taking 3%... From a legitimate seller, they would not sell that low. They make nothing on it. For something like OP's they can go 250 easily. But the price is not the biggest concern, it's what I said and what Timmy said. There seems to be something going on with the lady to buy shoes like this and she doesn't know the 'game' and how it works by 1. Selling low 2. Doesn't know how to ship a shoe. For me, that says a lot and Timmy brought up a good point, if she doesn't know the game too well, I'm sure she struck out online... Probably wouldn't camp outside (if she had to around her area...) So the next best option was to buy those early releases. I mean there's a lot of assumptions here but it's from my perspective after seeing these details.
Dont think she would camp? I've seen moms out campin, mine even got my brother cool grey 11s at my FTL
Dont think she would camp? I've seen moms out campin, mine even got my brother cool grey 11s at my FTL

You are missing the point. Your mom camped for your brother and your brother knows the game. So your brother knows how all this works. But the OP's seller seems oblivious to everything, like you are right now.
The average of these is not $300. Just because an ebay auction ends at that price doesn't mean it SOLD for $300+. Plenty of ppl willing to let pairs go for
You are missing the point. Your mom camped for your brother and your brother knows the game. So your brother knows how all this works. But the OP's seller seems oblivious to everything, like you are right now.
This really aint the place to talk numbers at, ur dealing with alot of seasoned vets here, me not being one of them. But they know how to find a needle in a stack of needles. And can find steals like theyre growing on trees. Unlike most of the average buyers out there.
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This really aint the place to talk numbers at, ur dealing with alot of seasoned vets here, me not being one of them. But they know how to find a needle in a stack of needles. And can find steals like theyre growing on trees. Unlike most of the average buyers out there.

Haha that's true and also the reason why I haven't pulled the trigger on these yet. I don't want to buy them at prices like 300 either but you know like you said, it's exactly what you said, a needle in a haystack lol I guess timing also plays a big factor into it.
Haha that's true and also the reason why I haven't pulled the trigger on these yet. I don't want to buy them at prices like 300 either but you know like you said, it's exactly what you said, a needle in a haystack lol I guess timing also plays a big factor into it.
Never pull the trigger on the first listing you see. I've learned this from personal experience. Make a list of shoes you want, check the market places 2-3 times a week and a steal will come.
Haha that's true and also the reason why I haven't pulled the trigger on these yet. I don't want to buy them at prices like 300 either but you know like you said, it's exactly what you said, a needle in a haystack lol I guess timing also plays a big factor into it.
Id just go to Flightclub or ISS whichever is cheaper and buy them from them. No LC or bidding crap and done and done. I paid over retail for mine since i chose to pay to lock my pair down early i came out paying $210.
Also, production dates differ all the time, even from shoe to shoe in the same pair, so that's definitely not a way to tell.
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